Everyone has an Opinion.......and that is Good !
Seems to be more than One Opinion. Based on the "Handle" and the
neighborhood from which the second opinion responded, I give "peralta"
the nod.
We all take Liberties, and I might take a Few more because of the tools
of my Investigation.
I Personally do not use Overlays. If I believed that the MAP Makers used
Overlays, I would have looked further into that Tool.
Because of the Richness of the Area of these Threads, there cannot be
any doubt on the vast number of Mines that have been discovered and
most likely mined out, based on the value of the Gold to retrieve it at the
Based on the information available (Spanish are not talking) the Spanish
have been taking out precious metals from the North American continent
(New Spain) since the late 1500's, and Waltz's time (he's not talking either)
which accounts for about 3 Centuries.
Is it Possible that Named Mines have been Secreted and re-found in areas
that the New Finders have labeled as the Original Named Mines ? Only now
that they have been called by the Old Name for so long that they are now
known as "The Named Mine." I Think So.
Apache Jack further said that the Apache left a marker. In a steep-climbing arroyo high upon a mountainside where no white prospector would normally think of looking for gold, was a bright yellow ribbon of it in a narrow vein of rose quartz. It lay under towering cliffs, which overhung the whole arroyo, within plain sight of nearby Weaver's Needle, and thinking no white man would ever venture there, the Apaches did not conceal this place. Below was the secret marker, an eight-foot high boulder hoisted upon the skyline of a ridge which, because it formed an abrupt bend in the north-south trending Needle Canyon, formed also for a few hundreds yards the only south slope. This boulder had been chiseled to look like a rampant horse's head with mouth open, one ear laid back and with the other ear standing straight up. However, it was only so recognized against the sky when viewed from down canyon a short ways to the north.
If the Apache's were capable of this Feat, there would be many Monuments to be Witnessed !
Although these Indigenous Peoples have created other Landmarks, they were NOT as creative
(Engineering) as other Civilizations, except like Waltz, in the Direction of the Mine which is Offered !
I believe that Quote above just as much as all the Clue's Waltz offered, other than maybe the
last couple which may have been mis-interpreted!
Quote: I was not a citizen of the United States, nor had I declared my intentions of becoming one. So, for that reason I couldn't locate and record the mine." Since he was, in fact, a legal citizen, having been naturalized in Los Angeles, California in 1861, one has to wonder why he made this statement. It tends to shed doubt on anything he ever said. Unquote.