i believe the only thing he found was a crack pipeYou are still running in circles, but hope you did find the mine!

i believe the only thing he found was a crack pipeYou are still running in circles, but hope you did find the mine!
GoDeep i can see that you are watching but i choose to ignore. If you choose to respond i will continue to ignore after the show is aired for sure
lol..if he ever did have a chance at a tv show (which i seriously doubt)....he doesn't now unless its sesame street or romper roomAre we regressing to adolescence? You gaslight us, then when we question you on it and you feign victimhood and refuse to answer any further questions and become punitive so you don't have to answer the most simple of questions. Rather then build a community based on trust and mutual interest in your alleged discovery, you've built a community of distrust, revision, evasion and punitive outbursts. Rather then build a readership and following, you and you alone are tearing it down and slowly quashing any chances you had at landing a contract.
whats my prize?..do i get my own tv show too?Well daves on the permanent ignore list, congrats to dave
Put me on the list. I couldn't give 2 sh*ts. Lol But I'm always down for someone following what they believe. Not everyone will dbelieve the same as u. Why try to convince someone else. It's not what should matter. It's about the chase. Not everyone can be right. That can only be me. Jk. Gl to all that get out and wonder the beautiful landscape we have here to enjoy.
=========Love it how Dave is on the new treasure hunting reality show thread trying to knock down the fact I got chosen by the production team