MDing SHOULD be banned in all city, state, and federal parks!


Hero Member
Dec 13, 2008
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Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
MXT, TDI, Whites Dual Field, Goldmaster VSAT, Fisher CZ 21
I have to agree with the no's. MDing should be banned in parks. I visited a park in West Branch last week and found many holes left open that a MDer made. The park in Bay City, where I found a 1882 Indian Head the other day, also had similar holes in it today that were not filled. Someone must have seen me MDing, there, the other day and went home and pulled out the Walmart special because the holes in that park were around the trees that I had already hit and all I left was pulltabs and twist tops. I think it is time to ban MDing in the parks and perhaps have a federal license to detect where one has to pass a course like hunting. Those that kill a deer out of season (leave a hole unfilled) get a $1,000 fine and lose their license to detect permanently. There is nothing worse than to have my tax dollar spent on a nice lawn and gardens only to have some idiot destroy it over a penny!

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FORTUNATELY...I do not live in Orange County Florida, nor the State of Florida for that matter Well good deal then, You get my vote on submitting the best example on what can happen if the gov is allowed to make the rules. I live in VA Chesapeake area. Most citys around here are ok with detecting but there are a few that are not. Alot of the vacant lots are posted down in norfolk. Other places too but Norfolk has the capital on them. I was in and out of this area in the 70's on various Navy ships and i can remember seeing signs posted all over saying---- Sailors and dogs keep off the grass.
This is not a cut and dryed battle, if we draw attention to our selves we will end up with a set of rules as you just showed us. If we do nothing sooner or later we will have to address the issue anyway. But that may be years down the road. When the time comes we can address the problem then, and in the mean time police our own ranks and educate as many as possible.
also as an after thought, when he said he left the pull tabs and such, I read that to mean he discriminated those out and did not dig them, not that he dug them and left them on the ground. And im wondering if he just started this post to stir the pot and sit back and let everyone ponder over our fates. As he has not been back to read all the good inputs and comment on them.
Sooooooo in lue of that im moveing on two other post to put my 2.5 cents in else where.

in a corrupt society. even the parks are corrupt.

dont u know that public works exist ONLY for those in charge of them

recreation is JUST AN EXCUSE to pay a bunch of lazy do littler nothings

a big salary.

dont bring up detecting to them .they dont care

the only things they worry about are being discovered for the theft and asbuses of public money they spend.

the higher ups are busy .a. doing private errands on public time while burning public gas in a public vehicle which often is parked at their personal residence. b. in an office surfing the net for personal reasons. c. making personal phonecalls on their cellphones

the grunts are only interested in not getting noticed by the higher ups

they will do jobs only if they are pro type. construction or working with power equipment.

i have never seen anyone in this city pick up litter . not even broken bottles.

certainly a broken bottle is more hazardous then a small hole.

and there are are always those who see only your faults

arent you killing the grass sez the nice lady, while her big dog dumps a huge turd on the lawn as they walk away.

i fill my invisible.dont disturb them.

I don't think they should ban detecting in the parks. Let folks keep their clad honey holes. I don't want all those tot lot people trying to compete with me for the Good Stuff. ;D

Boise, Idaho has community education taught license agreement with Ada county ,the license cost 5 bucks a year and ten min. to teach and show the instructor how to do a recovery from a coin seeded grassy area. Using only a 8 inch or less long probe rolling the turf and returning the turf to original condition and stomping on the turf to seat the turned ground flat .They had outlawed park hunts and school hunts until people got the law changed with this way of retrieval , people who are doing the license and fought for our rights as MDers. (Thank You >Wampum Hut<) Help keep our public lands from becoming private owed government land.

Cought with a Detector! Ten Year Hard time.

Cought Using a Detector! Ten Years Hard Time and Flogged.

Cought Using a Detector with Finds in hand! Ten Years Hard Time, Flogged and Right Hand Cut Off!

Go to Turkey!

Leave Me Alone!

Whoever the person was that didn't fill his holes deserves a good ol' fashion horse whippin'. I can't stand stupidity.

There is'nt a cure for stupidity!

homefires said:
Cought with a Detector! Ten Year Hard time.

Cought Using a Detector! Ten Years Hard Time and Flogged.

Cought Using a Detector with Finds in hand! Ten Years Hard Time, Flogged and Right Hand Cut Off!

Go to Turkey!

Leave Me Alone!

Why is that so many people are so quick to run to the "nanny" (Government) whenever things don't go how they want them to?

There are already laws against destruction of private property. Simply stake out the park and then call the cops when you see the guy doing it. Problem solved.

Dan, you ask:

"Why is that so many people are so quick to run to the "nanny" (Government) whenever things don't go how they want them to?"

I keep asking this too, and suggesting that this seeking clarifications, love-affairs, laws in our favor, etc.... are JUST going to result in the opposite. But to no avail. Anytime a new scary stories floats out there, it just adds fuel the fire, and more md'rs advocate running to "nanny" (government), like you say :dontknow:

arizonaames said:
I have to agree with the no's. MDing should be banned in parks. I visited a park in West Branch last week and found many holes left open that a MDer made. The park in Bay City, where I found a 1882 Indian Head the other day, also had similar holes in it today that were not filled. Someone must have seen me MDing, there, the other day and went home and pulled out the Walmart special because the holes in that park were around the trees that I had already hit and all I left was pulltabs and twist tops. I think it is time to ban MDing in the parks and perhaps have a federal license to detect where one has to pass a course like hunting. Those that kill a deer out of season (leave a hole unfilled) get a $1,000 fine and lose their license to detect permanently. There is nothing worse than to have my tax dollar spent on a nice lawn and gardens only to have some idiot destroy it over a penny!
It should be with people that have no common sense or respect for property. Eventually they probably will ruin it for everyone.

Don't ban detecting in the parks like Louisville did. Why not educate those who detect on the proper methods of recovery. You can dig a hole and fill and if you do it right, there is very little trace of anyone being there. There are those out there who don't care and there are those out there who care and need to be trained. Why not join or start a club and instruct those who dig with no idea what they are doing or offer new techniques to those who have been around. We as detectorists can be a great asset to our communities and law enforcement. I personally contacted our parks superintendent about detecting in the local parks. He gave his blessing. If I see someone detecting nearby, I will make my way to them and try and make sure they are being responsible. If not I will suggest they do so in a nice way.

I don't believe in abortion,,But if we could test and see if they were going to be politicians or lawyers or someone who thinks some one Else's rights should be taken away..Then i would rethink my position.

I think he started this thread just to see how much chaos he could create.

backitup83 said:
There is'nt a cure for stupidity!

Yes there is, it's called a .44 cal. Magnum slug. But that too is against the law.

We all have our days where we just aren't thinkin straight, wonder if his detector is up for sale?

thrillathahunt said:
I think he started this thread just to see how much chaos he could create.
Wild Boulder Bill said:
I agree with you thrillathahunt. Just starting a ruckus.

Wild Boulder

I think its called stiring the pot. I do believe he did a fine job of doing it too.

Dogs and Racoons re-dig MD holes do they not?

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