Looks on the beach

Doug H

Full Member
May 23, 2014
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Cumberland, VA
Detector(s) used
White's coinmaster pro
Garrett at pro
Equinox 600
Primary Interest:
This has been referenced in different threads but I couldn't find a thread devoted to the topic. Going to the beach the past year or so has meant grabbing the fishing pole and leaving the AT PRO at home because I wasn't happy with the way the PRO performed in the salt. Yesterday I went to the beach with my equinox for the first time. Here's the thing...I had forgot about all the weird looks and stares I get when metal detecting on public beaches. Detecting on land if someone sees me it's like "oh look, there's a guy metal detecting". But on the beach it seems like its "there's one of those creepy old guys with a metal detector". I equate it to the looks and stares that some handicapped or obese people get. I never do anything to shine a bad light on this hobby but sometimes I think I'd like to scream "what the hell". Just wanted to see if you experience this and what your thoughts are when it happens and do you do what most of us I assume do and just ignore it.

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Try carrying a purse for your good and junk finds and root cutter etc. Talk about a creepy old guy. Lol, yup that's me. FB_IMG_1516024335210.webp

I hunted the beach last week during the day while the wife and kids were enjoying themselves getting some sun. It did feel a little strange getting all the looks. At one point I had dug a hole that seemed to be a small crater and felt the need to finally pick up a shell to make it look like I had found something rather than look like I gave up. Really need to get a decent pinpointer I guess. Usually I try to get to the beach at dawn to avoid the crowds and not take up too much of the weekend.

Laughs...yeah...I got somethin that goes beep beep...what have you got.

0ne thing I have learned do not carry a long shovel with you it will give them a heart-attack.That goes for all metal detecting makes them very nervous ------ha,ha,ha.--William

Have a permission across the street from a Walmart, 3 empty lots that had homes on them in 1914. I put my headphones [emoji442] on and don’t look at the traffic, had several people yell something as they drive by. Don’t matter, I’m in my own little world and enjoying life, making good finds too [emoji3]

You could just stare back wearing your xray glasses.

This has been referenced in different threads but I couldn't find a thread devoted to the topic. Going to the beach the past year or so has meant grabbing the fishing pole and leaving the AT PRO at home because I wasn't happy with the way the PRO performed in the salt. Yesterday I went to the beach with my equinox for the first time. Here's the thing...I had forgot about all the weird looks and stares I get when metal detecting on public beaches. Detecting on land if someone sees me it's like "oh look, there's a guy metal detecting". But on the beach it seems like its "there's one of those creepy old guys with a metal detector". I equate it to the looks and stares that some handicapped or obese people get. I never do anything to shine a bad light on this hobby but sometimes I think I'd like to scream "what the hell". Just wanted to see if you experience this and what your thoughts are when it happens and do you do what most of us I assume do and just ignore it.

i hunted dry sands long long ago - have experienced the looks and comments (and then some) that you have
you see me at the beach ...99% of the time - I'm in the water
- funny thing is ...never have gotten the looks or comments in the water
in fact - just the opposite usually. People i meet in water think its awesome and cool that machine is waterproof
and that i find gold out there :tongue3:

#1 rule never make eye contact
i wear mirrored dive mask and will face forward but still be able to look at them
and i keep my head phones on when i get out of the water - so if i dont want to respond to someone
i wont and they will say "oh...he cant hear me"- depends on my mood
I have had my earphones on and heard people say stuff - my fav
was on a Cape Cod beach - my GF was on blanket and people behind her showed up after
us so did not know we were together - it was a group of 8 adults and they were making
all kinds of comments while i was out there - "I wonder if he found enough pennies to buy lunch"
hehehe..stuff like that - my Gal was getting po'ed and wanted to turn on them - From the water
I was glancing now and then to my GF and saw them pointing in my direction and laughing
I could see frown on my gals face. Eventually I took a lunch break and headed in towards her
I kept my headphones on so i could make it to her with hopefully no one stopping me
as i got closer I could see and hear them snickering. I heard one of them say "here he comes"
and then one say "Ut-oh" as they saw I was heading to blanket in front of them and all
their faces changed cause they knew my Gal must have heard everything they said.
As I started taking gear off my girl was rolling her eyes and whispered "you shouldve
heard crap they were saying" - Then she asked how I did and i whispered - "I got 3 gold rings"
and then she smiled - I put my body on the blanket in such a way as to block their view.
and then started to unload by booty so my gf could see but they couldnt. Told her to keep
the rings low and not let them see. She whispered "they are trying to see...they are craning
their necks trying to see what you got". Then one of them spoke up and said "So...did
you get anything good?" I said "No...just pennies...you know". They could see my gal
looking at something in her fingers and her eyes and smile lighting up, but I pushed her hands
low so they could not see. She purposely acted extra excited as she picked up the other rings
and she added a "WOW" here and there. I could see a lot of movement behind me as they were
trying like heck to see what I had. Finally one apologized...think it was one of their wives.
and they asked if they could please see what I got. I finally gave in and told them I got 3 gold rings
and some other nice finds. They were amazed and then asked a bunch of the usual questions
"Do you do this for a living?" "Whats the best thing you ever found?" etc.
Now we were good friends...they even asked if we wanted to have lunch with them :tongue3:

I mean even as a kid I get weird stares and the occasional 18 year old asking his girlfriend, “Look at that crazy dude, is he carrying a Geiger counter?”

Generally, those people I can tolerate. Its the times we live in which are producing a generation of people who stick their noses into other peoples' business and call the "authorities" and complain that "he's ruining our day at the beach!!!" :BangHead: What am I doing that requires the permission of someone I don't know and am not near, nor touching and generally ignoring? What? Making virtually self healing holes in the sand?? Removing shredded aluminum cans and poptops? I just don't understand people these days.

Some people just need something to "beach" about.
Other than that, they don't have much.

Humans are funny. If we see something different or unusual we stare it’s normal human being behaviour. I think some people are intimidated by us. We stand out amongst the ordinary like a black sheep on the beach and I love it. I’ve always liked being different than everyone else. Some people are scared of being different and follow the norm. Some people are also jealous of other people who stand out and are doing something they never thought of. Most people I think are actually saying to themselves when they stare is .. “that would be cool”...I bet he finds some good stuff “why didn’t I think of that”.

I've only had one negative experience. Was detecting in the water at a small local pond. An irate woman got my attention and said that I shouldn't be doing that here. I said, don't worry, the kids aren't in my way. She repeated it again, and knowing there was no lifeguard on duty, I asked if she was the lifeguard on duty. She replied, "no, I'm a town resident trying to enjoy my day". I said, " so am I". She then gave me a nasty look and I just moved into deeper water. When I looked back a couple minutes later, her and her brats were gone.

This has been referenced in different threads but I couldn't find a thread devoted to the topic. Going to the beach the past year or so has meant grabbing the fishing pole and leaving the AT PRO at home because I wasn't happy with the way the PRO performed in the salt. Yesterday I went to the beach with my equinox for the first time. Here's the thing...I had forgot about all the weird looks and stares I get when metal detecting on public beaches. Detecting on land if someone sees me it's like "oh look, there's a guy metal detecting". But on the beach it seems like its "there's one of those creepy old guys with a metal detector". I equate it to the looks and stares that some handicapped or obese people get. I never do anything to shine a bad light on this hobby but sometimes I think I'd like to scream "what the hell". Just wanted to see if you experience this and what your thoughts are when it happens and do you do what most of us I assume do and just ignore it.

Have you tried wearing pants?

Just sayin'. :)

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Hello, i used to think that too. Now have come to the realization that they are jealous. Maybe they want to hunt, but dont know how to get started. Every true red blooded person has some treasure hunter in them. Some definitely more than others. Those who are not blessed with it stare at those who have it LOL

My experiences at the beach, while metal detecting, for the most part has been a positive one. When I first started I was a bit shy about being in front of people but as I gained more experience and confidence that all has faded.
After awhile you know where to position yourself so as not to “get the looks” or kick the hornet’s nest.

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