Lost Zimmerman Ship of Gold

Ahh, colloidal silver. I,ll have to check more but a friend brewed some for our dogs. We had been buying it at health food stores. O.K. there's some info,seems like electrolysis gone a different direction on a 99.9 silver jewelry wire. Friend used a silver coin, not recommended by this video due to purity concerns. Now where did I hide those silver bars?,l.o.l..

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Releventchair,you know how curios cats are, you left them laying around so I reburied them. np:cat: have some :coffee2:you can find them later,it will be something to look forward too.

M.b.s. 1,3,5,. While we use it on any skin irritation,scrapes and such on dogs, humans use colloidal silver to bolster immunity. At 10 p.p.m. one teaspoon daily held under tongue 30 seconds before swallowing for daily maintenance. 3 times a day to build immunity and 5 times to support it.

N.P. you funny guy you.You were probably digging a hole for your morning constitution and found them by accident.:laughing7: Not the first time a cache seemed to hide itself somewhere else though.:coffee2:

So my fine amigo friend south of border. Worthy of a stool at my bar.

Ya never thought of once trying to recover this treasure?


Here,s a bit more information that might be of interest?

September 13, 1918: Twenty-five deaths and heavy damage in La Paz Baja and elsewhere were a result of a tropical cyclone of unknown intensity making landfall on this date.


There are some coins that are 100% silver (well 99.99)…..
But let us not get distracted from the posts topic…….

I think you got some very bad information. Arthur Zimmermann never set foot in Mexico. In 1914, the German Consular to Mexico was Heinrich von Eckardt who served there from 1914 to 1918.

At the time, Zimmermann was the Foreign Under Secretary of State in Berlin. A position he held from 1911 to 1916, until finally becoming Secretary of State. During all of that time, he never left Berlin. His duties were to make negotiations with foreign envoys who came to him. Not the other way around.

Germany did not attempt to sway Mexico to ally themselves with Germany until 1917. Mainly because Mexico had been in a very bloody revolution since 1910.

Now the only hurricanes to hit the Baja area were in 1902, 1915 and 1918.
The Zimmerman Telegraph was sent in January of 1917 and was quickly rejected. Meaning no gold in the form of aid was ever sent. The Mexican Government signed a neutrality agreement with the United States in August, 1917.
All of which does not lend any credence to the story of a ship sinking with German gold.

Excellent post Allen, but you did not read the original post very closely, I made a rypo because of my eyes, but It was posted by Crow == the telegram was sent in 1917,

-Itsent by Zimmerman to the German consul in Mexico and went public.The fate of the Money has been a mystery

when the ship left Guaymas could be verified by checking the port log.

I didn't feel like checking specific dates since it was posted as an entertainment and as told to me.

Anyone seriously intending to go rafter any thing posted iin here would automatically check the details for accuracy. Sides I was quoting from now deceased man

When did the ship leave Guaymas,? Was it immediately? Did it attempt leave the Sea of Cortez then or did it stay at Santa Rosalia with the other German ships and try to leave in 1918 ?

Incidenrally, a Hurricane does not need to enter the Sea of Cortez to cause serious damage ro shipping.

Don Jose de La Mancha


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Hello Allen

Some exceptional astute comments. Of Course the information of the story has come from a source that did know the exact details of events...As it appears they themselves pieced together an alleged Zimmermann connection to the alleged shipwreck they discovered.

I can confirm your comments and agree with Zimmermann as he was famous for the telegram. And Of course Heinrich Von Eckhardt was the German consular at the time in Mexico. However It does not totally disprove or prove the possibility that that Germany had gold already in place to bribe Mexico into war with the United States ? And after the 1917 fiasco of being caught in the act and an internal inquiry the consular staff and Eckhardt was cleared of any wrong doing. But when investigated oneself that was always going to be a forgone conclusion? After the 1917 fiasco had died down Perhaps if the gold existed they decided the gold to taken from Mexico to elsewhere in 1918?

This however leaves a problem because why would Germany authorize the removal of its gold from a neutral country to possible capture by the American navy? Unless they feared the the political situation in Mexico was deteriorating further???

A lot of unanswered questions I admits but that is what I love about treasure legends.


That's just it. You have no proof or even a hint of any gold actually existing. You have no proof that any such ship ever existed. Not even a name to place on that ship.
I'm still trying to figure out where you got this 12 million dollar number. It seems to have come out of thin air just like the rest of the story.

You know what I like about treasure legends? Facts to back up those legends.

Hello Allen

Fair point....

In contrary....

The 12 million dollar number is from the efforts of a dedicated saboteur who was stationed in the United States called Captain Franz Dagobert Johannes von Rintelen (19 August 1878 – 30 May 1949) was a German naval intelligence officer working in the United States.von Rintelen operated independently and received his funds and instructions directly from Berlin.He came from a banking family with good connections in American banking, having served with Deutsche bank as well as acting as U.S. representative forDisconto Gesellscaft then Germany's number two bank, He also set up another company, the Austrian-subsidized Transatlantic Trust Company at 57 William Street in Manhattan,where he had deposited a large amount of money on his arrival from Germany.

This guy had serious cash he even tried to buy the massive du pont company During 1915, Also in 1915 he bought ammunition and supplied money to the deposed Mexican dictator Huerta and encouraged him to try to seize back power in Mexico. He negotiated with Victoriano Huerta on a possible deal with Germany paying 12 million dollars as incentive to go to war with the United States. Huerta was still fuming over the invasion by the United States of Veracruz. Their meetings, Were held at the Manhattan Hotel (as well as another New York hotel, "probably the Holland House" at Fifth Avenue and 30th Street) These conversations were intercepted via secret service predecessor to the later Intelligence services. he travailed under an false passport of a Swiss banker by the name of Email V Gasche by the time of Zimmerman affair in 1917 was tricked into returning to Germany where he was captured by the British en route on the ship Adriatic . In war time the trusted currency was gold As no one trusted the value of any countries paper currency.The fate of this 12 million has never been fully accounted for.


If your inclined you can find out more about the mans efforts to drag the Mexico into War with The united states. look up a book by Friedrich Katz "The Secret War in Mexico: Europe, the United States, and the Mexican Revolution."

Another key player and paymaster was Heinrich Friedrich Albert (Born 12 February 1874, died– 1 November 1960) was a German lawyer who served as commercial attaché to the imperial German Ambassador to the United States Johann Henrich von Bernstoff who had involved in the Zimmermann transcript. He was also the paymaster for German espionage and sabotage operations in the United States. In addition, he also arranged for forged passports and documents for Germans in America who wanted to return to fight for the German armed forces.


Albert and the Naval Intelligence Captain Franz Von Rinteleen established a cover firm called the "Bridgeport Projectile Company" to purchase and destroy munitions that would otherwise be shipped to the British and French. This operation has become known as the Great Phenol Plot.

He was exposed as a spy because of his association with George Sylvester Viereck, the editor of "The Fatherland", a pro-German publication, who was himself under surveillance. He left his briefcase, which contained sensitive documents, on a tram, and it was picked up by one of BOI Director William Flynn's counter-intelligence officers, who was tailing him. The papers documented Albert's having spent $27 million to build up a spy network in the United States, using German money to fund dock strikes, attacks on shipping, and bombs planted in munitions plants.And the inducement of Mexico to invade the United states.The papers were published in the new york World Newspaper.

More information can be obtained from a book by Mike Dash published in (2009). The First Family: Terror, Extortion and the Birth of the American Mafia. London: Simon & Schuster.ISBN 978-1-84737-173-7

Clearly one of the problems for the Germans was Mexico ongoing civil war as fortunes of war changed it was not clear for them who to make a deal with? Since Victoriano Huerta was out of picture by April 1915 the Germans had deal with Venustiano Carranza who made Nealy 2 terms before being assassinated in 1920. In may 1917 he has just returned to office for his second term as president of Mexico.

It not beyond reason that this unaccounted 12 million was shipped in Gold to a port in Mexico some time around 1915 in anticipation for a deal that just never happened. By 1918 it was more than clear as Mexico was well and truly neutral. America was at war with Germany anyway. Because of Zimmermann 1917 affair blunder most German operatives had fled United States to Mexico. Who Is of course the big question?



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Señor Allen, Proof? It is in the nature of governments to say one thing, do another……bribes, by their nature are not going to be public….
The evidence presented by Señor's Crow y Don Jose strongly suggest there is some unaccounted gold.

So, what is the running theory of where this $12 million of 1917 Gold Bullion is? At today's prices that is a tremendous amount of bullion.

G's Morning coffee. I need it my eye was giving me trouble. As I have said many times, find fault with whatever I post, and you did a fine job.

However, since so little is factually known on the small gold bars, -- they came from somewhere -- it so happens it can possibly be accounted to two sources. Crow produced one that I didn't know about,

There was a strong German commercial presence at San Rosalia, world class copper producer, They would pick up shiploads of copper for the fatherland, The small ship could have stayed there for a time after leaving Guaymas., as Crow mentioned, waiting for the final out come

About this time, because of the Zimmerman affair, or Crow's man -- speculation as to 'why ' the gold bars -- they had to come from somewhere..

There were a no of German ships laid up at Santa Rosalia. They remained so until after the war when many of their crews jumped ship and were absorbed by Mexico and the US.

There is far nore meat in ths sandwich than Tayopa.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose

Ya know am an old sea dog can well and truly gnaw the meat off the bone....

Here is some more meat...


The names of German vessels are as numbered below that was interned at San Rosalia

1. Walkure;
2. Adolph Vinnen;
3. Hans;
4. Orotava;
5. Reinbek;
6. Helwig Vinnen.


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You have done yourself proud-- one shot of John Bols disrilled gin coming up ( ole square face)

Ay see what an old tropical tramp beach bum can do killing time in hospital with free wifi can do when there no nurses to chase. I even found out more since getting out. I will post more later...


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