Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hi TT,

Sounds tempting, some of those stories, with gold, diamonds and doubloons just waiting to be discovered.....

But it is always difficult, time-consuming, resource depleting and in most cases, frustrating to research these stories and legends, because one-man bands like us will have to commit seriously to even scratch the service of these snippets. With French pirate treasure in the Indian Ocean, I believe "The Buzzard's" treasure legend (Olivier Levasseur) relating to the Seychelles islands is the most well-known (or notorious depending on one's viewpoint), and I am not sure anything was ever uncovered.

If the webpage is from Daryl Friesen's website, this chap sometimes posts on TreasureNet. I believe he is a Howard Jennings aficionado and is involved with looking at various things on Roatan Island off the coast of Honduras. Jennings wrote 'The Treasure Hunter' which is a good enough book and there has been many mentions of it on here. I discussed the chap and some of his discoveries with EL Crow. He was ambiguous about some of his alleged discoveries in the book but this is understandable. Apparently there was this English chap by the name of Frederick Mitchell Hodges who found two trunks of pirate treasure on Roatan in the 1930s but was forced to leave a third behind. Jennings searched for the third chest and I believe so has Friesen. I think that there was a treasure found in a submerged cave that had been secreted by pirates as they used the island as a base. Apparently the treasure was fastened to chains which had been used to drop the treasure into the cave. I have looked into Mitchell Hodges (he was also involved with the crystal skull 'discovery' in the Yucatan'), but this bloke was a bit of a self-publicist.

All of this still doesn't detract from the lure of those stories....8-)


Thanks IUK...so much intrigue and politics in the TH underworld!

Sure is!

But isn't that why we keep coming back for more....?:laughing7:

IUK....:),,,yeah a sense of adventure lures THs time and again..I wonder what the trio are up to at the moment...:)
By the way have you went through the list Crow gave us last time?


The Trio, I believe Amy said, are working on or have just finished negotiations which have substantially increased their net value. But, alas, due to confidentiality clauses, we'll never know....

I did go through the list Crow suggested. With the British payroll which was accidentally thrown overboard in the Nile, it unfortunately is buried under 90 feet of mud. Arrgh!

There is a fascinating story about a plane full of possible gold off the west coast of Africa, but again, the area is several hundred miles long and harsh jungle on the coast.

All fascinating nonetheless.


The Trio, I believe Amy said, are working on or have just finished negotiations which have substantially increased their net value. But, alas, due to confidentiality clauses, we'll never know....

I did go through the list Crow suggested. With the British payroll which was accidentally thrown overboard in the Nile, it unfortunately is buried under 90 feet of mud. Arrgh!

There is a fascinating story about a plane full of possible gold off the west coast of Africa, but again, the area is several hundred miles long and harsh jungle on the coast.

All fascinating nonetheless.


I tried to see the Rothschild treasure legend,,and I came across this news piece,,,though it is not clear whether they dug up the treasure or they just found a clue to its whereabouts,,it seems the latter though,,,



Good stuff, TT.

Looks like a clue, as you've stated.

There is so much stuff out there that it can feel bewildering at times. You sometimes get the feeling whether it is all a bit much. I have tried to get one story that can be verified and sounds promising, and then try and focus on that in the main. But as with most rewarding things in life, you have to put the effort, dedication and hard work in order to try and achieve some level of success.


Good stuff, TT.

Looks like a clue, as you've stated.

There is so much stuff out there that it can feel bewildering at times. You sometimes get the feeling whether it is all a bit much. I have tried to get one story that can be verified and sounds promising, and then try and focus on that in the main. But as with most rewarding things in life, you have to put the effort, dedication and hard work in order to try and achieve some level of success.


Sure IUK,,,a good strategy would be to dedicate and focus on one lead at a given time but collect and archive Info's about others for a future potential venture..

That's my approach at the current time, my friend. I am looking into the Sacambya/Plazuela story in Bolivia in the Inca Treasures thread. Amy is kindly providing some super solid information and details. She really is something special. The Trio had looked into it but I believe were not fully convinced. I am going to research it as much as is possible and if I am able, will try and visit the place during my trip to South America.


That's my approach at the current time, my friend. I am looking into the Sacambya/Plazuela story in Bolivia in the Inca Treasures thread. Amy is kindly providing some super solid information and details. She really is something special. The Trio had looked into it but I believe were not fully convinced. I am going to research it as much as is possible and if I am able, will try and visit the place during my trip to South America.


Seems interesting,,,I will check the thread sometime,,,wow you are really going deeper into a real adventure! Yeah Amy is cool and well versed in the TH stuff.


Not I P Mikel. I can take it or leave it, ex I have been in this group 'TH', since the 50's, just never had a reason to give it up, :tongue3: which can easily be done ???

Proof lies with the Cuartet, and AMY's new interest - she is hooked !!??? But I can throw up Tayopa etc, whenever I wish. yeah? It just that-------- well, you know. Wher's the damn coffee??:censored:

Sure am, TT.

I have just finished reading a book from to treasure-seekers in the 1960s at that particular site I'm looking into. They also found silver at abandoned mining camps and villages in the southern sphere of Bolivia's altiplano. I still maintain that this country still has the most 'suprises' in store regarding the Incas' reign. Peru, Ecuador and Colombia (for other native cultures), have been searched for treasures starting straight after the Spanish conquest, Bolivia has as well, but not to the same extent and is still extremely sparsely settled in some areas and has a majority Quecha and Aymara population.

Most who visit it, including the Crowmeister, comment on how it feels like going back in time by a century or two.

No more meek 9-5 daily nonsense for me matey. As I have a duty of care and wellbeing to my family, I have set-up other income streams which provide security. But I will now see what it is like to live on your wits and day by day with one's endeavours bringing one's rewards.

Hooked me thinks...


ok,ok, ever since, as a kiddie, I read the Illiads I've been hooked - course then there wern't any sexy, lovely, gorgeus etc, etc Grick dancing girls from Marius to bribe me - as a matter of fact I as a bit young for dancing girls , however that didn't stop me from trying

So I am hooked on treasures, history, and Grick dancing girls..

Sure am, TT.

I have just finished reading a book from to treasure-seekers in the 1960s at that particular site I'm looking into. They also found silver at abandoned mining camps and villages in the southern sphere of Bolivia's altiplano. I still maintain that this country still has the most 'suprises' in store regarding the Incas' reign. Peru, Ecuador and Colombia (for other native cultures), have been searched for treasures starting straight after the Spanish conquest, Bolivia has as well, but not to the same extent and is still extremely sparsely settled in some areas and has a majority Quecha and Aymara population.

Most who visit it, including the Crowmeister, comment on how it feels like going back in time by a century or two.

No more meek 9-5 daily nonsense for me matey. As I have a duty of care and wellbeing to my family, I have set-up other income streams which provide security. But I will now see what it is like to live on your wits and day by day with one's endeavours bringing one's rewards.

Hooked me thinks...


Hello IPUK

You might get a surprise. It may be same when Crow was there. But trio was there in 1998. 18 years ago. Some things have changed with current president of Bolivia has done good and bad things for his country has raised literacy levels and increased living standards although there is still much poverty in the country. Native Bolivians have new found sense of pride in their history. And gringos cannot always get what they want as in past.

The last trip Crow was on he went back to some places in the Pacific he had been 20 odd years ago. Still in some respects pretty much the same. One thing he noticed was all the natives with mobile telephone and I Pads.

one of interesting comments when the last time he was in the Philippines he found many of poor still living in tin hovels made up of scrap from the dump with buckets to catch the water through the leaky tin roof.. Yet they had a big flat screen TV and I pads and mobile telephones.


Sure am, TT.

I have just finished reading a book from to treasure-seekers in the 1960s at that particular site I'm looking into. They also found silver at abandoned mining camps and villages in the southern sphere of Bolivia's altiplano. I still maintain that this country still has the most 'suprises' in store regarding the Incas' reign. Peru, Ecuador and Colombia (for other native cultures), have been searched for treasures starting straight after the Spanish conquest, Bolivia has as well, but not to the same extent and is still extremely sparsely settled in some areas and has a majority Quecha and Aymara population.

Most who visit it, including the Crowmeister, comment on how it feels like going back in time by a century or two.

No more meek 9-5 daily nonsense for me matey. As I have a duty of care and wellbeing to my family, I have set-up other income streams which provide security. But I will now see what it is like to live on your wits and day by day with one's endeavours bringing one's rewards.

Hooked me thinks...


Yeah IUK..I recall that months back Crow and me commented about your new venture/job issues ,,and you reassured us that you have thought things through and have prepared and counted the cost...It seems you are determined and up to the challenge! May God bless your plans and grant you your wishes ..

Thank you TT.

That is extremely nice of you to say so, you gentleman.

Likewise, I hope that you succeed in all your endeavours.


ok,ok, ever since, as a kiddie, I read the Illiads I've been hooked - course then there wern't any sexy, lovely, gorgeus etc, etc Grick dancing girls from Marius to bribe me - as a matter of fact I as a bit young for dancing girls , however that didn't stop me from trying

So I am hooked on treasures, history, and Grick dancing girls..

And You my dear Don Jose stop dreaming of dancing girls and finish your book.:evil5:

What chapter are we at now?

I was given strict instructions by the trio to crack the whip on you.



You'd probably have a better chance if you removed the saucy Don's 'play things' that always seem to detract him from his work....:laughing7:


Yes'm Amy. no Grick dancing girls, sniff. but --:laughing7: As for the book, I keep revising it , and it doesn't seem to progress much. :tongue3:

My child bride, keeps telling me the same, also the grand kids, although I have told them that th'ey already know most of the repeatable ones, plus all of the details of Tayopa ---

'They don need no stinkin book'

Tell the unholy trio "G'd day for me", I respect their need for non-contact with TH, hence no EM's from me -athough I do have their EM addresses. i am dyng of curiosity on their progress and wish them ( and you ) the best of succesS

G'd to your fortunate hubby.

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