Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

OK here's a story my brother gave me about Fort Huachuca. He was stationed there in 1960 when 3 guys that had gotten out of the Army came back to the Fort. 4 years before they had been stationed there and while patrolling the gunnery range saw these black things sticking out of one of the ravines. They were 3 foot long silver bars and stacked 4 high for a distance of 30 feet long that they could see. The Army gave them permission to look for them as they had one of them for proof. My brother was one of the "Escorts". After 2 weeks of trying to find them their time was up and they had to leave. He figured that Indians hit the mule train and they cached them and tried to fight the Indians and lost. Now you can't or don't want to be n that area due to the unexploded ordinance. Just one of many stories I heard over the years.

When your going out in the summer heat, always take some salt with you. You can get those free salt packets here in the states at Wendys, MicyD's, Burger King. If you start feeling nausea , disoriented, pour the salt into your palm and lick it once. If it tastes salty, spit it out and throw the rest away. That's not what's wrong. If you can't taste the salt, lick again and it will taste salty. Again spit it out and throw the rest away, you just needed a little salt. If it tastes sweet like sugar, keep licking until it is salty and then quit. You were about to go into Heat Stroke from lack of salt. Heat Exhaustion , 2-4 days with no water, then dead. Heat stroke - 2-4 HOURS, then dead. always carry one or 2 of those little salt packs. Why not they are free. LOL

Hi AU, been there and did that except for the salt' Later we drank Ocean water. Second day without water, That is my partner haming it up. And actually in the Yucatan jungle where normally one doesn't think of water as a problem. But there are vast stretches that have no surface water, which is why the Mayas developed their cities near the Cenotes - natural sink hole wells.


In Guadalcanal in WW-II while in chow line I suddenly found myself on the ground, very confused, --- lack of salt. I hadn't taken my salt pill, to damn smart for my own good - "who needs salt "?

Actually if it had happened in the supersitions, back country I may not have survived.

Excellent advice my friend.

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Most definitely good advice. That happened to me last year. Drinking to much water flushed me out.when all I needed was salt. A good preservative for food and life.

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Hey Crow, how about another "interesting" legend ?:notworthy:

I remember in gym class there was a dispenser with small salt tablets…….

Excellent advice AU, I have never heard it put quite that way. Makes sense. Keep em coming. Rember this is essentially a campfire sesion, if one of the posts remind you of a similar happening, speak up. We don't have a 'one up' thingie in here

Simon, quite barking for Crow, he can't legally hear you and start posting your own :laughing7: And you do have some good ones.

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Excellent advice AU, I have never heard it put quite that way. Makes sense. Keep em coming. Rember this is essentially a campfire sesion, if one of the posts remind you of a similar happening, speak up. We don't have a 'one up' thingie in here

Excellent advice AU, I have never heard it put quite that way. Makes sense. Keep em coming. Rember this is essentially a campfire sesion, if one of the posts remind you of a similar happening, speak up. We don't have a 'one up' thingie in here
Amigo,Is there an echo in here or what?:hello:np:cat:

No , but he just was gotten out of salt .
Amigo,If he would have drank his burro juice :coffee2:he would not have had that problem,burro juice:coffee2:contains plenty of salt :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:NP:cat:

Excellent advice AU, I have never heard it put quite that way. Makes sense. Keep em coming. Rember this is essentially a campfire sesion, if one of the posts remind you of a similar happening, speak up. We don't have a 'one up' thingie in here

Simon, quite barking for Crow, he can't legally hear you and start posting your own :laughing7: And you do have some good ones.

Hey Don Jose, I have seen Crow logged on during the early morning hours the past two days, thought we might set a trap and release him only after a story. Guess he is not biting, or I need more appropriate age bait ? :BangHead:

As far as stories, compared to yours and everyone elses, I would be banned from the internet as being the World's most boring person.

Not for Jose, he knows this but for others. If you are driving on an unknown "OLD" road stop now and then where you can turn around. Get out and walk the road for a bit and make sure it is still safe. Better than doing 20 miles an hour and making a turn and finding out that the road use to go across a small wash that is now a big wash with steep banks. We also had a digging bar, 6 foot steel bar with a point on one end and a chisel on the other, (Home Depot sells them) for prying rocks that are now sticking up far enough to cause damage to your vehicle. Also maps some times miss minor details. One showed the road crossing the Verde River, and when we go there the crossing was a sheep bridge. Until I saw the Verde (Spanish for green) I didn't realize that it was lime green. Adams lied about that on one of his "Hints", saying they crossed the Verde. Carry extra water for you and the car. Spare heater hose is not a bad idea either, with hose clamps. I became a pessimist going into back country. Carried some spare parts and tools as I didn't want to walk 30 miles back to town. Spare starter and Alternator from junk yards was fairly cheap. Like having 2 spare tires, of course they were snow/mud tires, but my luck would be to get a flat and then get a second on the way back. Lots of thorns in southern Arizona. Seriously, plan for the worse and hope for the best. Hopefully you won't get a nasty surprise that way. Trying to get a tow truck where you vehicle is and the walk out is not my idea of a "good time" and it kills the hunt.

Friend of mine back in the mid 50's came across the ruins of an old mission in Arizona. It had an old well, rock lined. He reached down and felt the stones as he went around it. Found one loose and pulled the rock out. Found an old leather sack with gold dusk and a couple nuggets in it inside the hole. Variation of the "old bank".

One thing that made me shake my head was in Phoenix, went to a Drug Store and couldn't find Salt Tablets. Had to ask at the counter. "Oh, we don't put them on the shelf any more, people could take too many." Got Thermo Tabs, 1/2 calcium Chloride(salt) and 1/2 Potassium Chloride for cramps. If you ever take too much, you will start finding salt in your hair, drink "lots" of water and flush out the extra (don't ask how I learned this). LOL When in doubt (like the first time you use them) start with a 1/2 tablet. You can always take more if you need it.

Mikel, who--n-ell invited everyone to eat ?? not me, I am on basic subsistance :laughing7::laughing7: go dig up your own chow ya bunch of freeloaders, I have enough of them in my own family :censored::laughing7::laughing7: :coffee2::coffee2:

WH RAT; again you remined me of an experience with unused roads. I started out with 6 brand new 6 ply tiires and after changing and burning holes in the sides with a !/4 inch bolt to patch them on the side cuts, when I fianly emerged to a dirt road I could only go up 25 mph without shaking the truck apart
I posted that story long ago here, want a repeat ?

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Mikel, who--n-ell invited everyone to eat ?? not me, I am on basic subsistance :laughing7::laughing7: go dig up your own chow ya bunch of freeloaders, I have enough of them in my own family :censored::laughing7::laughing7: :coffee2::coffee2:

Who me??

I'm just grazing along ditch line.
Following the crowd.

#/;0) ~

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