Well TT, let us visit that ancient continent that is still mysterious in some parts and can still surprise and bewilder even the most hardy of treasure-hunters....Africa..
This particular story relates to the south in and around present-day Zimbabwe.
In the closing stages of the 19th century, there was a branch of the Zulu nation that had precariously maintained their ancient way of life and were admirable warriors who insisted on protecting their heritage at all costs. This wasn't a big issue until man's lust for minerals was ignited by discovering the largest deposits that incredibly put the mighty mines and fields of Peru to shame...Of course I am referring to the gold discovered in South Africa and the Kimberley diamond mines.
This particular tribe of Africans had tried to protect their lands and homes from hunters, miners, speculators and farmers and such folk who coveted their extremely productive soil and earth. Anyway, that old colonial - Cecil Rhodes - knew what might lie beneath the surface, and indeed above, on this very valuable land and attempted to strike a deal with the local king. This king was powerful, naïve yet practical in knowing what was coming in the not-too-distant-future regardless of what deal or concession he struck with the Europeans. Through bribery, gift inducements, flattery and thinly-veiled threats, the English got what they wanted and started opening up the mines. This African king even had his warriors working the mines for them.
As usually happens with avarice, when the true extent and nature of the unimaginable wealth to be secured became clearer, the old king's fate was sealed. To prepare himself of the uncertainty heading his way, the king had taken a mixed-heritage secretary who was capable of communicating with the English and Dutch who were quickly making their presence known in the king's domains.
The king's treasure was stored in two metal safes; gold coins from gifts sent to him and tribute from his workers in the mines, ivory from hunts in times gone by and most coveted of all...., rough diamonds that were stolen and secured by his warriors who worked for the Europeans. It has been stated that in amongst them, there could have been some that rivalled the more famous gems that secured headlines across the globe during their discoveries from the very same places that the king's stash had come from. The two safes had been bought from European trading posts by the secretary and were kept in the king's kraal and watched over by his most trusted headmen.
To begin with, there was an uneasy acknowledgment that both 'sides' knew the other's intentions but kept the peace out of self-interest.
In 1893, war did finally come and hostilities broke out between this proud but ultimately doomed kingdom with little resources to fight against the well-equipped forces of England. The king fled with some warriors, four headmen, his secretary and, of course, his two safes with his accumulated treasures. Everyone but the king, secretary and treasure which was loaded onto cattle carts, actually ran the many miles along the bush because these warriors were such accomplished, able and determined people, to the hiding place deep into their territory that was isolated, dangerous and known only to a select few where the Zambezi river is situated in Zimbabwe.
They knew the British were following but they had a head-start and knew their land so effectively had time to do what they needed. Out in the bush, they came to an area where the king was satisfied his treasure would remain untouched and could only be retrieved by those in attendance as it was extremely unlikely that anyone would ever traverse this area by chance looking for the cache. The warriors and headmen started digging a hole big enough for the safes to be deposited and soon enough reached their objective. The safes were thrown in the hole, covered with a layer of large stone and then effectively camouflaged by these masters of the African bush. The king was still wary and one night whilst still in the bush, secretly told his four loyal headmen, to kill the warriors to stop the location ever coming out (he totally trusted his secretary and needed him to try and negotiate a peace settlement with the English if it was going to be possible). The headmen at once started acting out his instructions and speared the warriors most of whom were killed but a few managed to runaway. This left the king, his four headmen and the secretary. On the march back, the king who had been in bad health through his drinking and eating habits died and was buried at a remote and secret spot by his loyal headmen and secretary. The remaining survivors knew the game was up and returned to their respective villages and families. This was sometime in 1894.
In the 1930s, a treasure-hunter found out that the secretary was still alive and living in Africa....
This treasure and game hunter managed to track down the old secretary who was not in very good health but still remembered the old days of his king. The secretary stated that he had tried on many occasions to get back to the location but had been caught by the British authorities and other countries around what was then Rhodesia, and had been deported, imprisoned and fined without getting near the secret spot. He did manage to tell his visitor that one of the headmen of the king that helped bury the treasure was still alive......
After meeting with the aged and infirm secretary, the hunter wisely set about verifying and evidencing the secretary's story.
It checked out.
He was arrested and imprisoned, fined and then deported by the Rhodesian and other adjacent countries authorities, whilst surreptitiously trying to enter without proper clearance as he knew he would be refused entry due to his links to the erstwhile native king. So the only possible others who knew the location were the four headmen and small number of warriors who had fled being killed on the orders of the king. Three headmen had died shortly after the burying of the treasure and the remaining survivor was said to be in his 80s or 90s. It was thought highly unlikely that the warriors who had survived would ever return to claim the treasure due to taboos and cultural norms of the people in question.
How to track the surviving headman...?
At great lengths, pain and resources, the hunter who had the name found out that there was such an individual who lived in the bush in a small village. He travelled to meet with this man. He was impressed with the bearing and dignity of this chap who belied his age which was supposed to have been in his 80s or 90s. As an attempt to win his confidence, the hunter gave some medical supplies to the man and after the ailments that had affected him, the chap was asked by the hunter about the former king and his treasure. The African replied that he wondered why the white person was being so friendly but stated that he was unable to help him. He said that he shared his name with another old chap that lived several days away who was once a noted headman of the former African king.
At once the hunter set off to try and track down this former headman that could possibly lead him to an absolute fortune. On finally tracking down this former trusted lieutenant of the former king, he was extremely deflated to see a feeble, confused and shrivelled old shadow of a former leading proud warrior of a once proud nation. His granddaughter explained that he was in no way to answer any questions as he was nearing death and she could only confirm he was once a leading warrior and headman of the former king.
The deeply disappointed hunter then tried to get some general ideas and went back to the secretary to form an idea of the location but it was in vain as the 'clues' could mean any possible spot of a thousand locations in a vast and identical looking place. He still mounted some expeditions but they were predictably unsuccessful. The secretary was also in his 70s now and could not be induced to mount a secret trip to the site with the hunter and said perhaps that it was right and proper that the vanquished king's treasure should remain buried.
In the 1960s, the last surviving child of the king's was located and was asked by other interested persons about his father's treasure hoard. He said he had been a small child during the war and as his father, the former king, had about 20 wives, he never knew about the treasure or indeed its possible location.....
Did the story end there??