So after all that still no conclusive proof whether a Mineoro works or not. because this has my attention front and center.
So after all that still no conclusive proof whether a Mineoro works or not. because this has my attention front and center
This is the fundamental misunderstanding related to dowsing, long range locating (LRL), or any other pseudoscience.
Science cannot prove a negative, we can only make positive claims and then disprove those claims. It is incumbent on anyone making a claim to prove that claim correct.
If someone thinks that LRL equipment work, they need to make a positive claim and prove that claim. Others can then disprove the claim if they feel it is worth their time. An example of a positive claim is that an LRL can find a 5 ounce or larger gold nuggets at up to 100 m. To prove that claim a double blind test would be designed where a 5 oz gold nugget would be buried and the person with the LRL would be placed at a location within 100 m of the target. No one else on site would know where the target was located, they would only know the starting location. If the operator of the LRL found the target, they would have proved it worked that one time. Additional tests could be conducted to come up with a statistical model.
Think about dowsing, LRL, or pseudoscience this way, why wouldn’t we use those methods instead of geophysics for all oil and gas or mining applications. These are billion dollar industries, they wouldn’t ignore anything that might help them do their jobs better.
If these approaches worked then I wouldn’t have needed to waste years getting a PhD in geophysics because the majic methods would find everything ai was looking for.