Hola TT
I awoke after a grandpa nap. One gets these little naps as they come these days. Indeed I think it will be a long time before the next one my friend. They was a little upset as they had a naval helicopter borrowed. And few of their higher up was ducking and weaving with embarrassment fearing their career wise. As Crow said at the time Hey, ya got it back! The events leading up to that is a funny story. But sadly that is for another time and place as we my friend are all slaves to whims of great magnet. Whose force is pulling into my next voyage.
You know I was once told there is a time in everyone life you become invisible? I never knew what that meant at the time? Its an age thing where others here would relate too. There is a certain point in live the system gives you up as its deemed its sucked the best years of your life out of you. So you become obsolete. You will know it when day arrives my friend. Its a time of life, of changes and the bitter reality one is getting older. Yet in ones mind you are in denial. The first sign is the years start speeding up. I cannot remember Christmas coming around so fast? Hey when did time speed up? And my kids I held in my arms that seen like yesterday are now taller and stronger than me. Then grandchildren start getting taller than you. Most frightening of all you never seem to get rid of middle age spread. And where was that hair so shiny and bright going thin and fading to grey. Just as I look into that mirror my friend I see a stranger standing there and where was that handsome chap you used to know? who stole him?
The charm may be still there but looks are raggedy around the edges these days my friend. And what of the devil may care look that shone for attention of that dishy young women behind the counter to be served? The look is still there, but the shine is much duller as all younger people are served around you like my friend you guess it? Like the light has gone out and you have become invisible, just another tired old face lost in a crowd, one of billions of lost soul fading into the backwaters of their lives trying to survive.
But some people refuse to fade my friend and they with all there might shine as much as they can. But even so the Cultural system we have created has deemed all those years of experience in graduating in school of hard knocks as nothing my friend. As the universal belief is that its time for new and out with the old. And old my friend is such a terrible word. It is burnt in invisible ink on your forehead like the mark of Cain. Marked for the remainder of your life that your time has gone and past. So my friend you have become, the invisible one who stalk the earth like ghosts. Authorities do not care about you anymore, you not a deemed a threat, Your beliefs are antiquated and your the proverbial dinosaur capable of doing nothing.
Such is way of life my friend and perhaps its all rightly so? But my friend every now and again you find some where in some place some old farts pulling one over on those who really run the show. And that my friend like a long kiss goodbye into the wind and gone, vanished into oblivion of the millions of used up faces., is priceless.
Which in the defiant Tenacity of it all earns a little awe from those who are walking in those same footsteps.