Looking for Suggestions for obtaining Detectors for High-Risk Kids


Full Member
Jan 24, 2005
Detector(s) used
Fisher 1270X/Whites 6000 & 5900 Di Pro SL/CZ-6a
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Hey Guys. I have a quick question to ask you all.

I run a program for high risk kids in a poor town in Ct. I was going to develop a summer program for kids where they have to research sites and pick areas to hunt in. They will get a class in Research and metal detecting.

Do you guys know of any manufacturers who are know for donating machines to a non-profit for something like this? Or who to contact at the manufacturerers or major wholesalers?

I have four machines of my own, two off of ebay cheap but it won't be enough.


Oh, btw, I don't suspect any problems and have support from the City Parks and Rec and the Mayor!


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Arch. I'm sorry I can't help you out. Wish I could. I think it's a great idea. Having the kids learn some history of their area and then going out and digging up some of that history can only be a positive experience for them.
Remember you only need one detector for every four or five kids. Mark the target and detectorist moves on looking for another while a different kid recovers target. Mark another target and another kid recovers target. Taking turns running the detector and recovering targets. Maybe having a kid recording finds, depth of target, discription, etc. Dealing with "ghost" targets and repinpointing targets are matters I'll let you figure out.
Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Wal mart, Radio Shack and some other big chains sell detectors also. You might have better luck with one of them if you get no where with a dealer. HH.


Arch I would definitely call or write some of the biggies like walmart or radio shack and I think i would contact directly Garrett and whites and All of them. I know sometimes you will get the run around and the story that its not in the budget this year but keep at them. time is your enemy here and that is the best I can suggest. I have done a lot of fundraising and getting to the person in charge is your best bet. Don't take no and try to make sure you follow up. I also would like to say that if you do want donations Please post an address and maybe you could buy a few Ace 150'S or 250'S . I don't know how many you need but I would make a donation without any problems. Just let me know.

Thanks for the replies guys. I am a reformed advertising salesman and know the value of getting to the big cheese. I have four machines and this will be the first season out. I am going to try to get a mini grant first and see if I can get some from some people at cost. I know lots of people and will be able to give those that give lots of recognition.

I am working on the program now for a grant proposal and think it will be a good one. I will let you all know how it is progressing. We have a few programs that teach kids skills so they can do something other than sell drugs and drop out of school like most do. When these kids get a sense of accomplishment in anything it usually lets them tackle other things.

Ok, I will get off my soapbox but what a great hobby to share with others eh?

Good hunting!


A lot of Retailers do things like that to show there community support. Get with the General Manager from Wal-Mart or another retailer that sells MD and let them know what you are doing. They might help you out with some detectors. Good Luck and Happy Hunting. And keep up the good work, it is great stuff you are doing.


don't know if theres a Big5 near you but may try them, they sell some BH models for $99 if they won't donate. A couple of carwash days and you should have enuf to acquire some. just a thought. good luck.


Something to go with what slow sweeper said is that you could also use pinpoints they are cheaper then full M.D. I have raised materials for Mission trips to Mexico I have done good going to big or small business some times it is returned items, riped bags, missed match paint etc. Some one like the big Co.s like Wights or a repair dealer might have returns that where fixed or rebuilds. Just some ideas. SASQUSH

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