Looking for a diesel engine for our treasure boat

Hi folks.
Sorry I have been absent, but long, hot, sometimes frustrating days are hard on my body and my cheerful disposition.
Good news to report.
We have the engine install 98% complete. The boat has been in the water for a test and is running very nicely. No more billowing clouds of smoke on cold startup like the big old TAMD 70C is famous for. The 20" x 24" 4-blade prop that was working so well with the old does not work with the new engine, so we are swapping props around. We bought a 3-blade bronze 18" from Capt Bonnie Schubert (Thanks, Bonnie!) that we are going to try and I have another 19 x 19 lined up to try if that one doesn't get 'er done. Prop size and pitch are very important on any boat, but especially on an inboard planing hull like the Stamas. We have to be able to be able to power up on top of the bow wave to achieve planing speeds, so just like having a real high or real low differential gear ratio in the back of your car...performance suffers.
So...in the morning...I begin by finishing wiring the new engine alarms, move the two fuel gauges out of the way and cut the dash panel to install the Volvo gauge panel, install and test the dash panel, chase down some wires that are no longer in use and either remove them or mark them as unused and available, install a brace under the helm station and wire the house battery. We also have to swap props, re-install the coffin box, blower and helm station and then reload all the gear that we took off (5 anchors, crown buoys, 1200' of anchor line) but heck...we ought to be done by dark...right? Then we have to test her and see if we truly have all of the bugs exterminated. Once I am confident that she's seaworthy, I'll be able to make a plan again.
Pray for/hope for/demand calm seas and westerly winds on the Treasure Coast.
More later!

How/where did you get your old engine pulled and the new one put in. I finally got the correct engine for my boat last monday, now I've got to get the old one off and the new one put aboard

How/where did you get your old engine pulled and the new one put in. I finally got the correct engine for my boat last monday, now I've got to get the old one off and the new one put aboard

Well, to get our 2800 lb beast out, we used the big forklift at Riverside Marina in Fort Pierce..that cost $200 and took over an hour. We had gotten a quote at Sebastian River Marina at $150 for the first half hour of machine time and $30 per half hour of operator time. Since we were going to be doing the engine swap in Ft Pierce, it was no big deal to drag the 10,000 lb beast 40 miles. Driving down there every morning for 8 days was something of a chore, though.

For your 4 cylinder, I think if you go down to Frank's Sandblasting behind the Roseland refuse transfer station <aka The Dump> . I believe he has a forklift as does Alex at the scrapyard in the same storage yard. I bet you can get it done for $50.

Thanks Bill, that's about 100 yards from the storage area where I have the new engine

Today's report:
The list was:
Install and test new engine alarms. DONE
Relocate and rewire fuel gauges. DONE
Cut dash and install new gauge panel. DONE
Rewire battery switch. DONE
Remove unused leftover wiring. DONE
Redrill blower bracket. DONE
Fix fuel leak. DONE
Fiberglass the modified stringer. DONE
Change prop. DONE
Remount blower. DONE
Reinstall all the parts we took off. DONE
To do:
Install brace at the helm station.
Reverse the shifter.
Load ground tackle.
Load dive equipment.

Pictures will be taken.

OMG kick this in the a$$ and get on with it man. This is like a dialog on watching paint dry!

slacker! :laughing7:

Bill your killing us here, I have seen cars rust quicker than your work, get on it!!

I have never, ever claimed to be fast, but I am pretty consistent.
Boat runs great.
Need to do some prop tuning and some electrical wizardry.

Anyone have any first hand knowledge about how to troubleshoot a Volvo Penta instrument panel? I have start and kill, warning buzzers and instrument panel lights, but the tach, oil pressure, water temp and voltmeter do not function.

Troubleshooting Volvo Engine Instrument Panels





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It's healed!!!!!
Everything works...

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Great! Now send us some pictures.

We will be trying for photos again tomorrow. Trying to get some runs in so we can dial in the best propeller for the job. Anyone have a "change the pitch on your own prop" kit?

Pictures from today.
7 23 16 pic1.jpg7 23 16 pic b.jpg

Pictures from before:
Fixing at Fort Pierce.jpgout with the old.jpgoutta there.jpg

Shhhhh...that was Kym. I do a nice controlled sinking called the Scottish Soak Stroke.

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