

Sep 25, 2005
Las Vegas, NV
Hello all,
I am looking for anyone with solid information reguarding kokoweef mountian and the surrounding areas such as documents/maps. I have been researching the area and stories for the past 3 years and have a few maps and made couple of trips to the mountian itself. Anyone who would like to discuss this topic or have anything to contribute please send me a message. The picture below was taken by myself and was at kokoweef mountain. the Name E. P. Dorr is carved in the cement barrel, for anyone who knows who Earl Dorr is this might be very interesting to see. I am posting this in all seriousness any help would be greatly appreciated. Also anyone who would like to make a trip out get in contact with me and send me a message. HH to all!


  • Cemented barrel with E.P. Dorr\'s name engraved on it, found by dynamited entrance 2.JPG
    Cemented barrel with E.P. Dorr\'s name engraved on it, found by dynamited entrance 2.JPG
    93.5 KB · Views: 1,135
Has anyone thought of why the huge, ancient city of TROY was lost from knowledge and view for centuries? ... and it was on the surface!
Earl 'Dorr's' so-called "entry" was allegedly small and, later, was intentionally hidden. (i.e. easy to hide then? / hard to find nearly 80 years later)? The "game of whisper" and intentional disinformation and misinterpretations has done the rest to obscure the "missing information."

25 Years of researching, volunteering and living at Kokoweef Peak has taught me a lot about the legend ... and people.

So, all you Kokoweef geniuses, do you REALLY believe that good old Earl P. Dorr (a practical miner) would give ANYone the complete and correct information regarding an entry location? ... IF and when :
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
1.? ... the entry's deep DESTINATION was involved with someone else's property, which he couldn't file a "clear 'n clean" mining claim on for legal title?
2. ... mining gold (and not turning it into the US Government) would violate Federal law passed in 1933 and other existing business taxes?
2.? ... he'd set himself up for manslaughter or murder charges if he had blasted and left skeletons inside "the only known entrance?"
3.? ... he might implicate other relatives if they had knowledge of blasted and left-behind skeletons inside that "only known entrance?"
4.? ... he'd be giving away his reward for his hard work when exact information would enable others to keep him "in the cold without the gold?"
5.? ... The National Park Service's position, even in the 40's, was to PREVENT "monument quality caverns" from falling into private ownership!
6.? ... World War II did SHUT down ALL gold-only mines in America? (Would Earl have left any entry wide open for anyone else to find?)

This legend has everything to do with the psychology of unanalysing imaginations, motivations, deceptions and poor "homework."

There is a BIG difference between BELIEVING in something and KNOWING something.

The Directors and investors in Explorations Inc. of NV have been sincere in their search-efforts at Kokoweef Peak.
At worst, they might be accused of inefficiency, but that is often a limiting nature within volunteering efforts and certainly not criminal.
Suckers are ignorant of "something," informationally, and most of that can be traced back to Earl Dorr's motivations and deceptions, which were let out into the surrounding world of observers to suit his purposes and NOT leave himself disadvantaged.

In my opinion Earl probably survived great odds to become the "great old gent" his nephew Ray experienced.? He was a hot-tempered, young cowboy who escaped history to view and live through World War I, The Great Depression, WW II and the advent of the Atomic Age. People may judge him unkindly, based on unproved 'dasturdly deeds,' but I wasn't there with him.? And, eventually, I realized that, as it is for everyone:
? ? ?"Written descriptions by sideline observers are not living experiences."

I can imagine 'ol foxy Earl muttering around his campfire near the Pearly Gates:

I trekked those hills,
Till my bones were old.
They got my BeanS,
But NOT my gold!?

Hey Guys!
Don't give away all of these good secrets! :-\
I am going to be out there, sometime this year, and I WANT TO FIND IT!
??? Care to link up ?
I've got a SECRET weapon ?

cptbil, if you plan on checking this out, and don't mind a newbie tagging along, let me know. I have been planning on making a trip out there soon myself (just to check out the caves for fun) and sure wouldn't mind helping out.

Remember the three rrr's research research research

Here is few friendly tips that could fall into that category

Before you go trekking MDing THing spelunking around an area such as the Kokoweef you should know

This is an active and working mining claim/search site.?

Most if not all "caves/tunnels"?on the Kokoweef are secured/locked/chained/bolted (after all it is private property) and there are ? people living and working on site at all times.?

Hi Bob, I appreciate the advice, but before the claws come out... I Am familiar with the potential dangers of a site like this. I am an amatuer photographer (isn't everybody...i know) who enjoys the more hidden features. I have been reading this site, and soaking up all the information/stories that you all post, I have enjoyed many of Cptbils posts. In my opinion he seems to be very experienced in this realm, which is why i asked to tag along. I have not been to this place yet for the specific reason that i would like to go with someone who has first hand experience in this field. My request was directed at a specific person, for a specific reason, not just at anyone with a MD, etc. I have alot of respect for those of you who spend years on this kind of research, and have no intentions of disregarding your knowledge. I do appreciate your advice, and i apologize if this comes across as defensive, I just dont want to be labeled as a fool. Sincerely, Christian

Sorry if my post sounded threating...........Did not mean it to be so.

I just wanted you to know that the caves/tunnels/portels etc. and are closed off to the public.

Not saying you are one of these but, we have seen hundreds of people trek down there, over the years, all pumped up with all these wonderful ideas on how THEY are going to locate the river.

The only thing they find, is that the mountain is not abandoned and is a fully operational site.

Christain, I will send you a PM on who to contact and where in reference to what you seek.

That way you can get your infomation first hand from the real experts on Kokoweef.

You gotta expect that some of those guys will jump up and down on you ....
FOR! ...
Finding something...
For Not! :P
Finding something
And! Would you believe,
::) EVEN! ::)
For the way that you write! ::)
??? Tell me why? ???

Why Bill, how cruel of you to say such things.... :'(

As I explained to Christian, who ?wanted to explore the caves,? that the caves were off limits and sealed. I just did not want him to get his hopes up if he planned to go spelunking all over the place. It's a safety thing don't ya know. Private property cave in's etc etc.

And of all people. Bill I thought that a trained professional such as your self with your experience, expertise and equipment would not be so crass as to lead people astray and take them onto someone else?s site/claim/property/cave/cavern/mineshaft, and whip out your ?secret weapon? in front of perfect strangers............for shame......................... :-[

We do have interest to protect down at the Kokoweef Bill. ;D

And you of all people should understand and respect that. ::)

There are a lot of people that have a lot invested in the Kokoweef project. ;D

I?m sure you understand the importance of this, and yes I am referring to your own evasiveness in answering any questions concerning your many on going ventures. Got to protect that investment. :-X

So when you invite people to go to a working site that I have interest in then I shall take a moment out of my busy day to address any concerns I might have. ???

Sorry that this is in black and white. My magic marker is in the cleaners. :-* :-*

Hey guys, dont let my post cause any trouble between you. I'm just soaking up all the info i can on this place. i will hopefully visit eventually, but i have no intentions of causing trouble. thanks for everything...

No problem with me lad. I like everybody ;D ;D

I don't like to throw a lot of mystical secretive mumbo jumbo bull stuff around..................................thats a bogus way to do something.

I just like to let the facts come out. You mentioned the caves, I let you know they were closed to the public. 8)

Maybe I'm getting paranoid ! ::)
Just how many of my "posts" don't draw at least couple , a bunch, of "Negative Personal comments!" ? :-\
I can't remember ANY! ::)
Do You ? ???

I sent you an email!
If you can "ruff it" :-\ you're welcome! :D
I should be ? :P over that way around May !
I have some prospecting to do in Arizona, first! :)

Make that, around early June !
My Italian Partner is flying over late April. :o
He and his Geologist friend & I will be out trying out a Gold recovery machine!
We're thinking the Bradshaw Mnts ?
After that., I should be free and I will be meeting a friend of mine from Santa Maria....
We'll be meeting somewhere in the Mohave Area! :D
How's your schedule then ?

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