Los Lunas Mystery Stone

am trying to argue a point with somebody.
HI Mike, argue, debate, or discuss? I believe that you and I "Discuss" things?

Arguing is for politics and Religion since reason cannot be applied to either, just gut belief.

When you are the leading authority on something or field, you will resist violently anything that may tend to shake your Royal Chair, even to lying if necessary.

Remember, there are very few SAINTLY geniuses , such as myself, in the world at one time.

Tropical Tramp - SPS

p.s. sheesh, I forgot your Molina data , appol. sniff

Most definitely.


8)How come I can't see it?? all Iam getting is a map location??/

the kml is just to show where it is located... if you want to see a pic of it look at the URL's that i put with it...

How about "Mystery Mnt's 10 Commandments" (NM) !
That's even stranger ! :P
It's there!
Right across the Rio Grande ...

I forgot to mention !
That there is a book written about this....
It Has lots of good photos and history....
I should say, PREhistory ....
I have a copy around ..... somewhere !

I can't understand ????
With all of the interesting things/places, etc, that are brought up on this Forum..
How come I never SEE!

Wow! :o That is really neat/interesting! Would there be any chance that I could visit the site with you! ::)

Something to that effect!


gollum said:
The last one looks like a charicature of Little Richard (*The Queen of Rock and Roll). ;D ;D

Now, somebodyt explain to me how people in South America and Mexico knew what Blacks, Asians, and Semitic Middle Easterners looked like!


;) I CAN! :o
2500 yrs ago
The Celts (and friends/company ) were all up and down the Rio Grande, Colorado, Mississippi and the Red Rivers !
I can show you Celtic Writting, called "Ogam"
I can show you "Soltice Sites", one with a two masted ship
A Celtic Godess ! carved into the rocks!
4000 yrs ago, The Chinese were actually in Mexico !
All of this is Public Record ...
Buy a Book called "America BC" (Before Columbus) ::)
If there is any doubt(s) ......
If you want to see this ..... Let me Know! The best examples are in NM
I am "awaitn'" your reply !
I have answered & explained your Question !
Have I, NOT ! ::) ;D

Sorry: ::)
That's my personality !
Besides, after 30 yrs., in the military, 15 yrs as an Engineer ( I have a Master's ) 15 yrs as as College Instructor,
I AM DEAD TIRED of all of those ....
Factual Reports .... Military Reports ... Engineering Reports/assessments ... College Lectures .... Etc..
I'm Burned out on trying to be A ROBOT (Tech Writer ) ! :-\
Being a Free Country ???,
You are free to , ...
Just "Skip/ignore" my entries! ::)

( "Are you an archaeologist?" NOPE! Almost, BUT! That was, one of my "minors" along with Geology, Aero. Eng., Computer Sci., Indust. Electronics, Robotics ! .... ! I even have numerous Semester Hrs in Law, Bus. Admin., Education, Chem., Hist., US Constit., & ?? )
I loved going to College
I should have been a Professional Student ! But!
After using Three (3) GI Bills .... The VA was getting "A little Testy! " :D

Diving Doc :
First thing...
I have never used and I don't even like the sound of it ... The "word!" :-[
"Invest" >:( in any of my Projects !
I have sufficient finances to fund about any sort of Project/anything I should need or run into !
I have never asked for any sort of investment, other than a person's time !
I don't intend to do so in the future either !
Concerning "education"
I don't believe that a person can have too much!
Being that I don't work, I have a lot of free time!
I fill some of it, when I am home, by taking college course's at our local College ...where I used to work!
I took courses in the evenings while I was working there ..
Taking an evening course or two each yr/semester!!
You an rack up a lot of education working for a college, for 15 yrs...
What didn't I "spell check" ?

you didn't spell check it when diving doc said "my two sense". I guess he doesn't use the other three. exanimo, siegfried shlagrule

Diving Doc:
::) Thank you for "Confirming" my status as an ALL AROUND TH'er ! ;D
Beneath your Avatar , are the Words :
"Treasure is in books !"

Not wonder, I have such an intense interest in a "College" education/subjects !
" I'm A BORN TH'er ! "
And! Until now, I didn't even know it !
Thank You!
I just couldn't understand, why I had/have such an "Intense Interest" In Education! 8)
You must be a "Doctor of Psychology" ? ;)

HI (Tayopa) BILL: That is a doctor in "Psychometry", and do not use "?" to accent a word, poor contruction and misuse!

Tropical Tramp

p.s. When are we ever going to have that coffee?

Tropical Tramp:
1... Boy!
I could have sworn that my Professor of Greek Studies, Dr. Alex Apoaleitos? , never could spell his name,
AT! UTEP (U.of TX @ El Paso)
Told us that any word ending in "metry" , Gk. "metria", has to do with Measurements ! ;)
Since, I'll be going thru there, E.P., in a couple of weeks, I shall stop at his house ....
If you're familiar with El Paso ....He lives on the eastside, a few miles south of the VA Ctr !
Can't miss his "house" !
He bought and converted the old, El Paso City, Stone Water Tower..
He's converted it into a Home !
A person of the "Psychometry" inclination, would be/mean ?????????? ;D
2...The coffee situation ?
As I mentioned, how about sometime, after Nov. 15th, when I'll be passing thru El Paso ?
We can drop by Dr. A.A.'s House ~ ???????? ;D
AND! Ask! "The Authority" ...as you might incur, from his name, he is of Greek Descent.
Can you make El Paso ?
If Not!
I'll be next heading to Tucson, depending on the how the weather is New Mexico Mnts.
"The Caballos"
I am trying to get to the TOP! of them!
Where I have a "Site" !
If the weather IS bad, UP there! ( 'bout '8500') I'll head over to Tucson !
Make That ???

HI Bill: I'll be in Tucson in the first weeks of Dec, I def. want to swap BS with you, we are long overue. I also owe coffee to a few others that have been very patient with me - Badger?

Tropical Tramp

Listen here, Mr Badger ....
You want to meet and , "Swap some BS!" :o
They may speak with "Forked Tongue" down there.. :P
But! "Let it be said ...
That! Us, Texasians, ( I'm a transplant) "Speak the Straight Tongue" ! :-\
What I say, may be "tainted" a little TAN !
To call it "BS"!
I'm Shocked!, shocked! & simply shocked! some more! :o :o :o

Where would you like to meet ?

I may be in a base camp, just south of Tucson, it's a very accessable site !
I'll have a base camp set up....
Where, We will always have a coffee pot, going !
It's, Just a couple of miles east of, I-19 and there's one of those, Corner Super Markets, right at the exit turn off!
We could meet there, or, at the Base Camp, or, IN, Tucson some place ?
Where are you going to be located, while you're in Tucson ?
I'll be "core drilling" a this site !
You could see what my (very portable) "drilling rig" looks like & in actual operation....
I am not sure of the exact date.
That's being talked over right now!
Do you have a date(s), when you'll be in Tucson?
I am kind of floating around, IE: "free", until 10th of Jan ..
When I'll be heading down to So. Ariz along the Border, to make "The (Spanish) Silver Tunnel" Recovery! ;D

Has anyone gone over to "Mystery Mnt" to see the "10 Commandments" ?
Picked up the book and seen the Photos of them ?
The author has some excellent photographs in the book!

At some point, mustn't one admit that agnosticism, as regards ancient cultures, is the only reasonable course? No matter the variety of compelling carvings and artifacts, can one ever hope to find a substantive enough record to put the matter to rest?

Which isn't to saying there's no joy in trying!

Alls I'm sayin' is that there ain't no way we gonna know one way er the other where all them dead'n'gone folks went to on their vacations. We ken find a hundred stones with hebrew, chinese, viking, whichever, all over 'em, and we'll never really know just what in the hell was going on back then.

So dig a few holes and enjoy the weather and tilt a few cold ones back after yer done but don't get all long faced if you never figger it out fr' certain.

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