Kanacki, I still think the classic was when you put Crow nude in his bed on the thoroughfare to sleep it off..
Incidentally you are so right on Jungle life. Rats, they loved to slide own the sides of the tent, until we finally found that a broom properly applied gave them a short aerial trip. They also loved to pull on your hair.
One night a entire colony of ants moved into my cot overnight. twas interesting.
You, my friend, have brought back many memories, some of which I would rather forget, for instance there was the time---never mind.
Kanacki the jungles in the islands and Central America are different yet the same.in their own way, the same for South America as you are aware..
The atolls again are different, relatively clean
My out fitting for the sierras was relatively simple, #25 of clothes, food, cooking equipment and sleeping materiel. But I never had it as tough as the unholy trio.
Hardluck occasionally communicates with me.
I envy the unholy trio, you have many unusual experiences to share, while I, because I mostly traveled and explored alone, have no-one to share with , except for my ever loving wife. My partner in the Yucatan / Quintana Roo trip ,where we lived off of the jungle for 6 months looking for Mayan Ruins has long since passed away - he is exploring the unknown/
OOPS I forgot my friends here
More kanacki, por favor.