Mercs and more....cold and lucky yields more BUT.........(pics work)


Bronze Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Golden Thread
Washington and Oregon
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Garret Ace250/Prospecter Bounty hunter(Backup)
Well, once again I hit the spot where I found my first three mercs and the diamond and sapphire rings the other day. Now I marked pretty clearly where I had left off so I started there. If I had kept swinging for another 10 minutes I would REALLY hit it big. I hit a spot that was just making my MD SING all over. So one merc....clad....two mercs...clad...THREE MERCS!!!Clad...FOUR ,FIVE ,SIX MERCS.....I am close to coronary about now....WAIT...What's this? Another 14k gold ring with a diamond and ruby!!!!!!!! :o :o :o clad clad MERC 7 and merc 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In hardly anytime at all I found 8 gorgeous mercs and this ring, and about $16 in clad!!!! All of a sudden, a dumptruck pulls up and the guy absolutely refuses to dump anywhere but the exact spot where I am hitting these mercs. We, um, "talk" for a bit, I mean he did have three full lots to dump on, why start dumping right where I am digging? The bottom line, he was a real jerk and my sweet sweet spot is now covered deep in 5 inch rock, graded and steamrolled :'(

Noone will ever know what else there was,at least not for many MANY years, but I know I was digging this stuff as fast as I could dig. The mercs are no key dates but range from 1929 to 1945 and are just awesome. I do not believe they have been in the ground for more than a few weeks. Probably from when the house was dozed.

So here are the pics of my last finds from the cold and lucky lot!
Total take for two days, totalling probably 4 hours of swinging were as follows.
11 mercs
1 14k white gold engagement ring with diamonds and sapphires
1 14k white gold wedding band with 5 sapphires
1 14k yellow gold wedding ring with 1 ruby and two diamonds

over $20 in clad


  • 8mercs.webp
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  • diamondsandruby.webp
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So sorry to hear they dumped on you! But you did great while it lasted and now you can concentrate on the hotel. Sounds like you are finding some awesome hunting grounds. I really love the ring, I have one kind of like it! 8 MERCS, bet it made your mercury rise!

Get back at it!

too bad about the site no longer being available, but you did make some great finds, so dont feel too bad! ;) awesome day you had!

Awesome job Nash!!Those 4 hour's treated you damn good....Sorry to hear about the site....I 'd keep hittin' it until you can't....Good luck and HH!!

what a day you had. most folks will never find that much good stuff in two months, let alone two days. congrats


Congrats on the recent finds. Man, I'd be thrilled to find just ONE Merc, let alone the numbers you're finding. Plus, the rings to break up the monotony...ho humm, ANOTHER silver.

I didn't think it would be possible to top your first trip out after your recovery, but you've definitely done it. Next time you get in a pissing match with such a great site at stake, let the dump truck guy know that you've got a couple hundred friends that have a stake in your successes...we love pictures, we're bulging with muscles from diggin' thru the tough stuff, AND we have plenty of rusty iron pipes, horshoes, axeheads, etc.

Okay, maybe I'm not bulging with muscles, but my MD arm is definitely getting some sweet definition (hope it doesn't turn to flab now that the snow is on the ground!).

Keep posting, Nash. It's always fun to see them.


If thats you in the avatar, you should have Hulked up on him and locked him down willie!!!

Good stuff nash!!!

Very good job you did man,WTG. Congrats .

All I got to say about the jerk dumping on your site is...well....sh1t.

Ok, this idea is gonna sound a little far out but think about it, and I'm quite serious. Here's my suggestion.

Do you have children or nieces and nephews? Why not get the GPS coordinates of your honey-hole (even though it's now covered with dirt and will be built upon) and write the coordinates down on archival-quality paper (archival-quality paper is paper that won't rot from the acid content like regular printer paper would, you can get it at some of the larger retail stores like Costco, Office Depot, or online) with permanent ink? Some day that strip mall (or whatever is going to be built on the site) will be torn down and for awhile the soil will again be exposed. So with your GPS coordinates (that you wrote down due to great foresight), your descendents will be able to find your honey hole all over again. And by that time, the finds will be worth 100 times more, so your descendents will be forever grateful to you and might put flowers on your grave in respect and appreciation. ;)

Seriously, do it and put it somewhere excedingly safe. Put copies in several safe spots. And be sure to write what they can find there, include photos to show what you found and how you found them. Sure, you won't be able to gain from doing this, but some future treasure hunter will and wouldn't that be great???!!!! Honestly, if I were in your position I would do this and tell my relatives what I've done, why I did it, and where to look for it in case I croak before they do.

One more suggestion. GPS units have an accuracy within 10-32 feet. They will often indicate their accuracy rate each time they are used. Mine is 17 feet (it's an older model) so you might also indicate on your note to future treasure hunters that the GPS coordinates are accurate to within whatever rate your GPS says.
Then the future diggers will know if they have to dig in a radius of a certain number of feet or if your GPS coordinates are totally accurate. I figure in the future these GPS devices will be accurate to within an inch, and future treasure hunters may not be aware that us oldtimers had devices that weren't so precise.

Man that really sucks that he covered up the sweet spot. Perhaps there are other sweet spots in there.

I gotta saw WOW on the days digs though. Certainly easily surpassed any best day I have had.

Congratulations on those great digs.


Thanks again to everyone for the input. Treasuretales, THAT is one heck of an idea. I seriously believe there is a lot more at that site and it wont take much to do exactly what you said. Perhaps my grandson will be able to hit that hole one of these days and say, "Wow, Papas' map was right~"
Good luck on the digs folks.
You all rock.


Nash, WTG man! That is a huge amount of mercs! Congrats. I just wanted to go home after work and rest this post has caused an itch....damnit. :)

Ricardo_NY1 said:
Nash, WTG man! That is a huge amount of mercs! Congrats. I just wanted to go home after work and rest this post has caused an itch....damnit. :)

Well get on out there and scratch that sucker! ;D

Scatched that Monday night itch.....and learned a thing or two with the 250. Now I need to find a merc! Love those things.

Nash that's a great story. You gotta love those once in a lifetime spots, there's nothing better than that. That hotel sounds very interesting. I'd be hitting that one hard. Good luck over there and don't forget to post all your cool finds.

Now thats what I call a nice haul of coins .....and to top it off, a sweet

Diamond and ruby Gold ring! WTG on some nice finds!

The Seeker

That's one for the scrapbook there Nashoba! All those mercs...WOW! I mean the rings are way cool and more $valuable$, but I go coo-coo for coco puffs over mercs!


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