✅ SOLVED Lead balls from my property


Full Member
Jun 20, 2011
Reaction score
Golden Thread
castleton vt.
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
hey whats up? These are a few of the lead balls I've found on my property,about 1/4 mile from the Revolution era(1 day before the battle of Hubbardton) Castleton skirmish here in Castleton Vt.no idea if they are from that era or not.the sizes range from marble size to a little larger than a pea..also i have no idea what the piece pictured above them is.the flattened are on the right in the picture is perfect to fit a thumb and the little piece sticking up is a pin of some sort.Also i have pictured 2 of the many many spoon bowls also found on my property,any idea of age? i believe they are pewter,I also find pewter buttons as well here.(picture isnt great,but it appears to be a scalloped pattern on both bowls near where the handle was attached. thanks for any info you can provide on these items.


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Yes I understand what you are saying, It looks symmetrical to me but then I dont see as well as i used too.
I believe I remember this item being posted before and the thread ended with no more reply's or measurements from the poster. Witch would really help .
But Ive always been curious about those picket bullets and the different types and calibers used. Seems to be very little good information on them.

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Taz42o wrote:
>Yes I understand what you are saying, It looks symmetrical to me
> but then I dont see as well as i used too.

Just trying to be helpful here. Like you, my eyes aren't as good as they used to be. Just in case you don't already know, the "new" TreasureNet forum software lets us double-magnify a posted photo. Click once on the photo, which gives you an enlarged version. Then click on the enlarged version and you'll get a super-enlarged version.

When you view the super-enlarged version of the lead teardop Castletokjing found, you'll see its right side bulges outward "majorly" in comparison to its left side. That "asymmetry" isn't correct for a bullet.

> But Ive always been curious about those picket bullets and the different types and calibers used.
> Seems to be very little good information on them.

From my extensive research on 1800s-era bullets:
The M&M book's bullet #160 version of "teardrop" bullet (which is basicly a ball with a pointed top) seems to have been produced in the early-1800s, when experimentation was being done to come up with a smoothbore firearm ball that wouldn't "roll" wildly through the air due to aerodynamic forces (a.k.a. "wind resistance"). Apparently, it was thought that giving a ball a streamlined front-end would help avoid that problem, thus keeping the ball flying point-forward, increasing its accuracy.

But shortly afterward, when Rifled gunbarrels became prevalent, this mostly-roundbodied shape of "Picket Bullet" didn't grip the rifling-grooves well enough... so the ball's body was lengthened to be more a cylinder with a pointy top. For comparison, see the M&M book's bullet #163, or this photo of M&M #12 (below the teardrop-bullet photo).


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well guys i know what i was told by a local historian,it is def not a sinker and it's an early local handcast bullet.i am going with that and it will continue to be displayed with my smooth bore balls..right or wrong i'm going with that explanation..thank you for your research though.

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....and so why again do you waste the fine people on here's time?Seems that you make this kind of thing a habit.....already have made your mind up,before you post.As I told ya,I never will ID anything for you again

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well guys i know what i was told by a local historian,it is def not a sinker and it's an early local handcast bullet.i am going with that and it will continue to be displayed with my smooth bore balls..right or wrong i'm going with that explanation..thank you for your research though.

You're being instructed and given a free identification of your "mystery finds" by one of the most knowledgeable and respected persons out there who has many, many ,(sorry CbG) decades of experience in exactly this type of thing. You may not agree with his assessment, but it sure is hard for me to read your, "well guys i know what i was told by a local historian" in response to his post without feeling "something". If your local historian is really such, he probably has a few books on his shelf CbG would gladly autograph for him someday. Go ahead and display your little melted blob as a bullet because the "local historian" says it's not a sinker and so must be a bullet. But it will put into question all of your identifications, indeed your entire collection, by anyone who has even a minimal working knowledge of bullets.

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You're being instructed and given a free identification of your "mystery finds" by one of the most knowledgeable and respected persons out there who has many, many ,(sorry CbG) decades of experience in exactly this type of thing. You may not agree with his assessment, but it sure is hard for me to read your, "well guys i know what i was told by a local historian" in response to his post without feeling "something". If your local historian is really such, he probably has a few books on his shelf CbG would gladly autograph for him someday. Go ahead and display your little melted blob as a bullet because the "local historian" says it's not a sinker and so must be a bullet. But it will put into question all of your identifications, indeed your entire collection, by anyone who has even a minimal working knowledge of bullets.
first off its not a little melted blob and unless you have something contructive to say..keep it off my page...your opinion is worthless to me,unless you have seen the item in person.you have no idea what you are talking about.

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I went to a local gentleman whos knowledgeable about early guns and related items..to whom I was referred by the local historical society..it appears to be a molded bullet..I told him that many on here claim it to be a sinker or as one wiseass claims a melted lead blob...he found that humerous and said that unless they have held it in their hand and closely inspected it they would have no idea as to what it was.

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I went to a local gentleman whos knowledgeable about early guns and related items..to whom I was referred by the local historical society..it appears to be a molded bullet..I told him that many on here claim it to be a sinker or as one wiseass claims a melted lead blob...he found that humerous and said that unless they have held it in their hand and closely inspected it they would have no idea as to what it was.
I only made the suggestion that it could be a sinker not that it is? It will help if you post more images of it closeups different angles and most important the dimensions. Its hard to tell from the pic posted as Cbg said it doesn't look symmetrical there are several possibility's to that poor casting it could have been through a forest fire squished by a wagon wheel who knows?
Please post other images and dimensions. PS I'm not discounting what your historian said as he saw it in person we have not. Thanks HH :icon_thumright:
Broken Knee I must be missing something why is Kruger fired up over this? Did you post about this twice not that it matters just wondering ?

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I only made the suggestion that it could be a sinker not that it is? It will help if you post more images of it closeups different angles and most important the dimensions. Its hard to tell from the pic posted as Cbg said it doesn't look symmetrical there are several possibility's to that poor casting it could have been through a forest fire squished by a wagon wheel who knows?
Please post other images and dimensions. PS I'm not discounting what your historian said as he saw it in person we have not. Thanks HH :icon_thumright:
Broken Knee I must be missing something why is Kruger fired up over this? Did you post about this twice not that it matters just wondering ?
yes it was posted before and it was misidentified.he's just a know it all.cant post any more pix till i can borrow my sisters camera again.

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Mis identified?I think not,I told you exactly what you have,including who likely made them!!!!Not your "Historian",but no worries never again

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Mis identified?I think not,I told you exactly what you have,including who likely made them!!!!Not your "Historian",but no worries never again
you are a very poor example of a charter member,very very disrespectful and very full of yourself.

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you are a very poor example of a charter member,very very disrespectful and very full of yourself.
......might want to educate yourself on what a Charter member is there Judgemental one :thumbsup:.Also,I dont think you have a whole lot of room to be passing judgement on peoples character
I think the epitomy of self rightiousness,and narcisisiscm is somebody with a Mug shot of themselves as an avatar!

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I dont recall the lead being misidentified, I do recall the thread ending with no measurements, one of the most important things to ID a bullet. And so far no measurements in this thread after being asked in both threads for measurements.
If it does not match the measurements of a know caliber then its not a bullet.
If it does match then its a really good chance it is a bullet.
I still think It has the possibility to be a bullet but I lose interest in threads that turn into a fight and stop reading them.
Also the ones with out good info such as measurements.


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aquachigger said:
If your local historian is really such, he probably has a few books on his shelf CbG would gladly autograph for him someday.

That is awesome.

first off its not a little melted blob and unless you have something contructive to say..keep it off my page...your opinion is worthless to me,unless you have seen the item in person.you have no idea what you are talking about.
castletonking said:
you are a very poor example of a charter member,very very disrespectful and very full of yourself.

I'm not being judgmental, please don't misread this... but you're acting exactly how you're accusing them of being - and it's perfectly reasonable for them to react accordingly. As someone who's new to this hobby and frequently needs item IDs, I can tell you that there are 4 of the most knowledgeable people I've yet to meet on TNet: NOLA_Ken, CannonballGuy, kuger, and taz42o... and you've insulted half of them. For example, I can tell you from firsthand experience that aquachigger's MDing videos are referenced for instruction by Garrett on their website. It seems to me (although I can't read most of kuger's posts) that you came into this to show off your finds for the day, not for item IDs, despite what your original post says - in which case, this thread is in the wrong forum. You can hardly get angry at members for trying to ID items in a thread posted in a forum named "What Is It?" If you didn't want any IDs, then the "Today's Finds!" forum is where this should be.

Last, no one here knows who your local historian is - you didn't mention his name, or his affiliation, so as far as he's concerned, his IDs aren't any better than your own or, for the sake of argument, mine. If I posted in this forum asking for an ID, that so-and-so told me it was this, and CbG said it was something else, I'd keep an open mind and try to see the item from CbG's point of view to understand why he thinks it is what he thinks it is. Can I keep the original ID as my personal opinion? Absolutely! But there's no need to disparage CbG about it.

Just my 2c...

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well idc what you think..and as far as knowledgeable people..they are rude,arrogant and know it alls..my find has been identified as a bullet and that is what it is...
That is awesome.

I'm not being judgmental, please don't misread this... but you're acting exactly how you're accusing them of being - and it's perfectly reasonable for them to react accordingly. As someone who's new to this hobby and frequently needs item IDs, I can tell you that there are 4 of the most knowledgeable people I've yet to meet on TNet: NOLA_Ken, CannonballGuy, kuger, and taz42o... and you've insulted half of them. For example, I can tell you from firsthand experience that aquachigger's MDing videos are referenced for instruction by Garrett on their website. It seems to me (although I can't read most of kuger's posts) that you came into this to show off your finds for the day, not for item IDs, despite what your original post says - in which case, this thread is in the wrong forum. You can hardly get angry at members for trying to ID items in a thread posted in a forum named "What Is It?" If you didn't want any IDs, then the "Today's Finds!" forum is where this should be.

Last, no one here knows who your local historian is - you didn't mention his name, or his affiliation, so as far as he's concerned, his IDs aren't any better than your own or, for the sake of argument, mine. If I posted in this forum asking for an ID, that so-and-so told me it was this, and CbG said it was something else, I'd keep an open mind and try to see the item from CbG's point of view to understand why he thinks it is what he thinks it is. Can I keep the original ID as my personal opinion? Absolutely! But there's no need to disparage CbG about it.

Just my 2c...

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I guess the only way to get through to you is to speak your language...

Dude, act your age, not your ****ing shoe size. No one here gives a rat's ass what your local historian thinks. We're here; he's not. You asked for info, they gave it to you. If you don't like it, then piss off.

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who the f**k do you think you are? stay the F**k off my thread and mind your f**king buisness.This doesnt concern you a**hole.
I guess the only way to get through to you is to speak your language...

Dude, act your age, not your ****ing shoe size. No one here gives a rat's ass what your local historian thinks. We're here; he's not. You asked for info, they gave it to you. If you don't like it, then piss off.

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Hey guys? Kuger, CbG, taz? "His page" doesn't concern us. Probably doesn't concern anyone else here at TNet either. Guess that makes this a moot point then. Glad this conversation is over ;D

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who the f**k do you think you are? stay the F**k off my thread and mind your f**king buisness.This doesnt concern you a**hole.

The last I checked, this is a public forum, and you don't own this thread. It's open to anybody who cares to respond ... Like it or not!

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