Louisville Kentucky Bans Metal Detecting!

deepskyal said:
My 2 cents worth...Good luck.


Dear Mayor Abramson,

I just read with saddened interest about your recent ban on metal detecting in public parks.

I have been an avid detectorist for almost 25 years and have never had an issue in Pennsylvania in reguards to an outright ban such as you have enacted.

Quite the contrary. Park employees around here often appreciate our thoroughness in removing the large amounts of shredded pop cans, chunks of broken glass, sharp pulltabs, and in some cases used hypodermic needles.

These are all liabilities to the state and local municipalities if a child were to be playing in the grass and step on one that park maintainence overlooked.

And the second issue I have with your ban is being the tax dollars used to fund maintainence. If you begin to ban metal detecting because of a couple rotten apples leaving the holes uncovered, then in all fairness, any activity that can be construed as remotely damaging must be banned. We all pay our taxes and feel a certain right to persue a healthy, sometimes profitable hobby in OUR public parks.

Are you going to change every park sign to reflect this ban? Are seasoned detectorists going to know of this outright ban? How about those that may visit your state?

Metal detecting is a worldwide activity. It isn't just a couple guys digging holes and leaving them unfilled. I'd go as far as to say most avid detectorists leave the park in better condition than when they got there, simply by the amounts of trash we haul away.

Please reconsider your position on this ban. Like the economy, there is the sad trickle down effect that will also include manufacturers, hotels that rent rooms to out of towners for metal detecting forums and events, national events I might add, and the average Joe detector that sells a few a year to suppliment his income.


(name withheld just for the forum but added to the letter)


Awesome! Deepskyal,

You are with out a doubt a great ambassador for our hobby. Thank you for taking the time to present such a well thought out letter.


I notice by your handle that you are an Astronomy enthusiast as well. I used to belong to NDSOS (National Deep Sky Observers Society) and Have viewed most of the Messier objects, M51 being my favorite. I also owned one of the 13" Dobsonians produced by the San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers outfitted with Coulter optics.

i SENT THE d#$% HEAD a e-mail as well i was going to travel there he just ruined that for me

PJ in WI said:
I just emailed the Mayor. I live in Wi but my wife is the 100th Division. I usually travel with her and metal detect all weekend long. Hopefuuly enough people will join in and let him know about our unhappiness. PJ

Much appreciated!
You and your wife are the kind of people who make this country truly great.

Sent an email.


Consider inviting the Mayor on a hunt and let him see first hand what the hobby is all about. He may get hooked.

Posted on the Mayor's contact page and sent to my Council Representative via email -


It has recently come to my attention that the recreational activity of metal detecting has been banned from Louisville Metro Parks. As a citizen of our fine city, this concerns me.

I have owned a metal detector for a little over one year. I have detected in a couple Metro Park System parks during this time, finding a few dollars in pocket change and a large amount of trash (pop tops, bottle caps, beer and soda cans, nails, screws, and one crack pipe). The trash items that I found were disposed of properly in trash receptacles before I left the parks. Additionally, the non-metal items that I find laying on the ground in my path are collected and disposed of properly, including bottles, paper items, plastic, etc.

The recreational activity of metal detecting gets people outdoors into places such as our beautiful parks. People who participate in this hobby often travel with their metal detector and seek out nice places, such as Louisville, to do some detecting. I even know of some folks who have come specifically from out-of-state to detect in our city parks. They rented hotel rooms, ate in our restaurants, bought our fuel, and helped to clean up our parks. I believe that the actions of this ban will preclude future recreational activities and tourism here in Louisville related to metal detecting. As well, it impacts Louisville citizens, such as myself, who enjoys getting out into our parks to pursue this recreational activity.

I would like to ask you and the Metro Council to reconsider the ban of metal detecting in Louisville Metro Parks. Working with the metal detecting community who use this tool in a proper manner will help to keep our parks clean and free of hazards, will continue to protect the resources within our parks, and will continue to provide a specific recreational use of our parks.


(Name and address removed for forum posting)


Mr. Peabody said:
Because of current emergency, maybe we should lay off for a little bit and then return to this. I know I might be irritated if I was mayor in middle of ice crisis and hearing from MDers about their hobby problems. ???

Good point.

Mr. Peabody said:
Because of current emergency, maybe we should lay off for a little bit and then return to this. I know I might be irritated if I was mayor in middle of ice crisis and hearing from MDers about their hobby problems. ???

Wow Mr. Peabody ESP or what! I was just getting ready to post the very same thing.

Also it would not hurt to wait and have everyone re-send your e-mail again just in case they were all deleted because of the storm priority. And just for good measure as well.

Thanks for your input

I just wanted to post this copy of a letter sent to the Mayor of Louisville by D. Townley


TO: Office of the Mayor February 2, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Honorable Jerry Abramson

Dear Sir,

Your vision and efforts for your parks undertaking has been evident for several years.
It is obvious that you are person who wants to do the right thing when it comes to retaining your position as Mayor and keeping that support from your fellow democratic voters and even a few votes from across the isle…am I right?
My name is Daryl J.R. Townley and I live in Duncan, Oklahoma.
I am a 59 yr old Oklahoman who has been known as many things such as;
(1) a published author of books, magazine articles and poems, not to mention police training manuals, and fishing guides.
(2) an avid outdoorsman that enjoys fishing, hunting, camping, RV-ing, tourism, guest speaking at seminars and club meetings all across the United States, (with a former pre-planned trip to Louisville, KY for early Sept. 2009 for me and my bride of 20 years, which we are now re-thinking).
(3) a police officer and a deputy sheriff/investigator (I started in law enforcement in 1970), now disabled.
(4) a police firearms training instructor (Statewide in Oklahoma, besides City departments)
(5) a college graduate with post graduate studies
(6) a radio announcer (disk jockey)…(licensed by the Federal Communications Commission)
(7) a water treatment plant operator.. (licensed by State of Oklahoma)
(8.) and a newspaper carrier while in high school
(9) a husband, a citizen and a taxpayer of the United States of America, and the State of Oklahoma, residing in Duncan., Oklahoma.
I tell you all of this because I want you to know that I am not just a cranky old guy who is mad as hell and wants to string anyone up (especially you for one of your recent decisions which concerns a lot of people), that is not who I am, nor would I ever want to be.
I would like to ask you to re-consider your ‘ ban on metal detecting in your city’s parks’ ?
I have used a metal detector for over 40 years and I am also considered as a person who knows a few things about them., and in some circles I have been referred to as a detector ‘guru’ (but they may have been exaggerating a little)?
I am a person who advocates proper use of metal detectors along with abiding by a code of ethics which I along with hobbyists helped to formulate about 35 years ago and have, since that time, taught those ’ethics’ during my many seminars over the years.
As with any hobby or sport activity, you will find that occasionally some idiot will do something that is not only stupid but is careless and the result causes unpopular rules, regulations, or laws to be passed.
When one of your “city” employees’ does something stupid , or misbehaves…..you probably have them disciplined in some manner such as a written reprimand, a transfer, or a suspension, or possibly
You would not just ‘ban’ them from being a city employee for their slight lack in judgement….!
I do not know why you placed a ‘ban on metal detecting’, but I would like to ask you to please reconsider your actions.
If you did it because someone told you to do it, would you go jump off a cliff if someone told you to do it? Get my meaning?
To ban one group of hobbyists’ activity and not ban all park activities is discriminatory.
I doubt that you would have been elected Mayor if any of the voters thought you were one who discriminates against people and their hobbies……am I right?
I think almost everyone has had enough of being discriminated against no matter what the case may be.
Are you also going to ban canoe access, bicycles, joggers, walkers, ball fields, tennis courts, basketball courts, and picnicking ? You might as well , because those hobbyists are not any more important than the guys and gals who enjoy they’re exercise using a metal detector in the parks in your city.
As a Mayor of a major city, I am sure that your duties are complex and you want your citizens to have faith in you…… that you are doing the right thing while in office; but we both know that when you start to discriminate against voters and people and their hobbies…it will always comes back to ‘bite you on that thing you sit on’!
My favorite preacher says……”sometimes, you just have to get your ‘but’ out of the way”.
“ Do you know the toughest thing to learn once you get out into the world ?…..That no matter how nice a guy you are……some people just aren’t going to like you !”
I do not believe that …deep down in your heart,…….you had any intention of attacking any hobby group,
or discriminating against anyone !
Would you please re-consider your actions, and allow the guys and gals to enjoy their hobby ?
If you need any input or help in designing a standard set of rules or regulations that would pertain to allowing the hobby of metal detecting use in your city parks, please feel free to contact me and I can assist you and I can also you put you in touch with other professionals in the field who can assist.
Thank you for your time and consideration and May God Help you and Bless you and the City of Louisville, Kentucky.


Daryl Townley

Duncan, Oklahoma

Goodyguy said:
Mr. Peabody said:
Because of current emergency, maybe we should lay off for a little bit and then return to this. I know I might be irritated if I was mayor in middle of ice crisis and hearing from MDers about their hobby problems. ???

Wow Mr. Peabody ESP or what! I was just getting ready to post the very same thing.

Also it would not hurt to wait and have everyone re-send your e-mail again just in case they were all deleted because of the storm priority. And just for good measure as well.

Thanks for your input

I live in Louisville, didn't have power for 4 days, still have trees laying on my garage, and need to finish cleaning up all the other tree debris in my yard. My fences are destroyed and today, we got another dusting of snow (salt in the wounds).

Jerry hasn't been by my house with his chainsaw. He hasn't come by with an offer to hold my ladder while I try to cut those high limbs. I know that this past week hasn't caused him to stop charging his police officer's from driving their cruisers home.

I say, if he is out to lunch for an hour or two, when he gets back to the office and logs onto his computer, it SHOULD BE LOADED with messages from concerned metal detectorists! Is our concern any less because an ice storm came through our town? For those of you who live outside of town and were considering coming to our parks this spring for a little metal detecting, is this ice storm and power outage going to stop you from coming? No, but the new city ordinance will!

No offense to those who suggest a little respite, but I say "bring the messages on, loud and clear!" I'm actually a Jerry supporter and appreciate his vision for our city. That doesn't mean I support this ban, though.

Just my 2.5 cents worth. :-[


I think that is just crazy; we should be allowed to md :BangHead:

I just called the mayor`s office and the sec. told me that they banned MDing in the parks.
I told her that we my family and I would not be coming there this year cuz we go there to detect the many parks she did not seem to care. SO lets keep it up till they do Care.
Gary G.A.P.metal

Wouldn't it make more sense to impose fines on anybody caught digging holes and not filling them? I had a couple park employees follow me around one day while I was detecting in a neighboring county. They approached me after about an hour of observation and asked if they could see what I had found. They were shocked when they saw the hand full of clad coins and a ring. They asked if I could show them how I was able to dig without them being able to find a trace of a hole. I hunted for a moment and found a target, meter showed a quarter at 4 inches. I demonstrated pinpointing and how I used a hand towel to place loose dirt upon until I found the target. I demonstrated how a pinpointed worked and kept me from having to dig large holes. and then pulled the quarter from the ground, a 1964. I refilled the hole with the loose soil, flipped the plug back onto the hole and pressed it back down. they both looked and looked and told me they were impressed, absolutely no sign of a hole having been dug there.
To my surprise they began to tell me of several spots where people had reported losing expensive jewelry and told me I was welcome to hunt there any time. I asked what they did there and one was head of maintenance and the other was the park manager. They told me that there had been at least one person detecting there who was not filling his holes in. I told them to let me know when they find him, gave them my business card and continued to hunt. If they ever find the one leaving holes I would like to teach him the proper way to recover his targets so he doesn't cause the same thing here.
Good luck to everybody in Louisville, I frequent the city but have yet to detect there, too bad I may not get the chance.

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