Gentlemen, Mexico, while not your center of interest, is loaded due the almost constant reveloutions and uprisings since Cortez.
During the major mining era. Here in Alamos, due to the rampart banditry, the mule trains of the products of the mines were gradually sent with larger and larger no's for protection. I have records of mule trains of up to !,000 mules.
Not all mule trains were so large, bu it indicates the scope of the poduction of the mines and thievery, so they eventually turned to the sea, but even here they were frustrated because the pirates then flocked to the west coast in far larger no's than in the Caribbean..
In one case The Laureanos, every small ranch owner , loafer etc was a member of the band.
there were thousands of members. They would bury their weapons in greased hides until the signal was given for the next assault, dig up their weapons and go at it. They were wiped out by a full scale military expedition,
Then of course in the almost constant rev. , the leaders added to their war chests ( and personal funds) in every town they came to or mine., the LLuvia de oro of which I was part owner once, 'but not in that time', contrary to what you may think - was almost constantly hit for it's Gold and dynamite.
Then most of Mexico did not have banks, so the owners of the enormus Haciendas hid their money. Since females were considered not quite up to resasonable standards of intelligence, they were not intrusted with the information, many a wife found herself without the funds to run the Haciendas.
Numerous lost ines abound, I myself have found Three, -- but due to lack of pesona resources and financing have been unable to do anything with them - including offering them to major's.
Incidentaly, that is the difference with the unholy Tr - Quartet, and most treasure unters, they had their initial financing ready from tte Dead Horse mine proceeds. The days of a lone rider, riding off into the nameles Barrancas, or the sunlset are gone, but the treasures remain., countless thousands. I may list / describe some of them here in the future