Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

:laughing7: Ah, JB....you could tempt a Saint, heheheh. But, I gave my word....let us see if the ole windbag keeps his end of the deal, eh? :evil5: :clock:

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If not......:angel12:

Peanuts?? View attachment 1317247

Somehow, I don’t think I’m trying to tempt a Saint….but maybe I’m wrong. :icon_scratch::laughing7::laughing7: So, coffee, tea, peanuts, Zin, beer, whiskey, and rum (for all of us pirates:skullflag:) while we wait. Although I don’t know the illustrious Tropical Tramp as well as many of you, I have read every word on the Tayopa thread (and there are a LOT of words here), and many of his posts on other threads, so I know he will find some way to wiggle out of any work on the book. As a matter of fact, he already has……

JB :skullflag:

Howdy cwp,

The pleasure was all mine.:occasion14:

For those who don't know, cwp is one of my most cherished friends, for she was the first to give me hope on the legalities on one of my treasure searches. I joke a lot, but always treat everyone with respect. My posts show that I don't go hitting on the pretty ladies of T-Net, and that I have never hidden the fact that I am very happily married to my own Indian maiden. One quarter Lipan that is, as pretty, and understanding as a woman can be. She knows I exchange emails with cwp, and that we also exchanged phone numbers. I hide nothing from her, a virtual dance with a good friend is no reason for anyone to jump to conclusions.


Homar, I agree with Mikel, we would have never thought otherwise. She seems a delightful lady, and I have been glad to make her virtual acquaintance.


This would not be another attempt to shift the Tayopa book off onto someone that has never even been there and did not find it, would it? ??? :icon_scratch: :dontknow: :tongue3: Rest assured that I am making progress but not on Tayopa. That can only be told by the man who found it, agreed? :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :thumbsup:

More stories amigos, nothing that is intended for a book of course. :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Oro, glad to see you back. Perhaps you have a tale you can share yourself? It’s been a while since we have heard from you.


Sir Tayopa ,

With your slick ways and charms you appear to have softened even the hardest of researchers with your words.

He has kindly asked if i would post some news.

In a sense its kinda bittersweet.

Bitter , as much as we all enjoy the posts of Amy , we take it for granted all the hard hard research that has gone on behind the scenes to post hard to find information , yet we in our own ways respect and appreciate what she has posted , sadly she will not be posting again.

Like the Original trio , the yarns like a drought will have to have its day for reasons only kept to themselves.

Sweet , well , may i be one raising my rum , don with his burro?? and others who have had the pleasure in conversing with you Amy.

We salute & congratulate you on your sweet sweet news of becoming a soon to be mommy :thumbs: :occasion14:

Slàinte mhath! • [ slanj’-uh va’ ] :occasion14::occasion14::occasion14:

Hardluck , Crow , Kanacki. :icon_thumleft: Now thats what you call "3 men & a baby"

Take care of Amy.

:hello2::occasion16::occasion5:. CONGRATULATIONS AMY!!! Best of wishes to you and yours!!

You will be missed!! :notworthy: :wave:

Somehow, I don’t think I’m trying to tempt a Saint….but maybe I’m wrong. :icon_scratch::laughing7::laughing7: So, coffee, tea, peanuts, Zin, beer, whiskey, and rum (for all of us pirates:skullflag:) while we wait. Although I don’t know the illustrious Tropical Tramp as well as many of you, I have read every word on the Tayopa thread (and there are a LOT of words here), and many of his posts on other threads, so I know he will find some way to wiggle out of any work on the book. As a matter of fact, he already has……

JB :skullflag:

:wink: I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on that nomination, heheheh.....:skullflag:



Howdy cwp,

The pleasure was all mine.:occasion14:

For those who don't know, cwp is one of my most cherished friends, for she was the first to give me hope on the legalities on one of my treasure searches. I joke a lot, but always treat everyone with respect. My posts show that I don't go hitting on the pretty ladies of T-Net, and that I have never hidden the fact that I am very happily married to my own Indian maiden. One quarter Lipan that is, as pretty, and understanding as a woman can be. She knows I exchange emails with cwp, and that we also exchanged phone numbers. I hide nothing from her, a virtual dance with a good friend is no reason for anyone to jump to conclusions.


Never would have thought otherwise.

And as for Ms CWP...
Clearly a lady treasure hunter, and NOT a gold-digger.

'Sides, who among us has found our weight in gold?

#/;0{> ~ (c)


My Friends....You are the Proof that I am indeed a Treasure Finder of the Finest Gold ever created.

I am humbled.

Hey , CWP


We are all pirates on the same ship . My old tattoo on my right shoulder confirms this . So , upwind sails !


What's this abot AMY and a nino? A natural occurance, but "I" haven't been notified hmmmph Off to the back room where I can sulk in my favorite corner., however before I do "Congrats AMY & him" Catch up on your sleep
Amy, you will need it after el nino comes :laughing7:


Please pass on my congratulations to Amy as well. And, as Don Jose says, get plenty of sleep now, you'll need it later!

We'll miss you!


On another note, it is National Wine Day. I intend to raise a glass of Zinfandel in honor of the day, and we can toast Amy's condition as well, if anyone would care to join me. :hello2::occasion14::occasion14::coffee2::occasion18:


To Amy.....and Good Friends ....

Toast 1.webp

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Hey , CWP

View attachment 1317529

We are all pirates on the same ship . My old tattoo on my right shoulder confirms this . So , upwind sails !

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Indeed We Are, Marius! :icon_thumright::icon_pirat:
I would post a dance to go with the celebrations, but I promised to desist.... walk_plank_smiley.gif
Perhaps The Old Landlubber ' Himself ' would overlook a wee shuffle if it came from you? smiley angel whistling.gif

And not snorting it out your nose. LOL Sorry Jose, ah the Devil made me do, not Jose.

OK I'll give you another of my "Adventures"
My brother and I went up a ravine in a small valley and stopped when the ravine was blocked by The biggest Bougainvillea I have ever seen. The trunk was 4-5 inches thick and the thorns were 2.5 to 3 inches long. My brother was looking at the 7.5 USGS and said, "Well if you go about 150 feet, you should see the back wall of the valley."
I climbed out of the ravine and went over a small knoll, down into a little hollow filled with pines. Kept going and started climbing in elevation. When I almost couldn't see and my heart pounding in my ears, I grabbed the bottom of a bush and stood there until I could see and breath easy again. Just then I heard a voice call out, " Can you see it yet?". My first thought was that he was watching me. "NO!" and started climbing again at a slant and stopped a second time, again holding onto a bush but higher up. Just when I was about to look around again I heard, "Can you see it?" "NO!" and took off again. now the ground started sloping up in front of me and as I got high enough to see over the ridge, I could see the back of the valley at least 1/4 mile away. Looking at it I called out, "I can see it and I'm not going there! I'll use the height to get out." 5 years later coming out of the main canyon I saw the back of the valley view again. "There that's what I saw." "What? Do you know how high you would have to have been to see that?" "I don't care, that's what I saw."
Turns out I was climbing the back of the valley wall and went up 1500 feet in 15 minutes and was looking over into the next canyon. If he had climbed out of the ravine and up the knoll he still wouldn't have seen me. Ah, the joys of treasure hunting in the mountains. LOL

Sir Tayopa ,
Am sure You were a close 2nd contender for Amy's heart if its any consolation , am sure she would have been having cold sweat anxieties & quandaries be it you or "soccer" boy.

As you once stated , what's a mere half century plus between partners :laughing7: Although i suspect you have done your fair share of breaking hearts, no?


:occasion14: To Amy, and the little matey's health. Congratulations Amy, to you and your Hubby, who will the little one take after? Will he go for the footy, or look for the booty? :dontknow: :laughing7:


Ok I'll finish the trek from near the top of the valley. Now my brain wasn't working as good as it should have when I looked back and saw nothing but down except to the (now) Left. There was a flat with a small ridge, so I went cross the flat to the ridge and slanted up it to the right and then slanted down to the left. Had a nice gentle slope going down with a nasty drop off to my right. I kept about 5-10 feet from the drop off until the down slope stopped. Right was still a sharp drop off, Left was up and ahead was up but not as bad. So I went up a fairly steep dirt slope and stopped at a dirt wall with a dirt berm at the bottom of it. Walked on the dirt berm until it stopped at a 40 foot drop off. o the right was a steep ridge going down so I started down it and ended up having to run to stay upright. it flattened out and all I could see was a wall of brush ahead of me. The drop off had gotten down to about 6 feet to a sandy wash, so I cut down the side still running and when my foot hit the sand it sunk in and I ended up spread eagle on the sand wash. As I stood up and brushed myself off, My brother called out to me. "Hey that looks really good from here. How's it look to you?" As I had just been up there and was now 100 feet from the rock wall, Yelled back ," Why don't you go *#@^ yourself?" My brother told me later he was totally confused as I had never cursed at him before. Once I got back the bottom of the valley I was totally beat and walked up the trail until I found a nice pine tree with soft needles around it to lay down on. "Come on we need to get back to the camp." "You go ahead, I'm going to take a nice nap." My brother told me he had never seen me so beat before. LOL Ah the joys of adrenaline rushes. Pure energy for a bit, but you still get tired afterwards.

Ok I'll finish the trek from near the top of the valley. Now my brain wasn't working as good as it should have when I looked back and saw nothing but down except to the (now) Left. There was a flat with a small ridge, so I went cross the flat to the ridge and slanted up it to the right and then slanted down to the left. Had a nice gentle slope going down with a nasty drop off to my right. I kept about 5-10 feet from the drop off until the down slope stopped. Right was still a sharp drop off, Left was up and ahead was up but not as bad. So I went up a fairly steep dirt slope and stopped at a dirt wall with a dirt berm at the bottom of it. Walked on the dirt berm until it stopped at a 40 foot drop off. o the right was a steep ridge going down so I started down it and ended up having to run to stay upright. it flattened out and all I could see was a wall of brush ahead of me. The drop off had gotten down to about 6 feet to a sandy wash, so I cut down the side still running and when my foot hit the sand it sunk in and I ended up spread eagle on the sand wash. As I stood up and brushed myself off, My brother called out to me. "Hey that looks really good from here. How's it look to you?" As I had just been up there and was now 100 feet from the rock wall, Yelled back ," Why don't you go *#@^ yourself?" My brother told me later he was totally confused as I had never cursed at him before. Once I got back the bottom of the valley I was totally beat and walked up the trail until I found a nice pine tree with soft needles around it to lay down on. "Come on we need to get back to the camp." "You go ahead, I'm going to take a nice nap." My brother told me he had never seen me so beat before. LOL Ah the joys of adrenaline rushes. Pure energy for a bit, but you still get tired afterwards.

Encore! Encore! Love it Au.... :icon_thumright:

Now Don Jose needs to re-post his recollection of almost taking a short leap off a tall mountain, when an angry little birdie decided he'd had enough. :wink:

I'm gathering the firewood now, fellas......More!!

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