Let's see your Beale project digs

I can say one thing for sure. She got many things historical correct.
She did not "sidetrack" into discussion of Ward's third cousin twice removed and Beale appearing throughout the 19th century. As for the key and expectations, her expectation was Virginia, just like the other 99% of those who have yet to find anything or turn a shovel of dirt. What she found was Pennsylvania...
Legrand says he is ready to dig. At least he a chosen location...
Getting "things historical correct" is accomplished by research, not solving ciphers.
Legrand has mention several locations in Pennsylvania, even one with gold coins hidden in bricks.

Now if the Beale treasure is in Pennsylvania, why in the title copyrighted by James Beverly Ward does it state "Bedford county, Virginia"?
Why are the names of persons and locations mentioned in the story have to do with Virginia and not Pennsylvania?
Why was it printed, published, advertised, and sold ONLY in Lynchburg, Virginia if the "true event" took place in Pennsylvania?
Think about it.
Emma Jean Rose's "MYSTERY BENEATH THE BANEBERRY BUSH" is a fictional mystery novel, after all, utilizing the ciphers of the original BEALE PAPERS as basis of the story's plotline.

I ask you ECS, were you present when Beale wrote the ciphers?
A strawman rebuttal reply relating that neither you nor Rose were there when Rips made that pronounce of confirmation of pattern ONLY. Was that communication also by E-mail?

Mr. Rips was in the U.S. and they had met, whether you like that or not. Mrs. Rose met Mr. Rips in person. She personally told me this fact. Do you require pictures and a video? My question to you ECS, is the title page part of the pages written by Beale or is it a cover sheet by Ward? Obviously Ward wrote it. Think about it. There was a tavern located four miles from the dig in the county of Bedford Pa. Virginia was never specified on page two. Think about it. The reason these people were not from Virginia is because the burial of the treasure did not take place in Virginia. Well, when pamphlet was published, Ward's finances may have been limited, so being sold around Lynchburg, where Ward is based would make sense. You might want to ask Ward's third cousin twice removed about it. Bottom line, Virginia is an assumption by Ward and not part of the three pages written by Beale. Or ECS, were you also there when Ward published the pamphlet?

Mr. Rips was in the U.S. and they had met, whether you like that or not. Mrs. Rose met Mr. Rips in person. She personally told me this fact...
My question to you ECS, is the title page part of the pages written by Beale or is it a cover sheet by Ward? Obviously Ward wrote it...
Bottom line, Virginia is an assumption by Ward and not part of the three pages written by Beale.
Or ECS, were you also there when Ward published the pamphlet?
If I like it or not is not the issue, but confirming a pattern in a cipher is not the same as stating that it contains a valid message, and you admit that your knowledge of Rips statement is hearsay from Emma Jean Rose, who a fictional mystery novel with the Beale ciphers as a plotline.

The BEALE PAPERS were written by an "unknown author" who presented James Beverly Ward a finished manuscript, including the title, based on what Robert Morriss allegedly told him about Beale, and gave him the letters and ciphers allegedly written by a Thomas J Beale. This is the ONLY source of the Beale adventure treasure story. Placing the treasure in Pennsylvania is pure hopeful speculation without any foundation in the original job print pamphlet.

With your "were you there" remarks you have taken your strawman rebuttal on a hayride to a red herring fishfry.

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So ECS, you were there when Ward received the Beale papers. ECS, there is no way to discuss anything logical with you. If I were to produce a picture of Mr. Rips and Emma Jean Rose shaking hands, you would say it was photoshopped. I take great offense at the "strawman rebuttal". When I say "were you there", I am a strawman. When you say "were you there", it is just fine. A standard set by you for me but a standard not acceptable to apply to yourself. My alleged "hearsay" evidence would stand up in any court. My conversation is done with you. I have better conversations with a rock. May your keyboard search in Virginia someday produce a shovel in your hand.

Ponce de Leon, he went looking for the fountain of youth because people had seen it, they had been there. Others went looking for the golden cities because people had seen them, they had been there. Of course, today we know that none of these ever existed.

"Data points" and "data point patterns"....they will exist in any text ever created, even in completely random text and other forms of unintelligible text, such as ciphers. "E's"...the most used letter in the alphabet, examine any text and just try to count the number of times it "e" appears and how many words begin and end with the letter "e". Your odds of creating several mathematical formulas in association with the placements of the letter "e" in any text is pretty darn good, actually quite high, in fact, and you don't have to be a world renowned mathematician to create such seemingly connections. How any of this can be consider as any type of validation concerning the story, however, isn't relevant, though it can certainly be made to appear that way if one asserts it as being such.

There is a HUGE difference in the presence of data points when the search for such has been established on knowns VS a search that has been established from complete unknowns. It's this difference that makes the results viable and possibly meaningful or simply completely random and meaningless.

"The only thing all of this data confirms is that the text itself exist, it CANNOT be applied to confirm the truth within that text." This is the illusion being presented in all of this so called relevant data. And, of course, we all already know that the story exist. :thumbsup:

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So ECS, you were there when Ward received the Beale papers. ECS, there is no way to discuss anything logical with you...
Asking if I "was there when Beale wrote the ciphers or when Ward published the pamphlet" is not a logical question in this discussion, but a defensive childish retort, because I question your alluded "being there" to personally hear his remark that you quoted in post #13.

The reason I posted the question is because since the last 135 years since the publication of the Beale Papers, a vast array of speculative misinformation concerning the Beale story has been produced, quoted, and "accepted" as truth by the unwary reader, and asking, "were you there", was a request for validity or "provenance" of which Bigscoop has mentioned the total lack of when it comes to the Beale story, time and again.

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Now let's get back to the subject at hand. Digging. Would anyone like to share their digging exploits concerning the Beale adventure? Past or on going. No specifics as to location or such. A couple more pictures from our adventures. In The Rose's work, is the mentioning of a home (fort) fire at the base of a hill near a run. This is a dig about 300 feet north of the primary big dig. In it can be seen burnt rock and carbon layering. The entire carbon layer ranged from roughly 4 to 8 feet below the surface. The diameter was around 18 feet. Also found at the site very nearby were ox shoes and musket balls. In another nearby cave we found a wagon rim buried under approximately 250 years of fill.


There have been hundreds of digs in the Montvale, Virginia areas so much so that landowners would find their fences torn down the next morning and their cattle scattered to the four winds. You do know that Mel Fisher dug at Grahams Mill on US 460? There was the Tony Brothers on Unsolved Mysteries. A Doctor from California that dug on Porter's Mountain. Mrs. Potter that dug on Porter's Mountain. Pauline Innis dug on the mountain pass towrds Buchannon, Virginia on the Blue Ridge Parkway. The man from Florida living out of a station wagon with his family that dug near the Walnut Grove Church. I dug near the Walnut Grove Church for the Discovery Channel, "Author C. Clark's Mysterious Universe. I dug for Turner Network, "Million Dollar Mysteries." Other digs I have done at least three without landowner permission. There are hundreds of others that have dug with permission and thousands without permission. The Hart Brothers dug up Goose Creek and even used dynamite to blow and oak tree out of the ground. You should see some of the digs I have done for the Confederate Treasury. Some yards may fall in some time in the future as we dug tunnels. But yes a lot of people have dug and a lot more will dig if we do not figure out whether there is actually a treasure to find. I hate this slow website, I type two or there words before I ever see them. Good Luck in PA.


... In The Rose's work, is the mentioning of a home (fort) fire at the base of a hill near a run. This is a dig about 300 feet north of the primary big dig. In it can be seen burnt rock and carbon layering. The entire carbon layer ranged from roughly 4 to 8 feet below the surface. The diameter was around 18 feet. Also found at the site very nearby were ox shoes and musket balls. In another nearby cave we found a wagon rim buried under approximately 250 years of fill.
Rose's work, "MYSTERY BENEATH THE BANEBERRY BUSH" "is an interesting , intriguing and thought-provoking mystery NOVEL that will make readers re-think of the Beale ciphers mystery".
The original 1885 Beale Papers was a dime novel pamphlet that has caused many to search and dig in Virginia and now a newer novel based on the ciphers in the original has convinced some to search and did in Pennsylvania, which was NEVER mentioned in the original.
Foremost, the BEALE PAPERS are a Virginia treasure story and a fictional novel from a fictional dime novel pamphlet is...
still fiction.

"It is needless to say that I shall await with much anxiety the development of the mystery"
-THE BEALE PAPERS, closing statement of the "unknown author"

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Now let's get back to the subject at hand. Digging. Would anyone like to share their digging exploits concerning the Beale adventure? Past or on going. No specifics as to location or such. A couple more pictures from our adventures. In The Rose's work, is the mentioning of a home (fort) fire at the base of a hill near a run. This is a dig about 300 feet north of the primary big dig. In it can be seen burnt rock and carbon layering. The entire carbon layer ranged from roughly 4 to 8 feet below the surface. The diameter was around 18 feet. Also found at the site very nearby were ox shoes and musket balls. In another nearby cave we found a wagon rim buried under approximately 250 years of fill.

View attachment 1476446View attachment 1476447

Good one.

... The point of my post was to actually see if anyone has even picked up a shovel. It is apparent that the answer is no. How many more years will the Beale treasure search in Virginia be beat into the ground? Legrand says he is ready to dig. At least he a chosen location...
Many have picked up a shovel from the Harts to Innis to Mel Fisher and many many unnamed others and the results have always been the same- dirt in the shovel and empty holes.

And that is all there is ever going to be. No ciphers to solve. No treasure to find.

Many have picked up a shovel from the Harts to Innis to Mel Fisher and many many unnamed others and the results have always been the same- dirt in the shovel and empty holes.
With MANY P'Oed Bedford County, Va. Farmers, Landowners, Owners of Pot Patches/Meth Houses...

And that is all there is ever going to be. No ciphers to solve. No treasure to find.
...but the opportunity to rearrange random facts and people into the Beale story creating a new story behind the Beale story always exists. :laughing7:

YEP! And bury NEW Treasures, TOO! Heh... "Salt 'em, BABY!"

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