Local cemetery finds today

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Hero Member
Dec 23, 2014
Pemberton, New Jersey
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Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Hit a local cemetery this afternoon to find an assortment of old toy cars from the 60's and 70's, a stainless spoon made in Korea, an old pocketknife, an old padlock dial, an old buckle, a 1966 Mattel Inc. Creepy Crawly Fright Factory Thingmaker Mold, a 1965 quarter, 1942-1949-1963 penny, and what I believe to be a very old medallion with an eagle with one star on one side and a (large 2)(small 50) on the other. Hopefully one of treasurenet's experts can identify this quarter size medallion? Thanks IMG_2327.JPGIMG_2328.JPGIMG_2329.JPGIMG_2330.JPGIMG_2331.JPGIMG_2334.JPGIMG_2335.JPG

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Appreciate all of the comments. First of all I was given permission (asked) to detect the church cemetery some time ago in hopes that I might find a church members keys which had been lost over the winter.. As a councilman here in town I personally take care of our Veterans Honor Roll which sits in front of the cemetery and keep the area clean and planted with flowers. I did find his keys and returned them to him. I have also found long buried veteran's flag monuments which I have tried to replace near the appropriate graves. The items found today were from along the perimeter 13256549_10201529633520877_5624142132026993373_n.jpgcemetery fences which is why I found so many old toy cars. A public sidewalk runs along the fences on two sides and many children have played here over the years. There are those who are always quick to judge and condemn in their ignorance. I tend to be of a more positive nature and as Monty Python is known to say LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE!

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That last post was deserving of a short, explicit and to-the-point answer. Now let me add this - battlefields are just that - where battles have taken place. Yes, people will be buried there. There may even be crosses or other monuments. However, it's still a battlefield.

Look at it this way - for EVERY SINGLE CEMETERY that you can find, how many of the people buried there actually died there??

I agree with what you are saying but a grave is a grave (marked or not) and should we be disturbing graves?

Appreciate all of the comments. First of all I was given permission to detect the church cemetery some time ago in hopes that I might find a church members keys which had been lost over the winter.. As a councilman here in town I personally take care of our Veterans Honor Roll which sits in front of the cemetery and keep the area clean and planted with flowers. I did find his keys and returned them to him. I have also found long buried veteran's flag monuments which I have tried to replace near the appropriate graves. The items found today were from along the perimeter cemetery fences which is why I found so many old toy cars. A sidewalk runs along the fences on two sides and many children have played here over the years. There are those who are always quick to judge and condemn in their ignorance. I tend to be of a more positive nature and as Monty Python is known to say LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE!
For future reference, it would be advisable to include some such info with the OP. Too many folks get too riled up over such things.

Personally, I'm with MsBeepBeep! When my time comes and I leave, that's it - I'm not here anymore. The body is simply the vessel which we inhabit while here on Earth. Once the body dies, "we" move on. Doesn't matter whether you look at it from a religious, spiritual, or other standpoint. Religious - when you die, your soul goes to Heaven or Hell. Spiritual - when you die, your Spirit leave on its way to the next life. For "other" - Life is Energy, and Energy never "dies" - it just changes form. When the body can no longer use or contain said Energy, then there is no longer any Energy in the body. Just an empty shell.

The whole point of cemeteries is for the benefit of loved ones....as well as the folks who make money off the situation, like the funeral homes, headstone and casket manufacturers, florists, etc. It's a means that the living use to help find closure and to help deal with the sense of loss - a way to help ease the pain of losing someone close.

For me? I don't care. When my time here is done, hey! I'm outta here!! You can throw this old bag of bones out for the critters to feed on - I don't care - won't be needing it anymore! Got no family to have to worry about their loss. Wife feels the same way. We just wanna be cremated and both put in a big blue or green glass jar. But it has to be an old jar! After that, we don't care.

Appreciate all of the comments. First of all I was given permission to detect the church cemetery some time ago in hopes that I might find a church members keys which had been lost over the winter.. As a councilman here in town I personally take care of our Veterans Honor Roll which sits in front of the cemetery and keep the area clean and planted with flowers. I did find his keys and returned them to him. I have also found long buried veteran's flag monuments which I have tried to replace near the appropriate graves. The items found today were from along the perimeter View attachment 1333296cemetery fences which is why I found so many old toy cars. A sidewalk runs along the fences on two sides and many children have played here over the years. There are those who are always quick to judge and condemn in their ignorance. I tend to be of a more positive nature and as Monty Python is known to say LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE!

Glad I wasnt so quick to post. Thank you for the explanation.

Disturbing graves?? HELL NO!! That's disrespectful. That said, it happens every day. Not long ago was a story about a family in the San Francisco area who found the body of a young girl perfectly preserved in a VERY HIGH-END casket! The other graves had been moved to, and I quote, "make way for the living"! They dropped the ball there, and refuse to honor this child's (and her parent's) wishes to be buried together. Nobody from the city has even tried to find out who the girl is - what family she belonged to. ...Ok, to the best of my knowledge they haven't tried - I really don't know. Just sounds that way.

Soldiers remains get found and flown back "home" all the time - sometimes from Vietnam or Korea or France, or anywhere else there has been a skirmish involving American soldiers. Even civilians - same thing, though not so often.

Guess you'd have to define "disturbing graves" in more detail. To dig over or in the immediate vicinity of graves, I think, is extremely disrespectful. Maybe the people buried there don't care - maybe the families of the people buried there don't care. However, you don't know that. And too, these cemetery plots are bought and paid for in many/most cases. That means deeded and private property. Hmm...what's the thoughts behind MDing on the private property of other people?? What's this I read about getting "Permissions"?

I personally would not ever detect in a cemetery out of respect to the living & deceased, just my opinion - anyway the belt buckle you found looks like it may belong to a vampire.

Texas ED

A cemetery?? Sorry, I have too much respect to be digging in certain locations........hospitals, elder care housing, nursing homes, funeral homes and cemeteries...........
Besides, enough holes get dug there without an mder...........

Here's the problem I see with all of this. IF the keys were lost just this past winter there's a good chance they would still be on the surface still so really why would you need anything besides your machine and a pin pointer? Any digging done by you would have been uncalled for and not needed. You took it upon yourself to dig into peoples graves and that's not what you were asked to do was it?

When I die, I want to go to Hawaii. But maybe a dumpster first...
When that time comes, if you want, we'll make sure you're put in the oldest, scroungiest, dirtiest, grungiest, trashiest dumpster we can find. Then we'll mount on a set of Longhorns. Then we'll set 'er in the water and give a half-hearted shove towards Hawaii. :laughing7:

Again I will say some people tend to judge and condemn in their ignorance! Do not recall digging or saying I dug into any graves. For the last time my detecting was done along the fences and outside sidewalk (yes of a cemetery). No gravesites were disturbed. The keys and flag monuments were found along a driveway and walkways. So to those "anointed ones" who think they have all the right answers and can't wait to pass them on to those who don't really care to hear them I will not say what I am thinking because I am better than that-Thank Goodness!

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You are digging in a cemetery and you want to call every body else ignorant? wow

I agree with what you are saying but a grave is a grave (marked or not) and should we be disturbing graves?

The sad thing is that for centuries it has been done,Archaeologists have been digging up the dead and call it examining our past, as a native American my family knew of old burial grounds of our tribe and we have found them desecrated, the worst was when my cousin caught someone who had found a child's burial pot under a washed out cactus and when he approached they threw it to the ground and raced away.All he wanted was to re-bury the pot instead he had to call authorities as now it wasn't a proper burial after the vessel was destroyed.Sorry for the rant but it is disturbing that in the name of science or history it is considered O.K. I agree with Ammoman that a grave is a final resting place and cemeteries should be considered off limits whether Posted or not, I myself know where a pioneer cemetery is but would never consider checking it.To the O.P. I think you should have prefaced your post that it was around the edge and that you had permission for finding some lost keys as you opened yourself up to a $#!+storm by posting the way you did.IMO

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You are probably right Back-of-the-boat and if could I go back in time I probably would do so. In reality it was between two back street sidewalk areas and a raised stone wall / iron fence that runs along both. My referring to this as the (dreaded) cemetery was probably an error in judgement as I was not actually detecting in the cemetery itself. Believe you me I will never make this error in judgement again. Maybe it is just time to keep my findings to myself and avoid those that can't wait to pounce and condemn when given the opportunity. Thanks again for your comment.

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Post deleted due to our rules on religion...

This is exactly why threads on hunting a cemetery gets locked so quickly.

The OP (2moshers) has clarified where he was hunting, it was not in the actual cemetery itself, but the surrounding area so please end any and all derogatory comments on hunting a cemetery.....

You are probably right Back-of-the-boat and if could I go back in time I probably would do so. In reality it was between two back street sidewalk areas and a raised stone wall / iron fence that runs along both. My referring to this as the (dreaded) cemetery was probably an error in judgement as I was not actually detecting in the cemetery itself. Believe you me I will never make this error in judgement again. Maybe it is just time to keep my findings to myself and avoid those that can't wait to pounce and condemn when given the opportunity. Thanks again for your comment.

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