UncleMatt wrote
The lost Stewart placer was covered up by the Utes.
I had not heard (or read) that anywhere, but would appreciate any tip on where to look. It was
just a suggestion amigo - a lost mine that I would not mind going looking for myself, unfortunately due to elevations that has to be done in the warmer months when I am not usually free to go. It is hard to cover up a placer so perfectly that it cannot be found, I would not let that be a stumbling block to me but that is a personal opinion.
Don Jose del la Mancha wrote
I will be the first to say that
probably there is no connection to the LAD, but since it hasn't been found in what is basically a small area, well covered with explorers, maps, aerial photographs, and now sat, including the great deceiver, Google Earth coverage, to play with, it must be somewhere else.---> Mexico
Aha! You admit it, that you are deliberately trying to MISLEAD us poor innocent treasure hunters to go a-hunting into some far-away, downright dangerous and steep barranca country where your Yaqui and Tarahumara pals are apt to part us from our top-knots! What is it amigo, they are running short on scalps to decorate el casas perhaps?

Your points are sound of course, but to me, the fort is a
very key ingredient to the LAD; it was made a point of, to tell Adams and his party that the road crossed, old/disused perhaps, led directly to the American fort. As far as I know, no American fort(s) have ever been in Tayopa country. I have a problem with Adams getting his directions THAT far off kilter to end up in Sonora/Chihuahua border country anyway. I can buy perhaps being off a bit north, a bit south of the general direction but ye gads that is really off if he ended up SO far south. Not to mention the sheer distance involved, would be covering considerably more miles per day on the route in. Also, Adams himself kept returning to the same general region (AZ/NM border country) which seems to be a most strong indicator that at least he believed it was there.
Of course we can all just stay home, conclude that it was all a tall tale and look at TV for edification.
One last point amigo as far as tying other lost mine legends into Tayopa, but I suspect that the scalp hunters ledge is very possibly a direct tie-in. I could be wrong, depends on how your read Dobie's version of it of course.
Good luck and good hunting amigos I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
