miranda rights

I think we should make that part of the BOR changeable, only because we want to this time. It's not like they're written in stone or anything, right?

I've also read that during the high speed chase while they were tossing explosives out the windows of the SUV, they were also firing heavily at officers.
I haven't seen a list of weapons they used, has anyone? If they bought them "legally" by just going over the border into Vermont, do you think they could have been stopped from buying by use of a background check? After all, the older one had been investigated by the FBI, ya know.

Bill of Right are Written in Stone, keep the hands off the Bill of Rights, once you start changing them they are worthless.......

I can't believe any sane American would want to start changing the Bill of Rights, they are called "RIGHTS" for a reason, they are not called "Bill of Privileges", privileges can be rescinded, rights never....... Do we change the free press to mean free as long as it agrees with current government, do we allow troops stationed in our homes as long as it is less then 4.... Do we get rid of the pesty trial by our peers and just have a judge appointed by the government decide our fate...... Start screwing with the BOR it is time for something some people are not going to like.....

Their guns were not legal, already been stated...... Imagine that, terrorist that don't follow the laws, kinda like criminals...

Native said, "This guy is headed the same way as Timothy McVeigh. We did manage to prosecute and punish McVeigh without mucking it up." Very true Native but the problem I think we will have making a "martyr" out of this moron is Mc Veigh did not want to fight the death penalty, he wanted to go out like a "tough" guy. This radical, Muslim puke will be in prison with a bunch of others all "praying" to Allah and praising each other for their idiotic acts of violence. The media is already trying to figure out what his defense will be and they are talking about him only being 19 and led blindly by his older brother. The average age of the Vietnam vet was 19. I guess they couldn't possibly have been real soldiers either. ??

His age should not matter, he is over 16, murder is murder, people died......I want him tried in a civil court and punished...... Do not want him held as enemy combatant, he is an American citizen crime was on American soil, try him as a common criminal who helped murder 3 people, he does not even have to have been one planted bombs, accessory to murder carries the same penality..........

The law is the law.

Miranda rights deal with prosecuting you for your statements. It is more important to find co-conspirators or additional devices NOW than worry about prosecution later. There is already enough physical evidence to convict. The Feds don't need a single word from him to convict him.

Federally charged as a terrorist. Now facing the death penalty. Would we expect any less?

This guy is headed the same way as Timothy McVeigh. We did manage to prosecute and punish McVeigh without mucking it up.

McVeigh didn't have a Koran on his library card.:dontknow:

His age should not matter, he is over 16, murder is murder, people died......I want him tried in a civil court and punished...... Do not want him held as enemy combatant, he is an American citizen crime was on American soil, try him as a common criminal who helped murder 3 people, he does not even have to have been one planted bombs, accessory to murder carries the same penality..........

Agreed. Thank you TH for having some sense. The others could learn from your example.

Jersey; Thoughts are mixed. Heard that tonight on the news that an association, can't remember which, has already stepped up and provided a free lawyer to protect his rights. I think in my own mind that in cases of terrorism as this , since the Feds. have control, they have an immediate right and duty to find out whether any more threats exist to the public welfare. This won't be a cut and dry criminal case, and all matter of ,"legal eagles" will come out of the woodwork to make a name for themselves. I also don't believe that this case, or any like in belong in the local criminal courts. Too early to tell where this one goes, but more lawyers will be looking out for the defendents rights, then those of the victims.

You pretty much said what I meant. Even though this punk is a legal citizen in my heart of hearts he doesn't deserve to be treated as such but then again,such is the American way.

American citizen or not, this punk needs to be interrogated thoroughly, tried, sentenced and executed swiftly!

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He deserves a trial as any american citizen, can't go around deciding who gets to enjoy their rights and who doesn't. Unfortunately he will probably end up wasting a lot of taxpayers money in the cost of his trial and get a fairly light sentence. Any sentence is light after what the piece of garbage did...

He deserves a trial as any american citizen, can't go around deciding who gets to enjoy their rights and who doesn't. Unfortunately he will probably end up wasting a lot of taxpayers money in the cost of his trial and get a fairly light sentence. Any sentence is light after what the piece of garbage did...
Yeah,yeah,I know,gotta follow the system , i understand that but still,it seems treasonous to treat those who say " Death to America!" as one of our own.

Yeah,yeah,I know,gotta follow the system , i understand that but still,it seems treasonous to treat those who say " Death to America!" as one of our own.
I know exactly what you mean...

Of course give him his Miranda rights, then ship him to Texas where he will get a fair trial(and a quick one) and then we'll hang him. Oh wait, we don't do that anymore. No "Old Sparky" either. Darn we're gettin soft. But it would be cool to watch him wait for our gov, Rick Perry to call at the last second to save him from the needle. Yeah, like that would happen. I would have a better chance of scoring with Shakira than he would have waiting for that phone to ring...

We allow the government to start holding American citicens who commit crimes on American soil as enemy combantants it is a steep slippery slope we are going down and no return. All a government would have to do is declare a certain group of people as terrorists because they believe different than prevailing government wishes and they could start holding them as enemy combantants. no rights at all under our Constitution.....

Unfortunately this scumbag is a citizen, and needs to be tried as one. Otherwise what happens when they decide you did something that warranted the constriction of your rights. I wish the brothers would have switched places. But maybe they had thought of that.

dern it Treas, you beat me to it

Gotta agree TH, if he gets tried as a combatant he could end up being deemed a "soldier" and become a POW. POW's are "RELEASED" after a war. On the other hand, no uniform was being worn so he could be considered a "spy" that bombed a non-military target and purposely killed innocent civilians. He should be questioned thoroughly and, when we figure we have gotten every ounce of valuable information he might have, send him on to martyrdom and his many virgins. :) Sounds like hell to me. If Allah has that many extra virgins sitting around, what could they possibly look like?? :laughing7:

We allow the government to start holding American citicens who commit crimes on American soil as enemy combantants it is a steep slippery slope we are going down and no return. All a government would have to do is declare a certain group of people as terrorists because they believe different than prevailing government wishes and they could start holding them as enemy combantants. no rights at all under our Constitution.....

It's not hard to tell which group the govt. declare terrorists...

He should be questioned thoroughly and, when we figure we have gotten every ounce of valuable information he might have, send him on to martyrdom and his many virgins. :) Sounds like hell to me. If Allah has that many extra virgins sitting around, what could they possibly look like?? :laughing7:

That was a typo in the first koran. They aren't getting 72 virgins, they are getting a 72 year old Virginian. :thumbsup:

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