LETTERS written by TJB to RM, in the Beale PAPERS

Facts & ONLY the FACTS: franklin also found info about Sarah Mitchell & Robert MORRIS, years ago... AND! I appreciate his "on-the-ground" R & I in Rustburg, VIRGINIA (Campbell County, VIRGINIA)... " Sarah Mitchell was born in 1778 in Bedford County, VIRGINIA.... Robert MORRIS was from Maryland, and Sarah Mitchell's parents were from Baltimore, Md. Will now do Sarah Mitchell MORRIS Find-A-Grave... NOTHING!
YET! DYK...? Robert MORRIS Inn (1710) near Oxford, on Maryland Chesapeake Bay; NICE "pic" of Sign in front (Robert MORRIS INN), NICE "pic" of Robert MORRIS... heh!

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YET! DYK...? Robert MORRIS Inn (1710) near Oxford, on Maryland Chesapeake Bay; NICE "pic" of Sign in front (Robert MORRIS INN), NICE "pic" of Robert MORRIS... heh!

Since Sarah died first and she was staying at the home of James Beverly Ward, she could be buried in the Ward Cemetery. And later Robert Morris her husband could have been buried beside her. On the Druguid Cemtery site there is a listing for Sarah but not where she is buried or was interned. I can not find the death of Robert Morris other than the newspaper giving his date of death at the home of David and Rosayln Saunders, Morris' niece. I have an idea where the graves of Robert and Sarah Mitchell Morris are located but I have not gotten around to check it out. There may not even be headstones but one day I will try to find the cemetery.

By the way James Beverly Ward died at the home of his daughter, Mrs, McVeigh on 9th St. in Lynchburg, Va. And Peter Viemeister got his photocopy of the Job Print Pamphlet from Mrs. McVeigh.

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Good info... haven't found the Ward Cemetery, either. Read that they ALL were buried on the "Old" J. B. Risque Plantation/Farm... AND! J.B. Risque's body/headstone is NOW in the Presbyterian Cemetery in Lynchburg, Va. with OTHER War of 1812 Vets on Grace Street. Went there & saw it; behind Maj. E. F. Hutter's grave-site... BAD "weathering" on Risque's headstone, tho. "Google" Lynchburg-area Veterans of War of 1812 honored at Ceremony. Risque is on a plaque (name), listed as a CAPTAIN.

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By the way James Beverly Ward died at the home of his daughter, Mrs, McVeigh on 9th St. in Lynchburg, Va. And Peter Viemeister got his photocopy of the Job Print Pamphlet from Mrs. McVeigh.
So it was not at the 105 Harrison Street house in the Garland Hill district that Ward had built in 1887?
NOTE: That house is still standing and lived in.

You can see the address and name McVeigh on the Death Records recently posted by cw0909. 105 Harrison Street--McVeigh.

Since Sarah died first and she was staying at the home of James Beverly Ward, she could be buried in the Ward Cemetery. And later Robert Morris her husband could have been buried beside her. On the Druguid Cemtery site there is a listing for Sarah but not where she is buried or was interned. I can not find the death of Robert Morris other than the newspaper giving his date of death at the home of David and Rosayln Saunders, Morris' niece. I have an idea where the graves of Robert and Sarah Mitchell Morris are located but I have not gotten around to check it out. There may not even be headstones but one day I will try to find the cemetery.

By the way James Beverly Ward died at the home of his daughter, Mrs, McVeigh on 9th St. in Lynchburg, Va. And Peter Viemeister got his photocopy of the Job Print Pamphlet from Mrs. McVeigh.
"9th Street"...?!!! I thought it was 105 Harrison Street in Garland Hill, VERY old part of town...

What else do "we" know about Adeline Ward McVeigh...? Inquiring minds wanna KNOW! "Google" her name; interesting info already on TN.

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Who then lived on 9th Street?
...or was that just misinformation?

Look on the old map of Lynchburg, Va.

Who then lived on 9th Street?
...or was that just misinformation?
Wasn't there a Dr. McVeigh's Office on 9th Street at one time...? Can't remember....

Beale PAPERS has LOTS of errors, compared to FACTS in Lynchburg, VIRGINIA history... THAT is why, it is FACTION; Fiction based on FACTS...
...and these "LOTS of errors" purposeful discrepancies in the plausible "facts" to inform the readers of 1885 Lynchburg that the Beale adventure treasure story was just a work of fiction with play along ciphers as a parlor entertainment.
It wasn't until Pauline Innis met George Hart in the 1960's and published her book based on information in the HART PAPERS, that the BEALE PAPERS took on the cloak of being "TRUE".

I have a copy of the Old Argosy Magazine with the article of Pauline Innis. There were so many treasure stories in the newspapers and so many treasure maps and treasure codes being sold all over the Eastern Seaboard. This could have been one of those and James Beverly Ward modified it to make a sale of the pamphlet but it did not sell.

That was the assessment made by government codebreaker, Elizabeth Smith Friedman, in her replay to Clayton Hart-
The ciphers should be considered"in the same light as the myriad 'treasure maps' which are sold in the Southern states purporting to come down from pirate days".

I have a copy of the Old Argosy Magazine with the article of Pauline Innis. There were so many treasure stories in the newspapers and so many treasure maps and treasure codes being sold all over the Eastern Seaboard. This could have been one of those and James Beverly Ward modified it to make a sale of the pamphlet but it did not sell.

Treasure stories were rampant, many of them geared to the new western territory. Ciphers were also very-very common even among the general public as a means of protecting their personal communications by mail, etc.

Ciphers were very common among those that served during the War of Northern Aggression, such as the Otey family, the Hutters, Ward, and Max Guggenheimer.
All of which could have had a hand in creating the Beale Papers 20 years after the Fall of Richmond and the end of that War.

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THAT is why BPP/"JOB PRINT" was called the Beale... PAPERS... Pamphlet; MANY "papers" of info used by various ppl of TRUE, AUTHENTIC Events! COMPOSITION TIME!

Which "went on" to make up the Beale PAPERS Pamphlet... for our perusal (word used for a reason). A "JOB PRINT" (CONTRACTED out - printed on "demand/order") at the Virginian (building now being fixed up in L'burg, as a FIRST CLASS Hotel)... will there be GHOSTS...? Sounds of the "Click Clack" Typeset Machines, etc. in the "dead of night"...? ONLY the "RICH" will know...

WOW! A Restaurant on the roof-top, over-looking the James River, & seeing the bluffs of Amherst County, across the JR! Sounds like NYC "come to" Downtown L'burg... SPOOKY!

Well E F Beale's 1850 Beale Papers, Lewis & Clark and real stories from the Risqué family-Kennerly and Hutter branch.
The missing link is the connection from Morriss to (unknown author/s) to Ward as agent, copyright owner and publisher.
Blame it on the OTEY "connection"; ALL in the family.

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