Large Confederate Gold Caches Found

Attorney Rhett Plank of the Columbus Ohio area comes to mind.
(614) 864-5600
business attorney, real estate attorney, law instructor.

as soon as you figure out how many states you've found giant gold caches in, let us know.

sounds great.

As a descendant of a Confederate soldier who was due outstanding pay when the Confederacy collapsed my attorney needs to know what address and whom he should contact to obtain my rightful share due of the gold found :thumbsup:

by law any CSA funds or assets by the act of the CSA surrending to the USA becomes the USA'S PROPERTY (to the victor gores the spoils of war) there is no legal way to claim CSA GOLD --however if it is a private person's property from a confederate area hidden during the civil war era --that's way different..

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He was a real estate law instructor for a friend of mine.
I would not provide you this information if he was not a 'stand up guy'. I do not know if he may practice in the states of your cache, however, he may refer you to someone who can help. He and his brother specialize in both business and real estate law of all types. Maybe they can be your attorney or record and reach out to other real estate specialist in the cache areas, thus limiting your public exposure.
Good luck to you.

This is the absolute last place I would turn to for an attorney, and yours is the absolute last reason to.

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Oh yell tons of proof.

Hahaha! You have come here so many times claiming you have "found the gold" only you haven't found anything, you just THINK you found the spot where you believe the gold to be. If you had the gold, you wouldn't be shopping here for a lawyer, you would be showing pics of the gold to a lawyer and asking them in person to handle your case.

good Luck franklin !

all I can say about Lawyers is , years & Years in court,
if necessary. at least till the money is spent.
then they will be done with you :(

so as I said Good Luck !

Hahaha! You have come here so many times claiming you have "found the gold" only you haven't found anything, you just THINK you found the spot where you believe the gold to be. If you had the gold, you wouldn't be shopping here for a lawyer, you would be showing pics of the gold to a lawyer and asking them in person to handle your case.
Betcha he'll have a book for sale about it .

It's hard for my partner and I to be the only two trillionaires in the world ever.

Stay trillionaires by all means just do not solicit here or you won't be able to show the Confederate gold. I have often thought of hunting that Cache in N. Ga but their are easier picking to be had.

Do you know how to upload pictures here on Tnet?

Stay trillionaires by all means just do not solicit here or you won't be able to show the Confederate gold. I have often thought of hunting that Cache in N. Ga but their are easier picking to be had.
The first place you should start your hunt is the US treasury .

If u found it u better keep that hush hush!!!!!! Would be my own secret my family name would be set for generations!!!! Im buying the property buildig a house around it and sleeping on it haha

If u did find it im pretty sure the govt is already blocking off the area an confiscating it since u went to the WORLD wide web for help......

Should I ever find a large amount of gold, I would first consult with my CPA. I need to know the tax issues, not the legal issues. The legal issues are taken care of prior to excavating any particular site.

If u did find it im pretty sure the govt is already blocking off the area an confiscating it since u went to the WORLD wide web for help......

Yea I could see them deciding we need another national Park or military Base there :(

Attorney? For the treasure you've already actually dug or for the treasure you think is in a certain spot that needs to be dug? Trillions? With all that gold buried in 4 states, how the hell did the south lose the war?

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