miranda rights

Jersey; Thoughts are mixed. Heard that tonight on the news that an association, can't remember which, has already stepped up and provided a free lawyer to protect his rights. I think in my own mind that in cases of terrorism as this , since the Feds. have control, they have an immediate right and duty to find out whether any more threats exist to the public welfare. This won't be a cut and dry criminal case, and all matter of ,"legal eagles" will come out of the woodwork to make a name for themselves. I also don't believe that this case, or any like in belong in the local criminal courts. Too early to tell where this one goes, but more lawyers will be looking out for the defendents rights, then those of the victims.

“There’s a need to immediately question the guy whether you Mirandize him or not to save lives,” Roper said. “The question is how far do you go before it turns into a custodial interrogation?”
Republican Senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina went a step further, suggesting Dzhokhar be treated as an enemy combatant like a soldier captured in war. The move drew the ire of longtime McCain aide and speechwriter Mark Salter.
“My friend, Lindsey Graham, is wrong on this,” Salter posted on his Facebook page. “However unforgivable his crimes, he's a US citizen, arrested on US soil, with, at this time, no known associations with foreign terrorist organizations at war with the U.S. To declare him an "enemy combatant," and deny him his rights is un-American.”

“There’s a need to immediately question the guy whether you Mirandize him or not to save lives,” Roper said. “The question is how far do you go before it turns into a custodial interrogation?”
Republican Senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina went a step further, suggesting Dzhokhar be treated as an enemy combatant like a soldier captured in war. The move drew the ire of longtime McCain aide and speechwriter Mark Salter.
“My friend, Lindsey Graham, is wrong on this,” Salter posted on his Facebook page. “However unforgivable his crimes, he's a US citizen, arrested on US soil, with, at this time, no known associations with foreign terrorist organizations at war with the U.S. To declare him an "enemy combatant," and deny him his rights is un-American.”

Not sure which way you are going with this but you are certainly on to something!

I'm sure Names will be made before this is over.

I understand and agree with why they chose not to administer the rights , but I pray it does'nt backfire for sentencing .

I think they feel they have enough to convict him without bringing up anything he said after he was captured. I'm sure there are a bunch of ambulance chasers looking to defend the punk and there are probably just as many woman wanting to write him in prison and maybe marry the poor guy. I don't think he did it, I think it was a right-wing conspiracy trying to make the Obama admin look bad. Does anyone know, was it a Kenyan that won the marathon??

I think they feel they have enough to convict him without bringing up anything he said after he was captured. I'm sure there are a bunch of ambulance chasers looking to defend the punk and there are probably just as many woman wanting to write him in prison and maybe marry the poor guy. I don't think he did it, I think it was a right-wing conspiracy trying to make the Obama admin look bad. Does anyone know, was it a Kenyan that won the marathon??

Seriously you think it was a right wing conspiracy trying to make the Obama administration look bad or are you kidding?

Look at it this way say you are pulled over for speeding and the officer reads your rights.It dont hurt a thing but it does protect any evidence they get if they do.If this man was to walk because they didnt, some one, many more than just one ,is never going to have a peaceful nights sleep.

PROBLEM is... he has a wound to the left front of the brain. May NOT be able to understand ANYTHING, nor "talk" (communicate) coherently.

What I fear most is because this thug has now been read his rights and treated as an American citizen that he will most assuredly get a money hungry power hungry lawyer that will treat him like a celebrity and use our mamby pamby wishy washy easily swayed judicial system to get him lesser charges.

What I fear most is because this thug has now been read his rights and treated as an American citizen that he will most assuredly get a money hungry power hungry lawyer that will treat him like a celebrity and use our mamby pamby wishy washy easily swayed judicial system to get him lesser charges.

Are you kidding me?

He IS an American citizen.


I think we should make that part of the BOR changeable, only because we want to this time. It's not like they're written in stone or anything, right?

I've also read that during the high speed chase while they were tossing explosives out the windows of the SUV, they were also firing heavily at officers.
I haven't seen a list of weapons they used, has anyone? If they bought them "legally" by just going over the border into Vermont, do you think they could have been stopped from buying by use of a background check? After all, the older one had been investigated by the FBI, ya know.

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Federally charged as a terrorist. Now facing the death penalty. Would we expect any less?

This guy is headed the same way as Timothy McVeigh. We did manage to prosecute and punish McVeigh without mucking it up.

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