🥇 BANNER Massive Roman/Saxon Site - Day 5 - XP DEUS HITS GOLD...


Emerald Member
May 25, 2007
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Golden Thread
🥇 Banner finds
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Detector(s) used
XP Deus II v0.6 with 11" Coil
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
What can I say after only 5 hunts with my new machine.:metaldetector::blob8::metaldetector:

We gridded for 5.5 hours & got our equal best Roman Coin count (for this site) again!

The gold coin was found on my second run & it sounded like a deep coin. Not that deep by some standards (about 6inches) but it was on its side. It was a total shock, because this site has had no Celtic coins & nothing older than 1st AD, until now!!

I had a thought in my head for sometime that my next great find, I would just casually walk over to Dad & say 'hay look at this ''OK'' coin'.....& then enjoy the reaction. Well that went out the window & my gold coin happy muddy boot jig popped out...Dad was struggling for a guess, because we have been hoping for a nice sceat or hammered & the silver is just not showing, so as a last ditch guess he stouted 'gold' - 'yessss'(I said & handed it over)

Sorry the dirt pictures didn't work out, my camera for outdoors is cheap.

33 Roman Bronze Coins
Roman Pin Head
Saxon Pin Head
Roman Bracelet pieces
1st C Roman Fibula

Notice the lack of pottery, as we grid off the main area.

Celtic Gold Stater, (mid to late 1st century BC), Whaddon Chase type, devolved head of Apollo, rev. horse right, winged object above and wheel with six spokes below. ABC2442 (Latest book states Scarce, did a quick look, less than 100 recorded)

Like all my Celtic Coin this will be recorded properly with the acedemics so as to help further study of their distribution etc...


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Upvote 79
Thanks for all the comments & votes, I know it felt like a banner find when I plucked it from the soil, so it makes little difference whether it got there or not. Very pleased it did though & it might have killed my chances of one next year. You never expect this type of coin to be anywhere, they are completely unpredictable, thats why its such a great find.

Awesome coin for sure.... but you were due! :occasion14:

Thanks, not sure about due, as I had one this year already. I've had better years for these but that was a kind of a crazy year. Unless you do better sites than I do, the best I can ever 'hope' for is 1 a year & thats a hard target.:occasion14:

That gold stater is just gorgeous!!

You have to be a legend in your country Cru!? That gold would make my decade. How do you find so many great sites that haven't already been pounded? banner!!

Legends hunt in Norfolk, there are detectorist that make some of my sites look average.

Finding the sites takes lots of research & sometimes lots of leg work. One of our secret weapons is Land-Mag, he has access to research material that is not open to the General Public. This can only happen because our team has build the trust with the Archaeological world over many years. We work with many acedemics & Museums including the British Museum (for Roman Coins). These relationships have benefited boths sides.
We still have many farms that we don't have the time to even look at properly, the most difficult thing is finding 'new' sites. We did manage to find only 1 this year, but it was a really great one, that no-one knew about.

Funny story;
When we first started this land, one of the owners pointed out to us that the field (this one) we liked the look of would have nothing on it. lol It is an unknown site Archaeologically speeking (ie. unrecorded) but some years ago a detectorist was kicked off this land for not showing there finds. He kept coming back but saying he didn't find much. Who knows what he had off.

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Cru, Congrats on the Banner buddy. I know it's not the end all be all but I still consider it very cool when the others that we respect believe our finds are no doubt Banner worthy. Makes my tree look a bit less impressive lol. Well be waiting for you next gold coin. Hopefully it's not too too long in between. And that new detector and you seem to be getting along very well. All the best, Abe

Congratulations on your Celtic gold find! Sure looks like a sweet hunting spot.


What a beauty.
It makes sense that you say these were not used as money, as it seems that at least the most I've seen are in good condition, and if they were traded a lot you'd expect more wear.

It sure didn't take the Deus long to "pay for itself"

Great find esp. near the end of the year, and not to mention it's your second of the year.

I came on & saw this in the banner I told myself gotta be be the Cru man,clicked on & guess what:laughing7:. Very Nice Man!
Take Care,

Congrats Cru on yet another well deserved Banner find. I have but one question, are you using one of the perloaded programs on the Deus or have you set up your oun program yet?

The Deus will reopen so many of your old sites. Congratulations on that amazing beauty.

It would be interesting to put the gold stater in a XRF machine and find out the purity and what other metals are alloyed with it. I am always amazed at the ancients ability to mine and refine metals into useful objects. I wonder where the gold came from to make such a coin?

Gz! Gz! Gz! beautiful coin!:hello2:

holy frijoles! what a way to close out the year. though i wont be surprised if you're able to squeeze in another banner by then ;)

Cruz THANK YOU for being a long time contributor to this site. It is always uplifting to see your posts make banner. Congratulations on a well deserved one! Goldbill

Wow Cru! That is a beauty, I can't even begin to imagine what a hunt would be like over there. Congrats on another awesome banner find!

OMG, that's such a beautiful coin! Lucky dawg you!!!

It's one pretty find. I always liked the stylized work the Celts used. And so much more impressive in gold. I hope there are more impressive finds at the field. No doubt you'll find them if they are there.

Cru, I am in awe of that coin. Congrats on the find, and thank you for the history lesson.

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