I thought this article was interesting.

I never realized the Masons had been persecuted to this degree. Here's an excerpt.

Nazi Germany and occupied Europe​

See also: The Holocaust and Liberté chérie
Propaganda poster of the Grand Anti-Masonic Exhibition in Belgrade during the Nazi German occupation of SerbiaThe red triangle, the symbol used to mark Freemasons
Freemasons were consistently considered an ideological foe of Nazism in their world perception (Weltauffassung). The Nazis claimed that high-degree Masons were willing members of the Jewish conspiracy and that Freemasonry was one of the causes of Germany's defeat in World War I.[36] In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler wrote that "Freemasonry has succumbed to the Jews and has become an excellent instrument to fight for their aims and to use their strings to pull the upper strata of society into their designs". He continued, "The general pacifistic paralysis of the national instinct of self-preservation begun by Freemasonry" is then transmitted to the masses of society by the press.[37][not specific enough to verify] In 1933 Hermann Göring, the Reichstag President and one of the key figures in the process of Gleichschaltung ("synchronization"), stated "in National Socialist Germany, there is no place for Freemasonry".[38]

The Enabling Act (Ermächtigungsgesetz in German) was passed by Germany's parliament (the Reichstag) on March 23, 1933. Using the Act, on January 8, 1934, the German Ministry of the Interior ordered the disbandment of Freemasonry, and confiscation of the property of all Lodges; stating that those who had been members of Lodges when Hitler came to power, in January 1933, were prohibited from holding office in the Nazi party or its paramilitary arms, and were ineligible for appointment in public service.[39] Consistently considered an ideological foe of Nazism in their world perception (Weltauffassung), special sections of the Security Service (SD) and later the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) were established to deal with Freemasonry.[40] Masonic concentration camp inmates were graded as political prisoners, and wore an inverted (point down) red triangle.

On August 8, 1935, as Führer and Chancellor, Adolf Hitler announced in the Nazi Party newspaper, Völkischer Beobachter, the final dissolution of all Masonic Lodges in Germany. The article accused a conspiracy of the Fraternity and World Jewry of seeking to create a World Republic.[41] In 1937 Joseph Goebbels inaugurated an "Anti-Masonic Exposition" to display objects seized by the state.[38] The Ministry of Defence forbade officers from becoming Freemasons, with officers who remained as Masons being sidelined.[14]

During the war, Freemasonry was banned by edict in all countries that were either allied with the Nazis or under Nazi control, including Norway and France. Anti-Masonic exhibitions were held in many occupied countries. Field-Marshal Friedrich Paulus was denounced as a "High-grade Freemason" when he surrendered to the Soviet Union in 1943.[42]

In 1943, the Propaganda Abteilung, a delegation of Nazi Germany's propaganda ministry within occupied France, commissioned the propaganda film Forces occultes. The film virulently denounces Freemasonry, parliamentarianism and Jews as part of Vichy's drive against them and seeks to prove a Jewish-Masonic plot. The Freemasons were accused of conspiring with Jews and Anglo-American nations to encourage France into a war with Germany.

The preserved records of the RSHA—i.e., Reichssicherheitshauptamt or the Office of the High Command of Security Service, which pursued the racial objectives of the SS through the Race and Resettlement Office—document the persecution of Freemasons.[40] The number of Freemasons from Nazi occupied countries who were killed is not accurately known, but it is estimated that between 80,000 and 200,000 Freemasons were murdered under the Nazi regime.[43] The Government of the United Kingdom established Holocaust Memorial Day[44] to recognise all groups who were targets of the Nazi regime, and counter Holocaust denial. Freemasons are listed as being among those who were targeted.

Francoist Spain​

It is claimed that the dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera ordered the abolition of Freemasonry in Spain.[45] In September 1928, one of the two Grand Lodges in Spain was closed and approximately two-hundred masons, most notably the Grand Master of the Grand Orient, were imprisoned for allegedly plotting against the government.[46]

Following the military coup of 1936, many Freemasons trapped in areas under Nationalist control were arrested and summarily killed in the White Terror, along with members of left wing parties and trade unionists. It was reported that Masons were tortured, garroted, shot, and murdered by organized death squads in every town in Spain. At this time one of the most rabid opponents of Freemasonry, Father Juan Tusquets Terrats, began to work for the Nationalists with the task of exposing masons. One of his close associates was Franco's personal chaplain, and over the next two years, these two men assembled a huge index of 80,000 suspected masons, even though there were little more than 5,000 masons in Spain. The lodge building in Cordoba was burnt, the Masonic Temple of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the Canary Islands was confiscated and transformed into the headquarters of the Falange, and another was shelled by artillery. In Salamanca thirty members of one lodge were shot, including a priest. Similar atrocities occurred across the country: fifteen masons were shot in Logrono, seventeen in Ceuta, thirty-three in Algeciras, and thirty in Valladolid, among them the Civil Governor. Few towns escaped the carnage as Freemasons in Lugo, Zamora, Cadiz and Granada were brutally rounded up and shot, and in Seville, the entire membership of several lodges were butchered. The slightest suspicion of being a mason was often enough to earn a place in a firing squad, and the blood-letting was so fierce that, reportedly, some masons were even hurled into working engines of steam trains. By 16 December 1937, according to the annual masonic assembly held in Madrid, all masons that had not escaped from the areas under nationalist control had been murdered.[46]

After the victory of dictator General Francisco Franco, Freemasonry was officially outlawed in Spain on 2 March 1940. Being a mason was automatically punishable by a minimum jail term of 12 years.[47] Masons of the 18Âş and above were deemed guilty of "Aggravated Circumstances", and usually faced the death penalty.[48]

According to Francoists, the Republican Regime which Franco overthrew had a strong Masonic presence.[citation needed] In reality Spanish Masons were present in all sectors of politics and the armed forces.[49] At least four of the Generals who supported Franco's rebellion were Masons, although many lodges contained fervent but generally conservative Republicans. Freemasonry was formally outlawed in the Law for the Repression of Freemasonry and Communism.[50] After Franco's decree outlawing masonry, Franco's supporters were given two months to resign from any lodge they might be a member. Many masons chose to go into exile instead, including prominent monarchists who had whole-heartedly supported the Nationalist rebellion in 1936. The common components in Spanish Masonry seems to have been upper or middle class conservative liberalism and strong anti-clericism.[51]

The Law for the Repression of Freemasonry and Communism was not abrogated until 1963.[50] References to a "Judeo-Masonic plot" are a standard component of Francoist speeches and propaganda and reveal the intense and paranoid obsession of the dictator with masonry. Franco produced at least 49 pseudonymous anti-masonic magazine articles and an anti-masonic book during his lifetime. According to Franco:[48]

The whole secret of the campaigns unleashed against Spain can be explained in two words: masonry and communism... we have to extirpate these two evils from our land.

This picture shows my interpretation of the LUE map, compass headings radiating out from specific starting points on a map of the United States.

LUE starting points and lines.jpg

I found this article about a Co-Mason artist who used a similar technique on a Masonic Tracing Board. I thought it was interesting that she included the method on a Tracing Board because I think the LUE map is a Tracing Board, as well as a treasure map. If you used this type of geometry on my LUE clue mapping, you could find a specific point on a map, without having any clues or any symbols on the map.




Lines drawn from the left and right points on the horizon create the sides of the rhomboids, or tiles in the Tracing Board. The wonder is that their diagonals (shown with dotted lines) all point to the same circled point on the horizon, exactly midway between the generating points. But this is not what Frieda draws. She distorts the matrix of tiles so that if one imagines the diagonals they cross at various points up the central ladder, signaling the ladder transcends the plane - which, of course, is its purpose. Planes in fact, as signaled by similar lines coming from the top corners

I found a couple of interesting excerpts from this link that might be represented on the LUE map. The article is Masonic related and could give meaning to the two curved lines.

Here's the link,

Here's the LUE map. The pink lines show the path and directions that I believe are described in the excerpts.


Here are the excerpts.

"It is therefore important that he should also learn that he is not being led round a SQUARE space as was the case previously. At the very least he needs to be led up one pillar and by the curve of an arch before he returns along another pillar. What may be a surprise to you is the fact that in places as far apart as Cambridge and Preston, Lancashire, it is still the practice for the Royal Arch candidate to be led from the west a short way up the north, passing then to the south over the floorcloth and through the staves, up to the east where the curve of the arch is made, down the north and again through the staves to the south before turning right to the west."

I think the floor cloth would be the vertical column and the staves would be the horizontal column. There is also this definition of staves.

A long strip of wood or iron that forms the sides of a barrel, bucket, or boat hull. It can also refer to a wooden stick, a rung of a ladder, or a crosspiece that braces a chair's legs. In music, a stave is a set of five lines and four spaces used in staff notation.

Here's the second excerpt.

“Whence come you?” “From the east” (the porchway/entrance) “Whither directing your course?” “The west” (Holy of Holies) “What inducement have you to leave the east and go to the W.? “To seek for that which was lost, which, with your instruction and our own endeavors, we hope to find.” (Note the aim)“What is that which is lost?” “The GENUINE secrets of a M.M.” The conclusion therefore must be: it ishere that we now find them in the presence of the Ark of the Covenant in the west. Is it any wonder that the Holy Royal Arch came to be called the Summum Bonum, the ultimate good of Freemasonry?"

I've wondered if there was an alternate meaning for the pyramid and the T inside it. The pyramid is in the west where the Holy of Holies (Ark of the Covenant) is and the T inside the triangle could represent a triple Tau.

I found this definition of the triple Tau inside the triangle.

"In Royal Arch Masonry, the "triple tau inside a triangle" represents a significant symbol known as the "Holy Royal Arch," which signifies the most sacred space within the Temple of Solomon, essentially the "Holy of Holies," and is considered a representation of the divine presence; the triple tau itself symbolizes the three Grand Masters (Hiram Abiff, King Solomon, and Hiram of Tyre) who oversaw the building of the Temple, with the triangle further emphasizing the concept of the divine trinity or perfect geometry."

"Holy of Holies:
In the context of the Temple of Solomon, the Holy of Holies was the most sacred chamber where the Ark of the Covenant was kept, and in Royal Arch Masonry, the "Holy Royal Arch" symbolizes the spiritual enlightenment attained through the ritual."

Here's something interesting about the LUE map. The ratio of the map's length to width is 1.3.

"A rectangle with a ratio of 1.3 is considered significant in art and design because studies have shown that this proportion is often found in paintings, particularly when analyzing the maximum distribution of height to width ratios, suggesting it might be perceived as aesthetically pleasing by viewers, similar to the more well-known "Golden Ratio" (approximately 1.618) but with a slightly different visual quality; some researchers link this ratio to the "Plastic Number" concept in geometry, which is related to dividing a rectangle into smaller similar rectangles with the same 1.3 ratio.

Key points about the 1.3 ratio rectangle:

  • Aesthetic appeal:
    Research indicates that many artists intuitively use this ratio in their compositions, leading to a visually harmonious appearance.

  • Mathematical basis:
    While not as widely known as the Golden Ratio, some mathematicians have explored the mathematical properties of the 1.3 ratio, connecting it to concepts like the Plastic Number, which can be constructed geometrically.

  • Application in art analysis:
    Art historians sometimes study the aspect ratios of paintings to understand how artists structured their compositions, and the 1.3 ratio can be a significant factor in this analysis."

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