Lost cave of Gold

I can take a GPS reading when I find a spot I want go back to…I can bring up a Google Earth map with this GPS reading….I can then tilt the map so I can see how steep the terrain is…I can see the gullies and all that stuff so I can plan the easiest way in the next time….I don’t know about you but when I go into a new area it seems I always go in the hard way and out a harder way…Art

Well for me I believe when you take the road less traveled you are going to find more and better things.Course you don`t want to get somewhere you can`t get out of. So Art I took down those GPS cords you gave for the tunnels with gold readings do you think there could be some gold in them yet that is gettable??Are they safe to enter? NVRADAR

Hey NVRDAR..I parked at 39 25.550n 118 14.395 and walked up the sands wash…When you go around the second bend there is a cave that runs along the road for about 2 !/2 miles…Up a little bit more is where the closed entrance is…..This cave system seems to be a different system than the one along the road…It is in broken in pieces over a large area with the possibility of more opening.

The second spot you park is at 39 26.307n 118 14.395w….Up that gully there is a spot where the top of the cave is only 1 ½ foot deep. Just before it gets to this spot the cave splits into 4 caves. 3 of them cross the road and go up the mountain on the other side. These 3 may have open entrances…The other one goes on up and looks like it ends at an old mine….

There I a lot of gold in the area…I doubt if I will every mine it and my kids are not interested so some of you can go and have at it….It was a good place to ride around and look at a bunch of fallen down buildings and the Navy bomb sites…Be careful on that road….If you spin your tires and break through the top 3 inches there is nothing under there but loose sand…Art

Thanks for the cords Art.I will check them out in the spring if it ever gets here. Is permission needed to go there since you say it`s Naval property? NVRADAR

There were no restrictions last time I was there..I heard they were talking about restriction…It is pretty neat to set out there and watch those Jets doing Electronic Bombing runs on some of those sites…. Art

Yes it is I have watched lots of times on my way to deer hunting camp.Have a few cool vids of bombing runs.Love it!!

Hey Art,
Thanks for the Co-Ordinates. Might have to take a trip out there when the snow melts. Just a little FYI for that area. The Fallon NAS range is South of Hwy.50 next to the "Fairview" district. That canyon you listed is a few miles north of 50 in the south end of Dixie Valley (BLM?). Across the valley to the NE is the old ghost town of "Wonder". A silver town from the late 1800,s.
The Dixie Valley is very thermally active with hot springs and Geothermal power plants. The area was heavily prospected in the late 1800,s due to the proximity of other lode finds nearby.

The article stated the cave was NW of Sand Mountain. I did a little exploring out that way a few years ago digging up some Banded Rhyolite north of Green Mountain and found a pretty good size mine shaft there. It might have been a Rockhounders hole or the Highgrade was removed as there was nothing but the Rhyolite in the tailings.


The article stated the cave was NW of Sand Mountain. I did a little exploring out that way a few years ago digging up some Banded Rhyolite north of Green Mountain and found a pretty good size mine shaft there. It might have been a Rockhounders hole or the Highgrade was removed as there was nothing but the Rhyolite in the tailings.

Hey Steve….I Dowsed a map of the area NW of Sand Mountain and did not find Hank Knights mine….I expanded the map and found it NE of Sand Mountain…I can not say for sure that this is his mine but the caves are there..Art

One way to find out!!!! NVRADAR :icon_thumleft:

Hey If you wouldnt mind someone tagging along I would love to join you. I grew up in Gabbs and now live in Hawthorne not a very long drive for me,I use a Minelab XT1800 and love to explore mines and wouldnt mind exploring caves either let me know and I'll be ready to go if youdont mind sounds like it could be fun.

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey panning man…I have not been up there again. I will go up there this summer. Here are a couple of Cord. for up there….39 25.550n….118 14.395w Road 39 25.474n…118 14.529w…..Rock
39 25.478n….118 14.661w….closed cave
Anyone that wants to go up there is more than welcome. Lots of different tunnels with gold in them…Art

If only that was closer...lol I would throw my back out there, no questions asked.....It would be so nice to find some gold. Here in Indiana you have to move a few tons of dirt to get a gram of the yellow stuff.....

Hi all going up there pretty quick for a look see. Will have some pics and report when I get back.


any pictures yet??????????????

I have some pictures but the pictures mean nothing. I as there a number of times from the information and coordinates I recd here and came up with a wild goose chase. I am a very experienced prospector and treasure hunter so I knocked this one off the list as folklore atleast this area and moved on to bigger and more realistic areas.

What areas are you hunting? Would love to find some new areas, not looking to move in on your territory just looking to hint. Always looking for new companions if your interested. Rylflush@cox.Net


any up dates? anyone still looking for this or anything else ?

any up dates? anyone still looking for this or anything else ?

I been out there 4 times all the information is a farce. I should of stopped after the second time but had some ideas here and there even did a orthomosaic map of the area to spot any anomalies but nothing. It goes on the big waste of time list.. Let me put it like this for you all. If there was a so called cave of gold or even lets just say a nice vein this guy found that posted the info showing the gold why would you tell anyone? You would clean the crap out of it and go cash in. NO ONE is that libtared to just share it with the world. Its yours you found it take it sort of thing. So just on that you dam well know its all bs as far as this location goes. I do not think this is even the area the original story talks about. So, go out there have a nice drive take some photos but thats about all you will find. FYI be aware the naval base is watching they are on a higher security status these days.

thanks ken for your up date and info.
take care.

Wow just the thought of finding gold would keep me going ang going and going lol

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