Frank - I'm having a problem with the computer program I use to re-record the cassettes and then do the sound and other audio conversions to make the recording easier to hear and transcribe, but I re-listened to the portion of the interview about the Tumlinsons and it's not too long actually. I'm just gonna do my best to transcribe that portion of the tape from my normal player. It'll take awhile to get it all done so I'll do it in segments until it's finished - hope that's ok, and I may mess up a few words along the way that I just can't hear well...
As a "forward" to this, let me just say that after listening to the whole tape I can tell that Bob Garman appears to have a fairly good memory but he does admit a couple times when he can't remember something. Greg tries to get him to just tell some stories from memory and succeeds most of the time, but other times Bob reverts to reading directly from a book or manuscript of his which I believe became "Mystery Gold of the Superstitions." This is just my opinion, but I get the feeling too that sometimes when he tells stories from memory, they almost have the feel of being "rehearsed" as though he's told the same thing many times or even sort of recited it in his head and is almost reciting it again for the tape. The reason I say that is when Greg breaks in with questions now and then, Bob sort of sounds like it takes him some time to get back on track - it just lacks that normal "flow" of conversation if you know what I mean. Bob does stumble a bit in his stories and confuses things, but I believe he was in his 80's at this time so it is what it is.
Lastly - I'm not a Stone Map person, so I'm not going to try to do any sort of interpretation of what Bob Garman says here. I also obviously am not posting this here because I'm vouching for the authenticity of anything Bob says, but rather just to pass it along and let other people discuss and come to conclusions. The tape is not particularly easy to transcribe - he mumbles quite a bit at points. I sort of switched in my transcribing also in that I really prefer doing completely literal transcriptions, but sometimes people just use too many "uh's," "ums," slang, broken sentence structure, etc... that it gets tremendously tedious to do that so sometimes I switched to just transcribing the main point, but other times I added the "color" of his actual speaking.
If there's anything you want me to clarify, or go back and recheck, please just ask. I especially tried hard to get precise wording when he was talking about actually finding the maps (who was there) and which maps were found when. I listened a number of times, and honestly I'm not completely sure whether Travis was alone when he found the first map, or Robert was with him. "He" and "we" sound way too similar from Bob to be 100% sure I got it right, but I did hear a "they" in there at least once so you'll have to just decide for yourselves. After I get my program running and clean up the audio it might help, but until then this is what I've got to work with. It was clear to me though that both were together when the rest of the maps were found.
Anyways - enough jabber. Go ahead read and enjoy.
May, 1981 Interview - Greg Davis interviewing Bob Garman...
Greg: Tell me about Tumlinson
Bob: Tumlinson? Well, the first time I met Tumlinson must have been in 1955, somewhere around in there, about 1955. I may have a different date somewhere else as I remember, but it was close to bein’ in 55. I’m satisfied of that because there was a friend of mine went with me out there in the mountains and he was with me when Tumlinson came along.
And so, we was going down Randolph Canyon at the time and when we got pretty well down Randolph Canyon we run onto a fella, he was… he was watching us come, and the other two fellas that was with him was big husky lumberjacks, and we stopped and chatted with ‘em for a little bit, and then he told me, he says that we found some Spanish maps here a short time ago, less than a year ago. And he says, I’m gonna tell you about ‘em a little, but he says I won’t tell you very much, but he said we did run into some old Spanish maps. And I told him where I lived, and I says if you’ll come into my home, I says maybe I can give you some information on some of those maps, I says if they’re old maps, I says they might be Spanish maps and then again maybe they won’t be Spanish maps. But he says, no he says I’ll come in to see you but I won’t give you any information on the maps, he says, they belong to his nephew here and he says his nephew wants to keep all of it a secret, every bit of it. And so I told him ok, but you’ll be in to see me yes and so he came in to see me and he told me the story of how the maps was found.
Greg: How was that?
Bob: How were they found? He told me, he said his nephew here was driving home from… to Texas from Los Angeles. He said after the war was over why his nephew didn’t have to stay over there and work anymore. And he said that…
Greg: What was his nephew’s name?
Bob: His nephew’s name was Travis Tumlinson, and so he said Travis will be going home to Texas, and he says while he was on his way to Texas, he says Travis got interested in wanting to see Weaver’s Needle. And he says, so we took this old highway after we got to uh… before we got to Queen Creek, and he says we took the old highway and he says Travis got out and looked around a little bit and was stretchin’ his legs when he stepped on one of these maps. And he said, we didn’t know that there was any more than one, he says there was just the one. And he said we’d seen that there was sketching on ‘em and that’s what us believe they were maps. So he says we took them over… or says he took ‘em over…
Tape ended at this point – Greg changed the tape over and it appears he asked Bob to go back a little bit in the story and recount that last part….
Bob: Travis Tumlinson, he was on his way to Texas to see his folks. And he drove off of the main highway just west of uh… Florence Junction a little ways. And he says they drove back on the highway, they stopped the car, got out and looked around and Travis wanted to stretch his legs a little bit and then he took a notion he wanted to see Weaver’s Needle, and so they kept looking this way and that way they couldn’t see Weaver’s Needle so they went on a little farther with the car and then they got out and looked again for a place where they could see Weaver’s Needle. They didn’t see any, but they did run along… stumbled onto the stone maps while they was looking for Weaver’s Needle, so it’s quite likely they got off on the left side of the road down there and looked around there and then went on into Florence Junction and they washed the maps… they cleaned the dirt off of ‘em and then they seen that they really were maps.
R.G. Tumlinson told me that Travis was rather skeptical about the maps, but he got pretty well hepped up on ‘em and decided that they were maybe rich Spanish maps or where they might show the way to Spanish mines or buried treasure, and so they put ‘em in the car and Travis headed for Texas. And when he got over to his dads place, his dad couldn’t give him any information on ‘em.
Greg: What was his father’s name?
Bob: R.G. Tumlinson. And so… no, R.G. Tumlinson was his uncle. He couldn’t get any information out of his uncle… or his father, after he got to Texas him and his father took ‘em to some University over there in Texas and the only thing that they could tell him was that they was at least a hundred years or more older and that they were of Spanish make. So, after they came back here then they got to lookin’ around out there again they thought maybe they might find more maps to where they might learn more of it. But they never had no luck right away, so a year or so later, R.G. Tumlinson began getting more and more interested and he decided he’d go back there and look and so Travis went with him, they went back and looked and the first thing that they found after they came back here to Arizona, why was the number 2 and the number 3 map. And so they decided that there might still be more there yet, and they took a good look at the first map that they found and they read on that map in one place it read look for the mapa, look for the heart. And, he said we decided, Travis and I decided, he says that we was going to look more because it says look for the heart and look for the map, so he says there must be a better, bigger map here and there must be a heart shaped something here. And he said when we looked good, he says we ran onto two other maps that was just stickin’ out of the ground just a little bit. And he says we dug ‘em out and we found out when we got them dug out that there was still another map underneath them. And he says, when we got to that one, he says it was a small map that was broke, the heart shaped one and he says, that satisfied them then, he says we knew that we had the heart and he says we knew that we had the other map that the stone map, one of ‘em told about, that is the first map. And he says we knew we had that one because it says look for the mapa, and he says after we got the stone out and washed and cleaned, he says, it did have a map on it and he says, the map, the one with the map on, the heart shaped map, he says that one he says, it had to be the one that was mentioned on the first map, so we figured that we had that one. Even so, why we looked more but he said it was no use. But he says, from year to year why we’ve been looking.
And they was lookin’ on my mine claims out there for about, off and on for 10 years and they’d go and look them over and then they’d leave there and go some other spot and leave there and go some other spot and then come back to my mine claims and away they’d go again. And one day I seen a girl comin’ up the road and so when she got to me I asked her, I said where to? And she said, oh just walking. And I said, well this is a dangerous place, I says don’t you realize it’s not a good place for a girl to be out here alone? And she says, I’m not alone, she says my husband’s just down the road a little ways and she says, we’ve been coming out here every year for years and I think that was the last year they came, they came no more then. But they kept a lookin’. They’d look in other places.
There's a short bit more, but I'm too tired so I'll finish it tomorrow night.