Lost Zimmerman Ship of Gold

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Hello Don Amigo

A good model machete you have there? They don't make them as good as them these days. Gee were you drinking ORO sock coffee even back then? So thats the secret of your longevity?

Indeed I tend to agree I do not think he traveled there on foot either. He might of been transported via a trusty mule or another form of transport to the border then walked over the Border on foot. The fact is he is recorded entering the United States and he was a German sailor with very little information other than he came from Baja California?


Hi Crow, he came from Baja ???hmm ? 2 + 2 doesn't = 5. The ranchers wife told my friend that there were NO survivors==== however ?

I rather suspect that he was from Zimmerman's group in Hermosillo, or possibly a deserter from the ship while it was in Guaymas ?

I need a cuppa coffee - head hurts from too much thinking :coffee2::laughing7:


P.S. what is the date of entry. and was he admitted,and in what category ???

P.P.S> It was a collins, usn. Still have it, but it is almost worthless up here,since it is for cutting green vegetation. Here they use a heavy, shorter, hooked blade. It's sitting by my desk at the moment. I used it for the Mayan search in The Yucatan trip. Makes a satisfactory defense weapon, similar to a Cutless.

P.P.P.s. Nah. they drink other things besides coffee & booze, it's just plain, scarece water.

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hello don Amigo.

I hope that lovable dirty rotten scoundrel of a pirate Kanacki does not read out this story? He might just turn the drumbeat around and Shanghai you with his girl crew. And they might just have their wicked way with you if ya refuse to talk.

I can see you putting a stiff resistance as you pass your pre-packed luggage over to him...:laughing7:

As for the German sailor nothing is certain. He may or may not be connected to the story at all? Even if he had been on the vessel he might of not known what was being carried?

Another factor to consider is the vessel was most likely a charter vessel as by 1917 German surface vessel was virtually excluded from south America and Mexico. The gold was either from 2 sources I suspect either from Mines in Mexico itself owned by German companies or a vessel brought the gold up from South America via Chile. or Peru then shipped up to Mexico?


Crow my weather beaten tropical tramp, you are also a gentleman.You posted -- This lone German seaman walked over the border from Baja Mexico to the United State. 8 days 'after' the Zimmerman Telegraph was made public.
You didn't point out that I read that line too quickly-- I assumed that you had said that he had ''''walked'''' for 8 days :unhappysmiley:

And that he had $56 dollars, a good 2-3 months wages in those date.

In thanks I have a Balut which I will give to you, was saving it for my old age. It is 300 years old, since it parallels my age so closely I figured it had a Psychic correlation.
Don Jose de la Mancha

Thanks for the compliment how few would say I am a Gentleman at present and weather beaten is right as of late.

I cut my head on coral reef and got Ciguatera bacteria contamination into the wound it festered in wound for a month or so until I arrived back home. I been having bouts of Lucidity and then into fever like pains. Just spent them last few few hours in fever rambling like and old pirate scaring the crap out of the hospital staff. I have to wait until the neuro toxin slowly breaks down through the body . So I am in my clearer moment able to post when I have the Strength.

So this old tropical tramp better Finnish of that San lucas story. before I start cursing the staff like raving sea dog foaming at the mouth..

I bet the tree hugging hippies would not be keen on saving coral reefs if they had this Ciguatera toxin running through the body?


Some rum should take care of that bacteria, i mately? Thats a pirates cure. Cure yourself Crow.

That was exactly my sediments however the doctors as would not have a bar of it.

They think I am enough trouble as it is..

Normally it is contracted through eating contaminated fish.

We always on the island leave fish next to an Ants nest. If the black ants do not touch it ya know its contaminated.


Senor Cuervo, if you had maintained a sufficient level of coffee supplement in your blood, the bacteria would not have been a problem.


DON CROW, get some Colloidal Silver and drink it, also apply it topically. there is no known bacteria that it can't control.

Recently a Geologist friend of mine cut her arm in an Iguana infested old mine working, and promptly developed a Strep infection which did not respond --she used Coloidal Silver and it was cured in a few days.

I generally saturate my body with it and carry a small bottole of it when I go on a long trip into the outback.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. It should be in the Drum Beats medical kit.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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Crow, relax, post when you feel up to it Mac has the right idea,

cDon Jose de la Mancha

P.S. Leep uour clammy hooks off of the pretty nurses

Senor Don Jose, the colloidal silver is an awesome idea…..
There are many effective alternative medical treatments…….hydrogen peroxide also..

Great story! Tropical Tramp, I have and still use my Grandfather's USN issue Collins machete on an almost daily basis....sharp, sharp, sharp and it goes with me on every treasure hunting adventure...gold or chanterelles!

Great story! Tropical Tramp, I have and still use my Grandfather's USN issue Collins machete on an almost daily basis....sharp, sharp, sharp and it goes with me on every treasure hunting adventure...gold or chanterelles!


Indispensable tool. I like the "Cold Steel" version.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

This thread has gone off topic. So where is the wreck Don Jose? Tell me and I will go out there and recover the bars. I'll split it with you.

Don Amigo Your treasure yarn no passing the proverbial Buck or is that specie? :laughing7:

Mackaydon dam ya now I have a hankering for Kahlua, great idea haven't tasted that for ages :thumbsup::laughing7:

Salvor 6 Ya have to remember ya dealing with old tropical tramps so patience my friend. Bribe him with few long legged lovelies of Kanacki's crew with some eye candy overdose?:laughing7: I spent months with em I almost went blind, makes an old man weep.:laughing7:

The question remains is it still there?

I suspect our Wiley old Mexican mule driver south of the border has some more cards up his sleeves? I think it will take a little more than that to get his proverbial hands proved off the chest. He could??? But I doubt he is going to give away his trump card away over the internet in Public forum.

But he might just do a deal with Odyssey Marine. The going rate with them is about 7 or 8 percent share of their profit from such a venture. Would the Mexican or even German government all of sudden claim patrimony over it costing millions in the courts with lawyer fighting over it? Its not the fact that its not a deep technical dive is the problem of getting to keep such a find.

No I am not particular a fan of Odyssey either they can have their uses.

Chuds and Catusjumper Yes I cannot agree with ya more about those machetes. One of 2 best things from WW2 that and DC-3 love em.

Embrym ya know I drunk more rum in my lifetime when I die and get cremated they have the fire department on standby.:laughing7: Argh and no better rum than that Philippine rum..

Don Amigo and Doc D I have to get of this colloidal silver. Some times bush medicine is the best:thumbsup:

I have from my hospital bed gee....the amount of crap I got in here its like a portable office. How dare I get sick when I have paper work to do? I awaiting an email of documents of shipping records from 1917 south America trying to trace a name of this vessel if possible.


Don Amigo Your treasure yarn no passing the proverbial Buck or is that specie? :laughing7:

Mackaydon dam ya now I have a hankering for Kahlua, great idea haven't tasted that for ages :thumbsup::laughing7:

Salvor 6 Ya have to remember ya dealing with old tropical tramps so patience my friend. Bribe him with few long legged lovelies of Kanacki's crew with some eye candy overdose?:laughing7: I spent months with em I almost went blind, makes an old man weep.:laughing7:

The question remains is it still there?

I suspect our Wiley old Mexican mule driver south of the border has some more cards up his sleeves? I think it will take a little more than that to get his proverbial hands proved off the chest. He could??? But I doubt he is going to give away his trump card away over the internet in Public forum.

But he might just do a deal with Odyssey Marine. The going rate with them is about 7 or 8 percent share of their profit from such a venture. Would the Mexican or even German government all of sudden claim patrimony over it costing millions in the courts with lawyer fighting over it? Its not the fact that its not a deep technical dive is the problem of getting to keep such a find.

No I am not particular a fan of Odyssey either they can have their uses.

Chuds and Catusjumper Yes I cannot agree with ya more about those machetes. One of 2 best things from WW2 that and DC-3 love em.

Embrym ya know I drunk more rum in my lifetime when I die and get cremated they have the fire department on standby.:laughing7: Argh and no better rum than that Philippine rum..

Don Amigo and Doc D I have to get of this colloidal silver. Some times bush medicine is the best:thumbsup:

I have from my hospital bed gee....the amount of crap I got in here its like a portable office. How dare I get sick when I have paper work to do? I awaiting an email of documents of shipping records from 1917 south America trying to trace a name of this vessel if possible.


Crow, How do i get invited to go on atrip with Kanancki so i may view them long legs on that crew crew? Use them also:)

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