aarthrj3811 said:
All you've shown about the men you heralded above is that they are smart enough to separate a fool from his money.....
Isn’t it funny that everyone keeps putting you on “IGNORE”…Art
By the way…I did put the information on this thread that I thought applied to this type of equipment.
Everyone puts me on ignore, Art? Not hardly, just one more thing you're wrong about, it seems..... Nope, the only folks that put me on ignore are you dowsing folks that insist that these junk LRL's actually do something. It's because you can't handle the truth, actually, but whatever floats your boat, Arty......
You've put information in this thread, eh? Hmmmmm, well, you sure did! Let's do a quick recap, shall we??
It is my personal belief that if you try to dowse with one of these units you will fail.
I find that they all have very poor instructions.
Keep an open mind and read between the lines of the instructions.
I have bought some LRL’s that didn’t do what the Mfg said,
I have never used a Mineoro and don’t plan to.
I am just a dumb fellow that is always’s wrong.
If you treat these instruments like a Dowser Rod you will never get it to work
You guys can not dowse and can not make these tools work.
I do find that the instruction manuals are not very good.
Of course, none of this approaches the real issue at hand, which is
"How are LRL's suppose to work?"
You've found time to talk about everything but this question, Art. Why don't you give this one a shot?
And, while you're at it, try to answer this question.
An LRL is supposed to be a tool, as you yourself have called it. A tool, by it's very definition, is a device used for a specific purpose, not unlike a hammer or a saw. Do you have to
believe in a hammer or a saw in order to use it? If you
believe there's no way a lawn mower will cut grass, will it fail to perform this function simply based on your thoughts?