Real of Tayopa
Bronze Member
Ah yes Hitanahed, what shall we do with Tayopa now that we have found it ?? 

I am quite delighted to see this thread active again. This is one of my all time favorites to read.
Along with Horse's thread on signs.
So I trust all here are still alive and dreaming of Tayopa?
Also miss the musings of Crow, Kanacki and Oro,,
I hope they are well and still active here.
Oh well,, I saw this had new postings and thought I would stop by and say "HOLA".
takes money Oro, plus I will never be at it's opening, physical problems that needs a helicopter to solve,wanna take my place ? hence a slight lack of interest in that, all it would do is confirm, that has been done, and open a can of worms..
sides that--welcome back ..
Come on Don!!, no more excuses!
Let me get my professional team there, and I promise you, if there really is anything of value down there, rain, wind, sun or detritus of any sort will not stop us from uncovering it.
Don't worry about bureaucracy as well; we'll clear those hurdles in an orderly fashion before starting any on-site work. The finances will be arranged and budgeted in a clear and concise manner with a proper plan of action being put in place. No amateurish nonsense or "hit and hope" wishful thinking...
Make the call homey and then you can really write a 'proper' final chapter for your book...
ORO,that is a cop out. True about IPUK, but you still have the responsibility ? (unwanted perhaps) on your shoulders,including the depository,.I have abdicated. I am content and in no hurry, what would i do with lot's of money, other than leave it for my heirs, but Beth is young enough to enjoy it For me, it is an after climax to open it. The narcos are not in that area, it is sort a neutral zone.
Spectacular country, Animals availble, man power also available, 6000" Pine and oak, wild turkey, deer, etc. La puro vida. Clean fresh air.
If not Tayopa, how about my lil Escondida ? Although One of my grand sons s showing interest in it.
Well ORO, how about NaranjalIt's there also.
It's in durango of that time. The present state of Durango has been scoured with not the slighest hint, So It must be where they haven't looked and lo and behold it fits perfectly into the Tayopa complex. It is not in the Tayopa holdings.
It is at the bottom of a deep barranca, was a Gold mine, Was run / owned by a Spaniard, was active in the Juarez period, and gold bars have been found, but the man that found it, and cut pieces off of the bars, was still alive then, and my friend ( he didn't tell me where it was).
A Hacienda has been found on the other side ( W / N ) of the Tayopa complex, Sonora,but not included, but still within the origal Durango boundries. Was active in the Juarez reveloution, etc.
So perhaps the popular version of it was not exactly correct.
Hi ORO,because orange colored Gold stored in a cave have been found near by the suspected closed workings, and it was actve during the Juarez rev. Owned by a Spaniard, also it is below a mesa-- sierra obscuro -- A ruined hacienda exists not too far away, Be silly to construct one at the bottom of a canyon where there is no sun. And it was included in the province of Durango of that time, It all fits to well. Plus it is located in the heart of a series of massive faults which comprise the Tayopa complex. And the remains of oranges are still there. I used to have some leaves.
It is not included in the Tayopa holdings --- hint.
Hola MAI, yes, a few, but the master is "Kanacki" Look him up in the TN search column. You will love his rendition of his crew performing a Haki dance in the high lands of new Guinea.
Incidentally welcome aboard my new friend.
SSM, About Kanacki--- He was born in New Guinea of Auatrailian parents but there was an Immigation foul up, so HE could not claim Austrailan citizenship He grew up in new Guinae and knew quite a bit about the various tribes and their psychology , and so was hired as The political officer, He was the political officer for the drillers, nick named Crow and hardluck.They had many adventures and finally ended up at Rabual.where they drilled the active volano across the bay. Since the mining co was sort of capital they settled for the diference in shares, then they hit it,. Overnight they became millionares. but unlike others they did not go on a drunken spree, but under the tutalige of Hardluck opened a bank for the Islands,which has paid of. Kancaki eventualy bought a three masted sailing ship which he called the Drumbeat, and coninued his career by sailing throughout the Islands with an all girl grew and crow. Crow opened a bar on Magnetic island off of Austraila They are investors of an under seas mining area
They eventually branched out into international treasue hunting, which inluded many adventures in Peru..
They became respectable treasure hunters. Hardluck hired a lovely girl fo search the Vatican files, including Tayopa, but the archives had been prughed too well. She is noow a resaeacher for the \United Nations and was recently married to a professional foot ball player. They are presently under a confidentually order by the backers of an interational treasure hunting group to not post on, or frequent any treasure foruns.
This is a quick synopsisYou may have encounterd them, or heard of them in yout trips.
I coined the phrase the 'unholy trio'. and am proud to concider them my frends,
Any any of them would make an excellent movie of their life