
Full Member
Feb 24, 2013
Detector(s) used
atm, whites sl II classic
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi all,

For the doubters of Govt. coming after our gun rights...You might be right! The US Dept of Homeland Security is buying up all the ammo so the guns will be usless and this process is underway as I speak, just heard it on the news! But since the Govt contorls the news it won't be talked about much longer. Then maybe "Just like they did for alochol" a long time ago(most likely) or limit it big time. While a small part of what I'm saying is speculation about the scenerios of events coming our way, think of this...absolute power leads to absolute corropution and how many times have we caught them lying? I don't like thinking this way...for real but wheres theres smoke theres fire as I've always been told...dang now y'all gonna think I'm paranoid, LOL I'm just paying attention and it'd do us all well to do so. Just my humble opinion :)

noooo, we don't think you are paranoid, but stand over there ok?
I'm glad 'only a small part' of what you say is speculation
If the gov is buying up the ammo, I bet the ammo makers are jumping for joy

it's like that old dorito's commercial. eat all you want, we'll make more

as much as I respect your right to say what you want (And I agree with you actually)

There is a forum for topics like this, you posted this in the General Discussion forum.

I hear these things too.....sorry guys urban myths....if the goverment buys up ammo.....manufactuers will ramp up production.....the huge demand in ammo is because peeps fear its restrictions.......yes its hard to get ammo.....yet......ammo producers are running 24/7 to meet the demand.....even 22LR is sold out here locally I even heard a major ammo maker is looking at buying up an old shut down gov. ammo plant near me. exec orders only go so far....generally the 2 year elections take back presidental year election gains....the sky isnt falling.......just vote next time.....just sayin

Lol idk where it is and really, I like our freedom and staying informed is the only way for that to happen that's why I posted here.

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.the huge demand in ammo is because peeps fear its restrictions.....
I agree.
If the political climate today pointed to the banning or at minimum strangling control/restriction of metal detectors, would you not see the same thing?
I have a friend who manufactures AR15 lower receivers on a small scale. For those of you who don't know guns, the lower receiver is the serial numbered and controlled part. It, alone is considered a "firearm" You can basically buy the remaining 80% of the gun over the internet or at a store.
But anyhoo, he has seen a (his words) 'Thousand percent increase' in business.
He used to work on the weekends to fill the orders. Now he is working 7 days a week, and it keeps increasing.
Not because of the government buying stuff, but people who (and rightfully so) fear the reaction of a government that is capitalizing on recent events to further the unconstitutional agenda and has no need to hold back know that it is term 2.

You are paranoid....DHS is buying 1.4 Billion rounds because that's the amount they always buy...I box of rounds EVERY Thursday for every agent at the range ads up quickly....Next will come, "Why are they practicing so much, something is going on"..?? Right..??

I thought this was Treasurenet......Unless of course we dig up all that brass and resell it

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You are paranoid....
Yeah, why would anybody think they are preparing for something..
That's just silly....
(This is one of 2600)

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Huh. That's strange. I guess the hundreds of pictures and the one I saw last weekend on a flatbed were all Photoshopped?

And trusting "snopes" and "factcheck" to not be the lapdogs of liberalism and this administration is ludicrous.
It would be like trusting pravda to have "the facts" about Stalin in 1950.

But you enjoy that Kool Aid.

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View attachment 754245View attachment 754246

Huh. That's strange. I guess the hundreds of pictures and the one I saw last weekend on a flatbed were all Photoshopped?

And trusting "snopes" and "factcheck" to not be the lapdogs of liberalism and this administration is ludicrous.
It would be like trusting pravda to have "the facts" about Stalin in 1950.

But you enjoy that Kool Aid.

I will ....and I'm also a French model, when not metal detecting, because you cannot lie on the internet.....

I also understand the Snopes is not the end all, be all of fact checking..But perhaps you should put whatever your drinking down and try a sip of Kool-Aid and lets get back to metal detecting....

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Remember folks that DHS comprises of many agencies. They are the U.S. Coast Guard, CBP, ICE, Secret Service and TSA. They all are law enforcement branches and require ammo to qualify to maintain proficiency.

and require ammo to qualify to maintain proficiency.
it's not THAT hard to pump 12 rounds into someone with your full auto MP5 in the dark of their bedroom from behind a shield as they wonder why you are in their house dressed like a ninja at 4 am with your 20 friends looking for illegal plants.

< glad I'm not CR's neighbor

it's not THAT hard to pump 12 rounds into someone with your full auto MP5 in the dark of their bedroom from behind a shield as they wonder why you are in their house dressed like a ninja at 4 am with your 20 friends looking for illegal plants.

I have an MP5SD and I can assure you its not really that easy...5 maybe, but not twelve....and thanks for all the ammo....I am done here...Good luck to you..

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