Hero Member
I have to agree with the no's. MDing should be banned in parks. I visited a park in West Branch last week and found many holes left open that a MDer made. The park in Bay City, where I found a 1882 Indian Head the other day, also had similar holes in it today that were not filled. Someone must have seen me MDing, there, the other day and went home and pulled out the Walmart special because the holes in that park were around the trees that I had already hit and all I left was pulltabs and twist tops. I think it is time to ban MDing in the parks and perhaps have a federal license to detect where one has to pass a course like hunting. Those that kill a deer out of season (leave a hole unfilled) get a $1,000 fine and lose their license to detect permanently. There is nothing worse than to have my tax dollar spent on a nice lawn and gardens only to have some idiot destroy it over a penny!