Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hola depends on how good the coffee is....


Hola amigos I have many yarns. Most of the time when the trio is on fire is when loitering at Crow and Hardluck's bar of shame. A bar on Maggie. You know we had many a wild night telling yarns of our travels over few beers and such. You know the trios rap you could be an innocent bystander just calling in for a quick drink at his bar of shame and over hearing golden words of some treasure yarn and sucked into a story. Before you know it you are being bought drinks and having a merry old time. Then that is when they got you. before long time is of no importance you have just faded into the burr of the night. Then they wake up later at Crows at Crows nest beach house which consist of a group of huts right on the beach. In fact there is no road to his house you have walk or drive along the beach to get to it.

One night the local police went to visit as some one allegedly complained of the noise. Their FWD got stuck crossing the little Creek to Crows beach house to follow up on the matter. Since it was Crows property he is within his rights drink drive on his property towed the embarrassed police officers out. Crow was so drunk he could hardly scratch himself but in a stoke of genus he invited the hardworking officers to arrest some of some garlic fried prawns on barbie with a bourbon as it late a night. As the officers was stuck there till morning as the have cross the creek again they might as well supervise our sing sing with guitar around the fire pit listen in and telling jokes etc.... And of course the inevitable thing happened I awoke the next morning there there were two passed out and hung over Police officers sleeping on deck chairs around the pool..Many a day tripper from the mainland has missed island ferry and ended up in one of Crows hammocks, with hazy recollections of the night before.

Such is the fate of many who are to enter Crow and Hardluck bar of shame.


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Would have been the perfect time to have "staged" a compromising situation with the two officers, thus insure no future law enforcement visits, ( by those two at least ) ? ? ? :dontknow: Kind of scared to speculate what the trio would think of .:laughing7:

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Hola amigos getting involved in such projects you become very intense.

Like best of all plans unforeseen things can happen. Usually a worst possible time. What ever project you involve yourself you have been 110% committed to achieving success. So even when you relaxing you brain in background is mulling over every aspect of the operation. Logistics of any such operation can be a nightmare depending on the time frame. Especially if you shipping goods and equipment around the world. Assuming at your target location or country you buy supplies, but forget being able any buy worthwhile specialist equipment where you intend to go. Also environment factors need to be considered. I have pretty robust equipment rendered useless in some places I have gone to especially in marine environment.

Yes you could call it Classic band aid bailing wire and sticky tape technology and Crows bush mechanics some times save the day. Some times we had to make the road as we went cutting trees and bulldozing rain forest. Other times the terrain was so bad we would have a heavy lift helicopter lift our disassembled drilling rig of to a space cut out on a mountain top to Drill a core sample. The jungle was thick with wait awhile vine which have spurs and you need some one to cut them off you. It was the wet season, your clothes was wet with perspiration from 100% made you fell like you breathing water and you are slowly drowning and soaked to bone, every plant cuts or stings you in some way or another.

You clothes rub you like sandpaper cause skin around you nipple to be red raw and rubbing around your waist and going with skin chaffing.We used to wear spats over our boot Inevitable over long periods of time your feet would swell and always crap would find there way down inside you boot so you would have thorn like rock sticking in sole of foot as you walked. Sleep my friends no mater how your try you never feel clean the dirty my friend and mud sticks like sh... Its in you hair you ears, under finger nails even in crack of bum. Sleeping under a hoochie with mosquito next. During the day the flies haunted you wanting to suck fluid from your eyes and climb up your nose. And just on sunset when you think you going to get some relief the mossies start. And the night in the Jungle is one you never forget symphony of insects, birds and strange creatures in the dark. Then the Bush rats. Most of us rarely slept on the ground, Most of the time we would string up Mexican hammocks to keep some of the bities at bay.

Such was the niceties of our job. We were the expendable cannon fodder for multinational companies. But in all it was great learning curve and as you could imagine after being in country after every 3 month stint we would cut lose a little in celebration of survived another three months then off back to our own little families if we had any and to our own little insignificant lives like it was nothing.

Such was the intensiveness of such work the transition to treasure hunting was not much of a physical gap. The biggest was actually rewiring our way of thinking. I and Crow especially have thank hardluck for that. The most unlikely of people in appearance you would pass him in the street. As Amy so delightfully described him the most unobtrusive easygoing person you could meet, In fact she first thought he was janitor or some thing? yet appearances can be deceptive my friends. There is no one more calculating and cunning than hardluck and he is not referred as the general for nothing. There is a game me and Crow have with Hardluck whenever we have found some thing in research and Hardluck does not know already we slap out hands together and say yes got him. And such a sweet victory it is my friends. As it seldom happens as he always seem to out trump us with things.

Tonight it is very hot and humid. Such is way life went my friends and now we are at the end game of life and still as always as we have always said there are no guarantees with the path you tread. As I type my vessel is loading and I have a few crew to get in-shape and get into their head space. Soon once again the sails will fly and my life and crew will sail on the whims of the winds.


Would have been the perfect time to have "staged" a compromising situation with the two officers, thus insure no future law enforcement visits, ( by those two at least ) ? ? ? :dontknow: Kind of scared to speculate what the trio would think of .:laughing7:

Hola Simon.

The Law on the island like everyone else has a job to do. Some times its a thankless one. However the police have a Job on the island is rather a plumb one one a small island with a small population. Their there to keep the peace. Being small everyone of locals just about knows everyone else. policing is rather different there as its more about being fair and diplomatic. Small infringements are often overlooked providing its not done on regular basis. serious matters however you have expect them to do their job.


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Have a safe voyage amigo as we wait until you land at your next port of call. :wave:

Have a safe voyage amigo as we wait until you land at your next port of call. :wave:

Thank you. I am loitering tonight as it really hot and humid. However the Wild turkey is going down nicely. I was considering a voyage to canton island. However this time year the winds are not where I want it be. I am revising the sail plan to Pinegap, then Pohnpei, Salawan, trunk, Woleai, Asor island, Yap island. Then depending of weather Palu then up to Guam, Saipan and perhaps the northern Marinas. Basically a tour of WW2 sites where a lot of blood was shed. This in some respect a learning curve about the sacrifice that was made so the younger generation benefit from those hard won lessons in life. Those whose bones lay half forgotten of island only with names only remembered by a few. To the young men on my crew to understand their freedom today is result of those young men who sacrificed their lives for that freedom. And in turn that freedom however hard with its ups and downs should be appreciated and lived to the fullest.

My voyage is not just of voyage of the ocean but voyage into ones self especially for some of the lads I have to rewire some their attitudes. Most of the kids are becoming exposed via the internet to outside world and their parents who had simple lives they struggle to relate to. They are desperate for role model they think relevant to them. The only way to change there attitudes is get them out of their comfort zone.

I had one young lad who though he knew it all wanted to Kill himself. He even handed me suicide note for his mother. Yet that voyage was long and hard and he had faced many truths and dangers. Yet by the end of that voyage he was totally a different person confident optimistic far different when he first came on board..When He left the ship on return I handed him in private his note and said guess you won,t be needing this to him and told him to frame it to remind himself the head space he was in back then. He has gone on to bigger and better things.


Thank you. I am loitering tonight as it really hot and humid. However the Wild turkey is going down nicely. I was considering a voyage to canton island. However this time year the winds are not where I want it be. I am revising the sail plan to Pinegap, then Pohnpei, Salawan, trunk, Woleai, Asor island, Yap island. Then depending of weather Palu then up to Guam, Saipan and perhaps the northern Marinas. Basically a tour of WW2 sites where a lot of blood was shed. This in some respect a learning curve about the sacrifice that was made so the younger generation benefit from those hard won lessons in life. Those whose bones lay half forgotten of island only with names only remembered by a few. To the young men on my crew to understand their freedom today is result of those young men who sacrificed their lives for that freedom. And in turn that freedom however hard with its ups and downs should be appreciated and lived to the fullest.

My voyage is not just of voyage of the ocean but voyage into ones self especially for some of the lads I have to rewire some their attitudes. Most of the kids are becoming exposed via the internet to outside world and their parents who had simple lives they struggle to relate to. They are desperate for role model they think relevant to them. The only way to change there attitudes is get them out of their comfort zone.

I had one young lad who though he knew it all wanted to Kill himself. He even handed me suicide note for his mother. Yet that voyage was long and hard and he had faced many truths and dangers. Yet by the end of that voyage he was totally a different person confident optimistic far different when he first came on board..When He left the ship on return I handed him in private his note and said guess you won,t be needing this to him and told him to frame it to remind himself the head space he was in back then. He has gone on to bigger and better things.


Bon voyage Kanaki...I hope you would also have some time to think of one exicting treasure yarn for us when you return.


Kanacki, I still think the classic was when you put Crow nude in his bed on the thoroughfare to sleep it off..

Incidentally you are so right on Jungle life. Rats, they loved to slide own the sides of the tent, until we finally found that a broom properly applied gave them a short aerial trip. They also loved to pull on your hair.

One night a entire colony of ants moved into my cot overnight. twas interesting.

You, my friend, have brought back many memories, some of which I would rather forget, for instance there was the time---never mind.

Kanacki the jungles in the islands and Central America are different yet the same.in their own way, the same for South America as you are aware..

The atolls again are different, relatively clean

My out fitting for the sierras was relatively simple, #25 of clothes, food, cooking equipment and sleeping materiel. But I never had it as tough as the unholy trio.

Hardluck occasionally communicates with me.

I envy the unholy trio, you have many unusual experiences to share, while I, because I mostly traveled and explored alone, have no-one to share with , except for my ever loving wife. My partner in the Yucatan / Quintana Roo trip ,where we lived off of the jungle for 6 months looking for Mayan Ruins has long since passed away - he is exploring the unknown/

OOPS I forgot my friends here

More kanacki, por favor.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 08:00AM
MEXICO CITY -- Leonel Mendoza fishes every day in a reservoir surrounded by forest and mountains in the southern Mexico state of Chiapas. But in recent days, he also has been ferrying curious passengers out to see the remains of a colonial-era church that has emerged from the receding waters.

PHOTOS: Colonial church emerges from Mexican reservoir
The remains of a mid-16th century church known as the Temple of Santiago near the town of Nueva Quechula, in Chiapas state, Mexico, Friday, Oct. 16, 2015. <span class=meta>AP Photo/ David von Blohn</span>The temple, built by Dominican friars in the region inhabited by the Zoque people, was submerged in 1966 when the Nezahualcoyotl dam was built. <span class=meta>AP Photo/David von Blohn</span>?The church was abandoned due the big plagues of 1773-1776,? said architect Carlos Navarette.. <span class=meta>AP Photo/ David von Blohn</span>The remains of a mid-16th century church known as the Temple of Santiago, as well as the Temple of Quechula. <span class=meta>AP Photo/ David von Blohn</span>The remains of the Temple of Santiago, visible from the surface of the Grijalva River due to the lack of rain near the town of Nueva Quechula, in Chiapas state, Mexico. <span class=meta>AP Photo/ David von Blohn</span>The remains of a mid-16th century church known as the Temple of Santiago, as well as the Temple of Quechula, is visible from the surface of the Grijalva River. <span class=meta>AP Photo/ David von Blohn</span>

?The church was abandoned due the big plagues of 1773-1776,? said architect Carlos Navarette.. AP Photo/ David von Blohn

A drought this year has hit the watershed of the Grijalva river, dropping the water level in the Nezahualcoyotl reservoir by 25 meters (82 feet).

It is the second time a drop in the reservoir has revealed the church since it was flooded when the dam was completed in 1966. In 2002, the water was so low visitors could walk inside the church.

"The people celebrated. They came to eat, to hang out, to do business. I sold them fried fish. They did processions around the church," Mendoza recalled during a telephone interview Friday.

The church in the Quechula locality was built by a group of monks headed by Friar Bartolome de la Casas, who arrived in the region inhabited by the Zoque people in the mid-16th century.

The church is 61 meters (183 feet) long and 14 meters (42 feet) wide, with walls rising 10 meters (30 feet). The bell tower reaches 16 meters (48 feet) above the ground.

Kanacki, I still think the classic was when you put Crow nude in his bed on the thoroughfare to sleep it off..

Incidentally you are so right on Jungle life. Rats, they loved to slide own the sides of the tent, until we finally found that a broom properly applied gave them a short aerial trip. They also loved to pull on your hair.

One night a entire colony of ants moved into my cot overnight. twas interesting.

You, my friend, have brought back many memories, some of which I would rather forget, for instance there was the time---never mind.

Kanacki the jungles in the islands and Central America are different yet the same.in their own way, the same for South America as you are aware..

The atolls again are different, relatively clean

My out fitting for the sierras was relatively simple, #25 of clothes, food, cooking equipment and sleeping materiel. But I never had it as tough as the unholy trio.

Hardluck occasionally communicates with me.

I envy the unholy trio, you have many unusual experiences to share, while I, because I mostly traveled and explored alone, have no-one to share with , except for my ever loving wife. My partner in the Yucatan / Quintana Roo trip ,where we lived off of the jungle for 6 months looking for Mayan Ruins has long since passed away - he is exploring the unknown/

OOPS I forgot my friends here

More kanacki, por favor.

Don Jose,

Speaking of RATS, as a newbie in Viet Nam, I was setting in a bunker with eyes and ears straining into the dark. I suddenly heard a slight rustling to my right. Turning my head to the slit I found myself eye to eye with a housecat sized rat. I made a quick exit from the bunker, but had to return for my rifle. No Rambo I.:happysmiley:

Good stories!

Take care,



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Kanacki, from what I have learned about you from the other two, I expect nothing less of you,. Keep it up as long as you can.

Hola Don Jose You know the old Trio has always marched to their own "Drumbeat."

Authorities are never sure what to do with us. A few zealots have tried to come up with a prosecution of sorts under various legislation. The last time we were put under house arrest the Officers in charge had dinner with us and a bit overwhelmed of us held us in awe.

Hardluck made them a cocktail and told them exactly what would happen that all charges and alleged breeches of international agreements, protocols and legislation will suddenly fall apart. As all alleged violations are in effect legal loopholes technically no crime has be committed. It appears some times various Governments in this world can some times have a need for stateless people who can operate along the grey area of international boundaries of conventions and agreements.

Such is my friend nature of this type of research.


Hola Don Jose You know the old Trio has always marched to their own "Drumbeat."

Authorities are never sure what to do with us. A few zealots have tried to come up with a prosecution of sorts under various legislation. The last time we were put under house arrest the Officers in charge had dinner with us and a bit overwhelmed of us held us in awe.

Hardluck made them a cocktail and told them exactly what would happen that all charges and alleged breeches of international agreements, protocols and legislation will suddenly fall apart. As all alleged violations are in effect legal loopholes technically no crime has be committed. It appears some times various Governments in this world can some times have a need for stateless people who can operate along the grey area of international boundaries of conventions and agreements.

Such is my friend nature of this type of research.

Kanaki,,if they put the trio under house arrest again,,,the best thing is to tell them of one of your tantalizing yarns ,so that they would rethink the whole thing:laughing7:


Hola TT

I awoke after a grandpa nap. One gets these little naps as they come these days. Indeed I think it will be a long time before the next one my friend. They was a little upset as they had a naval helicopter borrowed. And few of their higher up was ducking and weaving with embarrassment fearing their career wise. As Crow said at the time Hey, ya got it back! The events leading up to that is a funny story. But sadly that is for another time and place as we my friend are all slaves to whims of great magnet. Whose force is pulling into my next voyage.

You know I was once told there is a time in everyone life you become invisible? I never knew what that meant at the time? Its an age thing where others here would relate too. There is a certain point in live the system gives you up as its deemed its sucked the best years of your life out of you. So you become obsolete. You will know it when day arrives my friend. Its a time of life, of changes and the bitter reality one is getting older. Yet in ones mind you are in denial. The first sign is the years start speeding up. I cannot remember Christmas coming around so fast? Hey when did time speed up? And my kids I held in my arms that seen like yesterday are now taller and stronger than me. Then grandchildren start getting taller than you. Most frightening of all you never seem to get rid of middle age spread. And where was that hair so shiny and bright going thin and fading to grey. Just as I look into that mirror my friend I see a stranger standing there and where was that handsome chap you used to know? who stole him?

The charm may be still there but looks are raggedy around the edges these days my friend. And what of the devil may care look that shone for attention of that dishy young women behind the counter to be served? The look is still there, but the shine is much duller as all younger people are served around you like my friend you guess it? Like the light has gone out and you have become invisible, just another tired old face lost in a crowd, one of billions of lost soul fading into the backwaters of their lives trying to survive.

But some people refuse to fade my friend and they with all there might shine as much as they can. But even so the Cultural system we have created has deemed all those years of experience in graduating in school of hard knocks as nothing my friend. As the universal belief is that its time for new and out with the old. And old my friend is such a terrible word. It is burnt in invisible ink on your forehead like the mark of Cain. Marked for the remainder of your life that your time has gone and past. So my friend you have become, the invisible one who stalk the earth like ghosts. Authorities do not care about you anymore, you not a deemed a threat, Your beliefs are antiquated and your the proverbial dinosaur capable of doing nothing.

Such is way of life my friend and perhaps its all rightly so? But my friend every now and again you find some where in some place some old farts pulling one over on those who really run the show. And that my friend like a long kiss goodbye into the wind and gone, vanished into oblivion of the millions of used up faces., is priceless.

Which in the defiant Tenacity of it all earns a little awe from those who are walking in those same footsteps.


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