MDing SHOULD be banned in all city, state, and federal parks!


Hero Member
Dec 13, 2008
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Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
MXT, TDI, Whites Dual Field, Goldmaster VSAT, Fisher CZ 21
I have to agree with the no's. MDing should be banned in parks. I visited a park in West Branch last week and found many holes left open that a MDer made. The park in Bay City, where I found a 1882 Indian Head the other day, also had similar holes in it today that were not filled. Someone must have seen me MDing, there, the other day and went home and pulled out the Walmart special because the holes in that park were around the trees that I had already hit and all I left was pulltabs and twist tops. I think it is time to ban MDing in the parks and perhaps have a federal license to detect where one has to pass a course like hunting. Those that kill a deer out of season (leave a hole unfilled) get a $1,000 fine and lose their license to detect permanently. There is nothing worse than to have my tax dollar spent on a nice lawn and gardens only to have some idiot destroy it over a penny!

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If we do not regulate it by education and licensing, then Government will do what it has been doing across the country, banning it in federal, state, and city parks. Perhaps they will do what they did with dredging in CA and have a moritorium with archeologists deciding the impact of us hobby detectorists. It is not 'will it happen?' it is that it has already happened. We have a choice now. Later, we will not.

I agree and licensed detectorists should be required to carry a small caliber handgun and shoot any squirrels that digs holes around the trees in the park. I have seen them dig up nuts and leave the hole uncovered. Ditto for any birds, o'possums, racoons or any other animal found in the parks. Now you know how I really feel about those who don't fill in their holes by my signature. I wouldn't mind paying a license fee if the money was used only to improve and open up other areas for detectorists to ply our pastime. Something like what the wildlife department does here in Ok. but tht isn't going to happen. I know just as well as I am sitting here that any such proceeds would probably go the the tree huggers and that would be a crime in my book. No licenses, no fees, police our own ranks. Monty

Monty said:
I agree and licensed detectorists should be required to carry a small caliber handgun and shoot any squirrels that digs holes around the trees in the park. I have seen them dig up nuts and leave the hole uncovered. Ditto for any birds, o'possums, racoons or any other animal found in the parks. Now you know how I really feel about those who don't fill in their holes by my signature. I wouldn't mind paying a license fee if the money was used only to improve and open up other areas for detectorists to ply our pastime. Something like what the wildlife department does here in Ok. but tht isn't going to happen. I know just as well as I am sitting here that any such proceeds would probably go the the tree huggers and that would be a crime in my book. No licenses, no fees, police our own ranks. Monty
..................................I agree with Monty.....let's shoot any Animal's that disturbs the soil and send all of the Animal Fur to City Hall..............they could sell the Fur in their Tourist Shops and forward all of the money to the Parks Dept...............LOL.........If you believe this, next is to contact the President and ask for a Federal Trapping/Treasure Hunting Permit!!.....................Joe

Joe(TX) said:
Monty said:
I agree and licensed detectorists should be required to carry a small caliber handgun and shoot any squirrels that digs holes around the trees in the park. I have seen them dig up nuts and leave the hole uncovered. Ditto for any birds, o'possums, racoons or any other animal found in the parks. Now you know how I really feel about those who don't fill in their holes by my signature. I wouldn't mind paying a license fee if the money was used only to improve and open up other areas for detectorists to ply our pastime. Something like what the wildlife department does here in Ok. but tht isn't going to happen. I know just as well as I am sitting here that any such proceeds would probably go the the tree huggers and that would be a crime in my book. No licenses, no fees, police our own ranks. Monty
..................................I agree with Monty.....let's shoot any Animal's that disturbs the soil and send all of the Animal Fur to City Hall..............they could sell the Fur in their Tourist Shops and forward all of the money to the Parks Dept...............LOL.........If you believe this, next is to contact the President and ask for a Federal Trapping/Treasure Hunting Permit!!.....................Joe
................................JUST IN CASE SOMEONE DID NOT GET THE JOKE..........I was Kidding.....Joe

BareBones said:
GibH said:
To err is human, if you want to really screw it up, involve the government.

Nothing truer has been stated in this thread then the one above.

Guys, I'm pretty new around here, but having been around the block in government and law enforcement and could fill volumes with life experiences, but the absolute worst thing you can do is involve government in any form of regulation. Government historically either does nothing at all or over regulates to the point of ruin and the citizen has no real say in the matter.

What sometimes starts off with the best of intentions quickly becomes mutated into just another source of revenue for the governing body. And it's much more cost effective to prohibit then to regulate unless hefty fees can be levied in sufficient quantities. That is the sad bottom line people.

The quickest way to loose your rights is to invite regulation in any shape or form. Do you think the Grand Canyon was formed in one day? No, it took a long time, but it started with just one drop of water. American civil rights are being eroded each and every day all across this country mostly by politicians looking to make a name for them selves, the average citizen that had the best of intention at heart; like the one that started a tread topic like this one, or by plain and simple greed, jealousy can also play a role to much extent of the time.

All you need is some liberal in government to read this and put the bug in their ear and next thing you know they are typing up some new bill or ordnance to submit because you need to be saved from yourself.


Sorry, I am just really disappointed to see someone that enjoys this hobby is making waves that could effect everyone for just a couple isolated incidents. If it honestly bothers you that much or you think it is that much of an issue, please take it upon yourself to fill the holes in, that would be the responsible thing to do.

If you should consider doing that, I thank you and you have my sincere admiration.

I Have to agree. Why open a can of worms
where it is not needed ?

Instead of Bringing the negative into the Light of
the Lawmakers...

Advertise the Positive to the Public ;
if your going to advertise anything.,331.0.html

Ever see the Saturday night Live
episode on the Freedom of Information act ?
where someone contacts the FBI to see their File ?
The FBI Says File ? We don't have a File ?
Then Asks his Superiors Why & Starts one :wink:

As much as I would hate seeing a permit system, I would rather have it than MD'ing be banned. A simple test and accountability are good ideas and may help us in the long run. Also, less holes will help public image and may help get us permission for private properties


goldencoin said:
As much as I would hate seeing a permit system, I would rather have it than MD'ing be banned. A simple test and accountability are good ideas and may help us in the long run. Also, less holes will help public image and may help get us permission for private properties


Yes but Until or unless there is a No detecting
initiative in the area Why make them aware ?

I Have many Parks I search.
Why would I Go tell them they
should start a Permit System ?

Because I Don't know what to
do with My Money &
like giving it to local Government ?

jeff of pa said:
goldencoin said:
As much as I would hate seeing a permit system, I would rather have it than MD'ing be banned. A simple test and accountability are good ideas and may help us in the long run. Also, less holes will help public image and may help get us permission for private properties


Yes but Until or unless there is a No detecting
initiative in the area Why make them aware ?

I Have many Parks I search.
Why would I Go tell them they
should start a Permit System ?

Because I Don't know what to
do with My Money &
like giving it to local Government ?

I agree with Jeff. Once you start a permit or license system, the government will write 10,000 laws on what, where, when, and how we can detect and to govern the permit/license. We will lose hundreds of locations we can now detect with out any issues. (No detecting before dawn or after dusk?, no detecting in any county or city park, (legal where I live), no detecting on any easement, and so on. the possibilities are endless).

Why open "Pandora's Box?

My local state park has a permit system. You pay $15. to detect from Sept 15 to May 15. I know myself and others who faithfully get our permits every year, but I'm sure there are many who don't. The park police have never once asked to see a permit. I wonder why we pay the money at all. Those who wish to have the Gov't take over their lives, good luck to you. In the meantime, play by the rules and hope Idiots don't impose more rules and regulations to suffocate our lives...... hmm...


goldencoin said:
As much as I would hate seeing a permit system, I would rather have it than MD'ing be banned. A simple test and accountability are good ideas and may help us in the long run. Also, less holes will help public image and may help get us permission for private properties


How's the Thumb?

gregl01 said:
My local state park has a permit system. You pay $15. to detect from Sept 15 to May 15. I know myself and others who faithfully get our permits every year, but I'm sure there are many who don't. The park police have never once asked to see a permit. I wonder why we pay the money at all. Those who wish to have the Gov't take over their lives, good luck to you. In the meantime, play by the rules and hope Idiots don't impose more rules and regulations to suffocate our lives...... hmm...


More rules here than in the PRC and MDing can be banned in public places without our input: with only the input of archeologists. Everyone must be commies or nazis in your world when they do not agree with you.

At age 65 I've seen most of life's woes and great things too, some good people and some bad people too, but the ones that are the worst are certain ones employed by the government

Last year a man running sprinklers (about age 50) at the intersection of the local high school/city park asked me to not use my metal detector "there". The trouble was, that he didn't know weather I was on school property or park (city) property to start with. In a clear voice I told him that football, baseball, and track shoes do more damage to the green grass than metal detectorists do, bad or good. His response? "But that's what the field is designed for". The very next day the whole d - - n field was covered with travel trailers, 5th-wheels, and tents for a CW celebration! The grass was torn up here and there with skid marks, tire tracks, holes, and gouges by the dozens.... while people were doing things in the grass that the field "was designed for".

This year,, right across the road in the half-school/ half-park property, a man was digging huge holes, not covering them up, and using an old 1980's White's . I asked if he was finding anything interesting and he said he was looking for the surveyor stakes dividing the two properties. He worked for the high school "maintaining" the school grounds. And yes, he was the "last year" man's boss. Yes, I helped him find the markers and I helped him cover the big holes too, but if I hadn't come along the huge holes would have still been there and he never would have found the markers, not in two light years. And yes, it was ok if I hunted there, and "thanks for helping me find the stakes".


There are a few Americans here that want to get metal detecting banned in their country. It sucks but there is nothing I can do about it. What can do is PLEAD with all of my fellow Canadian hunters to not do the same. Please don't go talking to any government officials or politicians as there has been no problems with searching areas that we have always been able to search. I would appreciate this and I don't want detecting banned here in my city or province.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. Please respect all laws and our code of ethics. Don't dig plugs for new pennies and fill in your holes.
(which is common sense) Thanks again.

Muddy, I agree. I too can think of many places that md'rs here in my area detect with no problems. But they are places that .... if a person were to research deeply enough, and interpret *broadly* enough .... he might in fact find something that someone could morph to say "no metal detecting". So I, like you, hope NO ONE goes "asking". Things are just fine here thankyou. And the LAST thing we would want, is someone to go asking, clarifying, suggesting permits, etc... and get rules to address their "pressing issue".

Sure, this stance does nothing to address those locales that might already have restrictive bologna. But you have to ask yourself: why did it get that way to begin with? A lot of times it is this very psychology of people being sore thumbs, asking dumb questions, seeking sanctions (where none were even needed), etc....

arizonaames said:
I have to agree with the no's. MDing should be banned in parks. I visited a park in West Branch last week and found many holes left open that a MDer made. The park in Bay City, where I found a 1882 Indian Head the other day, also had similar holes in it today that were not filled. Someone must have seen me MDing, there, the other day and went home and pulled out the Walmart special because the holes in that park were around the trees that I had already hit and all I left was pulltabs and twist tops. I think it is time to ban MDing in the parks and perhaps have a federal license to detect where one has to pass a course like hunting. Those that kill a deer out of season (leave a hole unfilled) get a $1,000 fine and lose their license to detect permanently. There is nothing worse than to have my tax dollar spent on a nice lawn and gardens only to have some idiot destroy it over a penny!

Are you for Real? ::)

You know i spent over 20 years in the service and it irks me that every time i turn around there is someone in the wings waiting to BAN or do away with what little freedoms we enjoy. There is less and less BLM land to be enjoyed in the west and fewerer and fewer parks for us to enjoy our hobby. Personally im getting tired of new laws being passed just to fill the government pocket books when a few people dont like something and it becomes exceptable to stick it to us. Everyone should fill their holes period... but everyone dont. Getting a license is crazy. Dont you think we have enough license in our pocket. Ive got a gun permit, fishing license, hunting licnese, driving license... ect ect. If it bothers you so much..... how about putting your detector in the car and spend some time just filling them in lieu of helping those policy makers do away with our hobby... which i kind of enjoy.

dewcon4414 said:
You know i spent over 20 years in the service and it irks me that every time i turn around there is someone in the wings waiting to BAN or do away with what little freedoms we enjoy. There is less and less BLM land to be enjoyed in the west and fewerer and fewer parks for us to enjoy our hobby. Personally im getting tired of new laws being passed just to fill the government pocket books when a few people dont like something and it becomes exceptable to stick it to us. Everyone should fill their holes period... but everyone dont. Getting a license is crazy. Dont you think we have enough license in our pocket. Ive got a gun permit, fishing license, hunting licnese, driving license... ect ect. If it bothers you so much..... how about putting your detector in the car and spend some time just filling them in lieu of helping those policy makers do away with our hobby... which i kind of enjoy.


Treasure_Hunter said:
dewcon4414 said:
You know i spent over 20 years in the service and it irks me that every time i turn around there is someone in the wings waiting to BAN or do away with what little freedoms we enjoy. There is less and less BLM land to be enjoyed in the west and fewerer and fewer parks for us to enjoy our hobby. Personally im getting tired of new laws being passed just to fill the government pocket books when a few people dont like something and it becomes exceptable to stick it to us. Everyone should fill their holes period... but everyone dont. Getting a license is crazy. Dont you think we have enough license in our pocket. Ive got a gun permit, fishing license, hunting licnese, driving license... ect ect. If it bothers you so much..... how about putting your detector in the car and spend some time just filling them in lieu of helping those policy makers do away with our hobby... which i kind of enjoy.


Why make it easy to open our empty pockets for more hands to reach in an fish for money. If you don't like the holes, start filling them in and learn to use a screw driver insead of a trowl to retreive your coins.

arizonaames said:
gregl01 said:
My local state park has a permit system. You pay $15. to detect from Sept 15 to May 15. I know myself and others who faithfully get our permits every year, but I'm sure there are many who don't. The park police have never once asked to see a permit. I wonder why we pay the money at all. Those who wish to have the Gov't take over their lives, good luck to you. In the meantime, play by the rules and hope Idiots don't impose more rules and regulations to suffocate our lives...... hmm...


More rules here than in the PRC and MDing can be banned in public places without our input: with only the input of archeologists. Everyone must be commies or nazis in your world when they do not agree with you.

Yep you're right az, SORRY the gov't should control more of our lives and limit everything we do and then charge us for what little freedoms we have left. Sorry, I thought the US Constitution meant something..........


We have no lobby, like GPAA has to protect the individual prospector. Parks across the country, federal, state and local parks, have already banned metal detecting for reasons that are not because of just not filling in holes. What is your solutions to combat archeologists and the destruction of public property (ruining the grass and leaving big gaping holes) to reopen parks that are already banned to MDers and to keep further parks from being closed to us as well. I can see a lot of 'do nothing complainers' but I do not see constructive ways of keeping the parks open to MDers. Should we all contribute $67.50 per year like GPAA in order to hire lobbiests for our interest? :dontknow: 'Nothing is free' and we do not have exclusive use and rights to our parks. They are for all of the tax paying folks out there.

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