Other then Dave laughing, Yes, and no to the share, For Now.
Very interesting.
First, my prospecting days are well into my past. I don’t seek out treasure in the Superstitions for I would surely come out by helicopter. I simply find the legend of the stones fascinating and my primary interest is the history of them. Over the past several years, I have flip flopped on whether I believe Travis found the original stones or Travis made them. I am presently firmly in the Travis made them camp.
I have zero evidence, that isn’t mostly already in the public domain, I only base my opinion on what I’ve observed, read and been told in and outside of these forums.
That said (other than the Legends show) I find Frank to be very credible and believable. I have mostly considered “Old” credible and believable (but somewhat testy lately). I have mostly considered Ryan credible and believable in that I believe he believed everything he reported at the time he reported it even though some of it turned out later to be inaccurate. I do find him seemingly spring loaded in the pissed off position and perhaps a little too eager to cast aside some who could have and in fact did actually help him. Of course I don’t know the facts.
Now you come along Wrm and make a claim that, if proven to be true, could in-fact fill in many of the blanks. While I find this all very entertaining, I also find myself wondering where to find the truth.
I pretty much believed the museum stones were the real deal until I saw them the first time a few years ago. My opinion immediately changed and since that point I have doubted their authenticity.
I have two theories; one, Mitchell was sold a set of copies and then made (at least) another set which are the museum stones we see today. And when I say copy, I mean a copy of the original stones as found in the bumper photo which I presently believe Travis carved. Or, Mitchell was sold the original set (that Travis carved) and made at least one more copy to donate. In any case, I don’t believe the museum set was carved by Travis even though I believe he carved the “original” set that we see in the bumper photo.
So… following my totally unsubstantiated theory, if the museum stones aren’t the originals, the originals have to be somewhere. South Dakota is as good a place as any. Do I believe you have the originals? Let’s just say I’m very skeptical.
If you really have them, do I think you owe anyone a peek at ‘em? No, but it would be really cool if you did and it would be even better if you can document the chain of custody.
Oso (not copyrighted)