Can you provide us with some kind of evidence to support/prove that these remains were found, and identified as being the original Adams party? Thank you in advance;
Filemaker01 also wrote
It certainly does interest anyone in the Lost Adams forums, and effigy mounds could well be an important new discovery of ancient origins. You stated that the gold was found right where Adams said (and Ron Jensen) - can you add some info to support this contention? Thank you in advance, and whether we agree or disagree has no bearing on friendship; at least not from this end. I think you have a very interesting site or combination of sites, but would like to see more confirmation that it is what you believe it to be. Gold has been found in a great many places, none of which were or are the lost Adams diggings, so it would seem that to identify a particular site as the lost Adams we might expect to see a remarkable or very large amount of gold recovered in order to fit the stories.
I have some doubts about the Adams zigzag canyon being "sacred" to the Apaches or any other tribe; why should he have given permission for the whites to be living and mining there, if it were some kind of sacred site for example? Even in Nana's own words, the original owners appear not to have been Apaches, and the presence of some kind of farming activity points to a different people entirely. Let us not be too quick to start identifying a site as "sacred" without consulting the sources, and those sources do specify several locations which are held as sacred by each tribe. If the tribe has no memory of such a site as you have pointed out, there is good reason to believe that it is not a sacred site for them or there would be some traditions relating to it.
Anyway it does not seem logical to me, that Nana would have given permission to Adams party in the first place if the site were in some way 'sacred' to his people.
Good luck and good hunting amigo I hope you find the treasures that you seek.