Thanks again, Ryano, for taking the time to create these images. It was a good idea to use the light and dark lines to show separation between the halves.

Long story short, my theory is that the LUE map is an abstract drawing of the John Harris painting of the second degree Masonic Tracing Board. I've contacted several Masonic Lodges and one member said that the Harris Tracing Boards were popular in the United States. He also said that the LUE map has symbols that are associated with the second degree board.

harris1844_fc triangles behind curtain.webp

I wonder if the LUE map was created as an easier way to study the Harris painting of the second degree. The painting had to be left in the lodge but a copy of the LUE map could be taken home and studied. Drawing the LUE map in abstract, and using simple geometric shapes, would make it easier to study the different parts of the second degree. The LUE map, as it is, shows the symbology of the second degree, but folding the map in half, like Ryano did, consolidates the information of the second degree.


fold over 1 crop 2.webp

fold over 2.png

This is Ryano's second image.

I thought I would show Masonic symbolism on the LUE map and the Harris 2nd Degree Tracing Board.

It seems that the interpretation of Masonic symbols doesn't have to be consistent from lodge to lodge. The symbols are there and pretty much open for interpretation, kind of like the Christian churches. There was only one Jesus but 40,000 Christian churches can't agree on what he had to say. Anyway, I labeled a picture of the LUE map and the Harris Tracing Board, to illustrate similarities.

t b numbered.webp

lue numbered.webp

#1- Sun light that helps orient the drawing.

#2- Five steps that go to the middle chamber.

#3- A pyramid shaped mountain with a shadow that helps orient the map and painting.

#4- The Mason's level.

#5- The Mason's plumb.

#6- The pavement.

#7- The celestial curve on the globe at the top of the column.

#8- The Blazing Star (the Sun), symbolized on the LUE map, with the circle inside the circle.

#9- The two columns, Boaz and Jachim.

#10- The triangles inside the door on the middle chamber of the Harris painting.


  • lue numbered.webp
    lue numbered.webp
    103.7 KB · Views: 8
Here are a couple of variations of the Harris Tracing Board.

The first picture shows rectangles on the floor of the second chamber.

harris drawing 2.webp

This picture shows what looks like boards on the floor of the second chamber.

harris drawing.webp



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My 2 cents and I apologize if Im late to the party and uninformed. I will work on that, but in the meantime, maybe I'll just drop off a thought or two.

I see there are Masonic connections being made. I agree. The pillar (not 2nd degree per se, a stronger connection is to where Enoch hid the keys to Masonry in 2 pillars, one pillar to protect the secrets fire and the other to protect them from water....this is Royal Arch Masonry), the sun high up, the "checkerboard" on the bottom, repeated use of triangles (another Royal Arch reference), the stairsteps (2nd degree) and most glaringly is not even on the map. von Mueller's use of the word SHIBBOLETH is a dead giveaway. This screams Freemasonic. View attachment 2181977

Maybe you guys saw that already. If so, I second it.
I agree with you. I think von Mueller used shibboleth in the caption, as a clue for the Masons reading his book.

If you're interested in the Masonic part of the puzzle, you might want to start reading at my post #290.

Something else I learned, recently, the Doric column represents the Senior Warden and the Doric column bisects the LUE map. In the 2nd Degree Tracing Board, the Senior Warden is the person standing at the door, at the top of the stairway. One more piece of evidence that the LUE map is an abstract version of the Masonic 2nd Degree Tracing Board.

Cuzimloony, are you a Mason?

My 2 cents and I apologize if Im late to the party and uninformed. I will work on that, but in the meantime, maybe I'll just drop off a thought or two.

I see there are Masonic connections being made. I agree. The pillar (not 2nd degree per se, a stronger connection is to where Enoch hid the keys to Masonry in 2 pillars, one pillar to protect the secrets fire and the other to protect them from water....this is Royal Arch Masonry), the sun high up, the "checkerboard" on the bottom, repeated use of triangles (another Royal Arch reference), the stairsteps (2nd degree) and most glaringly is not even on the map. von Mueller's use of the word SHIBBOLETH is a dead giveaway. This screams Freemasonic. View attachment 2181977

Maybe you guys saw that already. If so, I second it.
This shows an image that Ryano created in post #339. I rotated it to get the proper alignment. Ryano overlapped the two halves of the LUE map.

fold over 2.webp

Ryano did an excellent job and he made it easier to pick out the elements of the 2nd Degree.

Shibboleth is a Hebrew word that means "ear of corn" or "flood." In a Biblical story, the word was used as a password — a means to figure out who was part of your group and who wasn't. It still has that sense of identifying someone as a member of a group.

Dr. Roush said the LUE was also called the LEAUX, which is the French word for waters.
In my Lodge, it is shown as a sheath of wheat (or some type of grain like that), hanging from a rope next to a waterfall. We invite strangers to see the Lodge, there are pictures of this painting on the facebook page and this information seems to be freely available as shown in this thread so.... It may also mean "plenty" like the interwebs say, but we have the cornucopia for that. Also, in the bible story, if you got shibboleth wrong, you were killed in the river. Maybe that's where the arrow comes from....

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If the version with the dot in it is the legit one, then here are my thoughts:

The circle with the DOT in it is the circumpunct (the circle is within a triangle in this map). It is what is created when you use a compass to create a circle. It's not just a circle, but a circle with a hole, or dot in the middle, created by the spike end of the compass. That dot represents the CREATOR of the circle. From that point, all things emanate. From that point, all creation emerges. That dot is the beginning, the center of all things. (Think Big Bang) ALPHA, the creator (the dot in the middle AND the actual shape of the compass) and the OMEGA (the "O"), which is the resultant creation, all in one symbol. Ever see the Washington Monument from above? If this is Masonic, that symbol probably doesn't represent gold. It's the beginning.

This might be why the dot was removed...........
I could be wrong. I spent all of 10 minutes thinking about it "Masonically" and that's what I came up with :). Everything I said though is true, in a Masonic sense, which may or may not be appropriate here for the LUE map. However, it appears very, very Masonic to me.

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In my Lodge, it is shown as a sheath of wheat (or some type of grain like that), hanging from a rope next to a waterfall. We invite strangers to see the Lodge, there are pictures of this painting on the facebook page and this information seems to be freely available as shown in this thread so.... It may also mean "plenty" like the interwebs say, but we have the cornucopia for that. Also, in the bible story, if you got shibboleth wrong, you were killed in the river. Maybe that's where the arrow comes from....
Thank you for the information. Finally, a Mason who is willing to post information. I realize that there must be information that is to be guarded, but, like you say, the information that I post is on the internet and written by high ranking Masons.

One of the biggest questions that I would ask a Mason is, would any of the lodges use an abstract representation of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board, maybe like a study guide that can be taken home for research?

Something else you might find interesting, I don't know if you study the LUE, but it was obtained and copied from a family in Arizona possibly in the Mesa Bend area.

"would any of the lodges use an abstract representation of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board"
I apologies and I don't mean to be rude. I'm not sure what you mean. That board is already abstract. ;)

Thank you for the information. Finally, a Mason who is willing to post information. I realize that there must be information that is to be guarded, but, like you say, the information that I post is on the internet and written by high ranking Masons.

One of the biggest questions that I would ask a Mason is, would any of the lodges use an abstract representation of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board, maybe like a study guide that can be taken home for research?

Something else you might find interesting, I don't know if you study the LUE, but it was obtained and copied from a family in Arizona possibly in the Mesa Bend area.
"Mesa Bend area....." I did not know that. I do not know a whole lot about this map yet so, please go on .... ;)

If the version with the dot in it is the legit one, then here are my thoughts:

The circle with the DOT in it is the circumpunct (the circle is within a triangle in this map). It is what is created when you use a compass to create a circle. It's not just a circle, but a circle with a hole, or dot in the middle, created by the spike end of the compass. That dot represents the CREATOR of the circle. From that point, all things emanate. From that point, all creation emerges. That dot is the beginning, the center of all things. ALPHA (the dot in the middle AND the actual shape of the compass) and the OMEGA (the "O"), which is the resultant creation, all in one symbol. Ever see the Washington Monument from above? If this is Masonic, that symbol probably doesn't represent gold. It's the beginning.

This might be why the dot was removed...........
A couple weeks ago, I bought a book about Tracing Boards that was written by Julian Rees. He wrote that the point within a circle was also found on an alter. If you look at Ryano's overlay, you will see that there are parallel lines on both sides of the circle.

In the Ram edition of Treasure Hunter's Manual #7 the point is left out of the circle but the point was in the circle, in an earlier edition. There are three things that make the LUE map a treasure map, the point in the circle, the point at the top of the triangle in the low right quadrant, and the rays of the Sun. In the Ram edition, the points were left out of the circle and triangle.

"would any of the lodges use an abstract representation of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board"
I apologies and I don't mean to be rude. I'm not sure what you mean. That board is already abstract. ;)
You're good. I should have explained better. Would a lodge have created an abstract representation of the John Harris 2nd Degree Tracing Board, for any purpose?

"Mesa Bend area....." I did not know that. I do not know a whole lot about this map yet so, please go on .... ;)
A treasure hunter and Master Mason, Hardrock Hammond, obtained the map from an Arizona family, at some time in the 1930's, 40's or 50's. He let Karl von Mueller, also a Mason, and several others copy the map and then Hammond, according to von Mueller, returned the map to the family in Mesa, Arizona.

We had some debate about where Mesa was, but then I found an old map that showed Mesa Bend as Mesa.

A couple weeks ago, I bought a book about Tracing Boards that was written by Julian Rees. He wrote that the point within a circle was also found on an alter. If you look at Ryano's overlay, you will see that there are parallel lines on both sides of the circle.

In the Ram edition of Treasure Hunter's Manual #7 the point is left out of the circle but the point was in the circle, in an earlier edition. There are three things that make the LUE map a treasure map, the point in the circle, the point at the top of the triangle in the low right quadrant, and the rays of the Sun. In the Ram edition, the points were left out of the circle and triangle.
The point with a circle on it is not on the altar during any authorized ritual at least in the US. However, the parallel lines are a thing. They are the Saints John, and are usually shown alongside the circumpunct. They represent boundaries within which we must "subdue our passions" in order to take the middle way, etc...(One John ate locusts, honey and was poor, the other John was the opposite), but it's not on the altar though. Well, not on the TOP of it. I suppose, since altars are handmade by men in individual lodges, or bought at a Masonic supplier, that anyone can inscribe anything on the sides, but not ON (top of) the altar.
So, to sum up: Parallel lines alongside the circumpunt, yes.
On the altar: no, which is a minor point really. It is Masonic either way.

The point with a circle on it is not on the altar during any authorized ritual at least in the US. However, the parallel lines are a thing. They are the Saints John, and are usually shown alongside the circumpunct. They represent boundaries within which we must "subdue or passions" in order to take the middle way, etc...(One John ate locusts, honey and was poor, the other John was the opposite), but it's not on the altar though. Well, not on the TOP of it. I suppose, since altars are handmade by men in individual lodges, or bought at a Masonic supplier, that anyone can inscribe anything on the sides, but not ON (top of) the altar.
So, to sum up: Parallel lines alongside the circumpunt, yes.
On the altar: no, which is a minor point really. It is Masonic either way.
St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist are also represented on the LUE map. The shallow curve that goes across the LUE map represents a celestial map. The high place on the right side of the curve, is June 22 and the low point on the left side of the curve is December 22. Both of these dates are close to the celebration of the special days for both saints.

You're good. I should have explained better. Would a lodge have created an abstract representation of the John Harris 2nd Degree Tracing Board, for any purpose?
Maybe to make the LUE map? lol
Plenty of Masonic artists make their own interpretations of the degrees, including their own representations of the tracing boards, and sell them. Here is one from Florida who also speaks on a podcast I sometimes listen to.

The point with a circle on it is not on the altar during any authorized ritual at least in the US. However, the parallel lines are a thing. They are the Saints John, and are usually shown alongside the circumpunct. They represent boundaries within which we must "subdue our passions" in order to take the middle way, etc...(One John ate locusts, honey and was poor, the other John was the opposite), but it's not on the altar though. Well, not on the TOP of it. I suppose, since altars are handmade by men in individual lodges, or bought at a Masonic supplier, that anyone can inscribe anything on the sides, but not ON (top of) the altar.
So, to sum up: Parallel lines alongside the circumpunt, yes.
On the altar: no, which is a minor point really. It is Masonic either way.
From what I understood, the point within the circle was part of the decoration on the front of the alter.

St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist are also represented on the LUE map. The shallow curve that goes across the LUE map represents a celestial map. The high place on the right side of the curve, is June 22 and the low point on the left side of the curve is December 22. Both of these dates are close to the celebration of the special days for both saints.

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