Metal Prices

So. AZ prices
Yelllow brass $1.65 lb
Ins #2 wire $1.00 lb

So Az prices
#1 plastic bottles .30 lb
#2 plastic clear milk / gallon .08 lb
#2 plastic color .02 lb
glass bottles / jars .04 lb

Prices as of 3-16-2013 in hays ks.

Prepared steel- $210 a ton
#2 copper- 2.40 a lb.
Brass- $2.00 a lb.
Copper aluminum radiators- $1.40 a lb
Batteries- $6.00 a piece

Total- $765.00. Good money for things i got for free

Sold some on Thursday

No 2 copper 2.80
No1 copper 2.90
yellow brass 2.05

So. AZ prices

Alum Cans .80 lb
#1 plastic bottles .30 lb

Prices going down.
So AZ prices
Dirty Alum .25
Diecast zinc .15
#2 copper 2.40
Cast Alum .50
#2 ins wire .90
Transmissions .15
MLC Alum .55

So. AZ prices

Holding on to metals for the summer as low prices but did get rid of some cans, glass and plastic...

Alum cans .80 lb
Glass btl / jars .04 lb
#1 plastic btl .30 lb
#2 plastic milk gal .08 lb
#2 plastic color .02 lb

As gold and silver drop for all kinds of "Monkey Business" from political and governmental behind the curtain's, I've read that one needs to keep an eye on Copper.... It's a KEY indicator of what the economy is doing and going to do..... Around the Ft. Worth, Tx area, No.1 is above $3.00 lb.... and been there for the last several months.

Still, I can't get a read on what that means.... Can you?

Mt prices 6/28/13
No.1 copper $2.40
No.2 copper $2.10
Yellow brass $1.45 clean
Brass with other pieces of metal $.85

Steel 9.5 cents a pound. All metal prices down.

So. AZ prices
Elect motors .22 lb
Stainless steel .35 lb

So. Az prices
#1 plastic bottles .30 lb
Alum Cans .85 lb

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