- #101
Thread Owner
In this pitcher of the inhabitants have hidden that have not taken with. running away from german
это че переноска дял яиц? ни когда такой не видел....KORSU said:this is identified *fried eggs* For german manual garnet(pomegranate
Eu_citzen said:KORSU - that's amazing! Keep up the good work!
nahabit: could you translate it for him?
da*n your quick!nahabit said:Eu_citzen said:KORSU - that's amazing! Keep up the good work!
nahabit: could you translate it for him?
Of course.
Корсу- все ваще зашибись! продолжай рыть!
перевод сообщения от Eu_citzen
Grumpy Winter Hater Elf said:Весь из показанное оружие, находят? Они были приятно восстановлены. Я особенно как Schmeisser.
Were all of the weapons shown found? They have been nicely restored. I especially like the Schmeisser.
к чему ты сталинград выложил?KORSU said: