All have a safe fourth.
I'll put out a third flag in the yard and remain willing to defend it and those below it who respect it.
A colony rebelled and fought it's sponsor for their own sovereignty ,even while not unanimous among it's citizens.
Not the last contest for this continent , but a very symbolic one with divorce established.
Don Jose: no word still from my friend and hunting partner who went to Mexico to start anew. Fittingly I suppose and multiple rumors of his death remain unconfirmed. I could find his brother , but if I was not intended to be told , why pursue it?
While immigration there is not taken lightly by Mexico , (stricter than the U.s.'s for sure)some people seek it.
Another friend ,long established near me brought his mother from Mexico for the possibly last time.
I've not asked if he still has a house there.
He works a job and raises varied stock at home,seemingly contentedly.
So traffic goes both ways.
I would not question your choice of country or home.
You are welcome to mine by me. While borders and politics draw lines , mules remain ploddingly unimpressed and pose no offence if saddled by good hearts like yours.
There are glimpses here now and then suggesting a heart still exists for America's younger sky.
Dusk and it's attending cook fires and candle light illuminating white canvas after a day of shooting and related old crafts attended by a cross section of varied trades and experiences from veterans to children....The rat race aside and the sky well supported against edia created falling ,suspended securely by threads of woodsmoke and calm truth . (Ahh the scent of burning white oak and spilled beans...).
Flags vary but the spirit is mutually Gadson-ish.
Fires after supper become small social circles. Singing at one perhaps. A game of chance at another. Or a quiet conversation at another with an occasional pause when raucous laughter from another fire brings smiles.
Not all are required to be, by any means , but a people close to the earth seem less intimidated by it and it's residents.
Here we scratched about in/ on the earth to get by ,here we stay. Terms as always ,debatable and defend able. So far, so good.