Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Well, Nora won't be a problem for you, but there sure seems to be something forming near the Marianas. I don't often track anything west of Hawaii, but since i know that you may be out and about in the area, I may have to keep a better handle on the western Pacific as well. If you do get a chance to visit canton Island, I think we would all be interested in the story.


Hola SF

There is one west of Guam looks like forming and another further east to the South of me is another one forming north of Fiji. One it appears have not developed any further than a tropical storm. As the earth tilts into Southern hemisphere summer the storm intensities will increase there and Northern hemisphere should abate.


Hola Marius There is a lot to like of your theory I like very much how you come up with especially lat north of equator. However I not clear how you come up with the longatude?


Well, Kanacki, after doing a little research on Canton Island and Atafu Island, it appears to me that Atafu is far south of the equator, not north. Canton Island, however is quite interesting, as it was discovered during the previously mentioned voyage by none other than Lorenzo Barretto, after the disappearance of the Santa Ysabel, and is about 2 48 35 S and 171 40 56 W. I'll leave it up to you to fill in any gaps that you care to (or not, as you prefer). I would still be interested in anything you may wish to tell about your voyage. Canton is very isolated, as you know, and has had a couple of other interesting ship wrecks associated with it, including the whaler "Canton" from which the name derives.


Back, as usual I had my pass words in my mail, I was going to transfer them to a disc, but before, I thoroughly cleaned my computer and inadvertently wiped out my pass words. Been a hectic few days going over every pass word combinations - some hundred --but finally lucked out.

Marius, I love the way you are thinking but I don't necessarily agree with you, but keep it up, your doing fine

Sides the main computer gave up the ghost - transformer - and am using the older, slower one.

Sigh, need soffee :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

Glad you are back.
The newer slower me, just thought you were away from the keyboard.

I understand trouble with passwords. I keep mine written down somewhere safe. I will find them someday.

Ola Don Jose, I just got back from my seven 16+ hour work days and I discovered you had a birthday while I was gone. I sincerely want to wish you a very Happy Birthday and hope to say this to you for many more years ! ! ! :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :notworthy:

Hola Don Jose nothing spreads faster than the coconut radio.

Got a few young restless men with attitude problems on the island that need a change of direction in their lives. When they sail on the "Drumbeart" They go out as boys and come back as men.

Good for you KANACKI, turning at least a few of those bad attitudes towards a more positive direction is an extremely rewarding feeling. First few days were probably nerve wracking, but again, you had a captive audience which helped force them to do a reality check. ( Good thing Crow or Don Jose wasn't onboard as they probably would have been caught leading the mutiny ? ? ? (Just kidding them of course.)

:coffee2::coffee2: Have to share the coffee as Don Jose has the monopoly on it and gets a royalty to boot.

Hola Don Jose nothing spreads faster than the coconut radio.

Got a few young restless men with attitude problems on the island that need a change of direction in their lives. When they sail on the "Drumbeart" They go out as boys and come back as men.

Good for you KANACKI, turning at least a few of those bad attitudes towards a more positive direction is an extremely rewarding feeling. First few days were probably nerve wracking, but again, you had a captive audience which helped force them to do a reality check. ( Good thing Crow or Don Jose wasn't onboard as they probably would have been caught leading the mutiny ? ? ? (Just kidding them of course.)

:coffee2::coffee2: Have to share the coffee as Don Jose has the monopoly on it and gets a royalty to boot.

Hola Simon 1

Many do not have self discipline in their lives. Do not understand working to a time. eat work and sleep. Out in the ocean the sea does not pander to tantrums its either sink or swim. Life on board becomes very uncomplicated I tell these kids My brig she is living breathing entity my friend. You Treat her well, she will keep you alive for another day. And to treat her well it is team effort as she is a hard mistress to please. Especially up in rigging 3am in the morning reefing sails during gale.They will be pushed to do things beyond their imagination. Learning the ropes, sails, weather,wind ocean and even history of their Islands. But most of all they find out what they can be and what their not. I have good mix of experienced crew who have sailed a few times with me. They too was once those young men. And I have taught them to pass on those skillis I taught them, not only the way of seamanship but of life. Each of the crew takes on trainee under their wing so to speak.

Most of all there is need to rewire their heads all the ghetto trash they been listening into that they have been persecuted and world is against them. The truth is that is no excuse because they have become used to not accomplishing anything in their life and its all too easy to shift the blame elsewhere. On they voyage they will have long time in wee hours on watch to look inside themselves. The voyage will give them pride honor and self worth. I have not had crew come back yet that did not seem a little 2 inches taller.


Hola Simon 1

Many do not have self discipline in their lives. Do not understand working to a time. eat work and sleep. Out in the ocean the sea does not pander to tantrums its either sink or swim. Life on board becomes very uncomplicated I tell these kids My brig she is living breathing entity my friend. You Treat her well, she will keep you alive for another day. And to treat her well it is team effort as she is a hard mistress to please. Especially up in rigging 3am in the morning reefing sails during gale.They will be pushed to do things beyond their imagination. Learning the ropes, sails, weather,wind ocean and even history of their Islands. But most of all they find out what they can be and what their not. I have good mix of experienced crew who have sailed a few times with me. They too was once those young men. And I have taught them to pass on those skillis I taught them, not only the way of seamanship but of life. Each of the crew takes on trainee under their wing so to speak.

Most of all there is need to rewire their heads all the ghetto trash they been listening into that they have been persecuted and world is against them. The truth is that is no excuse because they have become used to not accomplishing anything in their life and its all too easy to shift the blame elsewhere. On they voyage they will have long time in wee hours on watch to look inside themselves. The voyage will give them pride honor and self worth. I have not had crew come back yet that did not seem a little 2 inches taller.


These boys are so very lucky to have the opportunity that you are giving them. The sea is a great test of one's life and attitude. If you are lazy and not willing to work with the team, you will not last long. My boys learned to sail early on, many other things later, but what they learned sailing stayed with them. One of the things is, even if the wind is against you, it is possible to go forward.


Kanacki, does that include the gals :laughing7::laughing7: :coffee2::coffee2: Seriously, that i a wonderful attitude and plan of yours. I congratulate you.and your wife.

INCLUDE THE GALS? :o I presume then that YOU are volunteering to do the disciplining for those misfortunate crew members of the opposing gender? Spank.gif

INCLUDE THE GALS? :o I presume then that YOU are volunteering to do the disciplining for those misfortunate crew members of the opposing gender? View attachment 1222826

Hola Oro

Don Amigo El mister Smoothie was just fantasizing about my all girl crew and my wife's troupe of Hula dancers last year wishing he was 60 odd years younger.

crew of the Drumbeat s.webp


Hola Oro

Don Amigo El mister Smoothie was just fantasizing about my all girl crew and my wife's troupe of Hula dancers last year wishing he was 60 odd years younger.

View attachment 1222841


I'm in my 60's and would like to be 60 years younger with that bunch. Wish my babysitters were that good to the eyes.

Many do not have self discipline in their lives. Do not understand working to a time. eat work and sleep. Out in the ocean the sea does not pander to tantrums its either sink or swim. Life on board becomes very uncomplicated I tell these kids My brig she is living breathing entity my friend. You Treat her well, she will keep you alive for another day. And to treat her well it is team effort as she is a hard mistress to please. Especially up in rigging 3am in the morning reefing sails during gale.They will be pushed to do things beyond their imagination. Learning the ropes, sails, weather,wind ocean and even history of their Islands. But most of all they find out what they can be and what their not. I have good mix of experienced crew who have sailed a few times with me. They too was once those young men. And I have taught them to pass on those skillis I taught them, not only the way of seamanship but of life. Each of the crew takes on trainee under their wing so to speak.

"Most of all there is need to rewire their heads all the ghetto trash they been listening into that they have been persecuted and world is against them. The truth is that is no excuse because they have become used to not accomplishing anything in their life and its all too easy to shift the blame elsewhere. On they voyage they will have long time in wee hours on watch to look inside themselves. The voyage will give them pride honor and self worth. I have not had crew come back yet that did not seem a little 2 inches taller.


Great advice from an excellent leader. Sounds like you have this "Mentor" program working extremely well, my congratulations to you and the future of these guys that you have given a second chance to.
By the way Kanacki, I finally found that story you eluded to about you and your guys deciding whether to stay or run from the opposition, and you chose to stay "AND DANCE" ?. I was intrigued by the very brief mention you made of it and so I searched for it. Finally found it, ( on another forum site ), but it was worth the search.

Hola Simon 1

AH! the infamous Haka!

We probably looked like something between the village people and 3 amigos! If there's some irony in it there may be tribe in the highlands copying our pathetic rendition today.


Hola Kanacki amigo: No doubt about the new tribal dance. They probably told their version to their kids and they thought of you guys as some deity. Heck, if they worshiped airplanes, why not a band of crazy guys willing to sacrifice themselves. Maybe they didn't want to make you martyrs, something like Custer's Last Stand ? Funny now trying to think what they must have been thinking, but OBVIOUSLY, you made the right choice. It was definitely a very, very, interesting read.

Sigh, yes Kancki, tis true. But then I remember my wife of some 57 years who has stuck by me through thick and thin and I wouldn't trade That for a nights dalliance, but I still can drool :laughing7: Thanks for the [icture to remid me, sigh. You must have hand picked them for beauty..

Hola Oro

Don Amigo El mister Smoothie was just fantasizing about my all girl crew and my wife's troupe of Hula dancers last year wishing he was 60 odd years younger.

View attachment 1222841


WOW "like" was not a strong enough compliment! Thanks for sharing the photo amigo! :thumbsup: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Sigh, yes Kancki, tis true. But then I remember my wife of some 57 years who has stuck by me through thick and thin and I wouldn't trade That for a nights dalliance, but I still can drool :laughing7: Thanks for the [icture to remid me, sigh. You must have hand picked them for beauty..

Don Jose you my amigo are luckiest man alive like me with my better half. But you can perhaps now see why that old deadbeat of beach bum of a pirate Crow knocked up one of em.... he was like a kid let lose in a candy shop as if he died an gone to heaven. Never did I see the old scalawag drool so much. As you could imagine it never impressed his ex.


WOW "like" was not a strong enough compliment! Thanks for sharing the photo amigo! :thumbsup: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Holo Oro

I doubt I ever have a voyage like that again. I imagine they broke many a heart across the Pacific. They were all Hula dancers very supple and put many a man to shame in rigging. Many have gone onto bigger and better things.


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