Knights of the Golden Circle "RISING SUN" symbol

HA! It DOES bring up the question... did KGC use the BIBLE verses as "clues" to buried depositories...? If so... HOW...? I think HBB alluded to this in REBEL GOLD/SHADOW OF THE SENTINEL...

Reb, I read HB Bobs shadow of the sentinel, and if my memory is any good, he was calling the tree with all those signs on it '' The Bible Tree'' but I read that a few years back so may be wrong. The KGC did in fact copy some of the Spanish tricks of the trade. If you have the book by Lou Layton, he tells and shows how the Spanish would give directions 3 different ways to confuse folks. He said their main thing was confusion, confusion, confusion. I know of one place that is KGC and they have about 100 signs too many, sending you one way then another way, which also reminds me of what Rangler said. He said he had broken the Spanish code and said that out of, say 10 signs on a rock, only two or three would actually be true signs. I may have the numbers a little off cause I read that back when I was just a puppy. We be friends again?:icon_thumleft::icon_thumright:

Reb, I read HB Bobs shadow of the sentinel, and if my memory is any good, he was calling the tree with all those signs on it '' The Bible Tree'' but I read that a few years back so may be wrong. The KGC did in fact copy some of the Spanish tricks of the trade. If you have the book by Lou Layton, he tells and shows how the Spanish would give directions 3 different ways to confuse folks. He said their main thing was confusion, confusion, confusion. I know of one place that is KGC and they have about 100 signs too many, sending you one way then another way, which also reminds me of what Rangler said. He said he had broken the Spanish code and said that out of, say 10 signs on a rock, only two or three would actually be true signs. I may have the numbers a little off cause I read that back when I was just a puppy. We be friends again?:icon_thumleft::icon_thumright:
OF COURSE! "Speaking" of the "Spanish Code"; it may well be a CATHOLIC BIBLE. KGC imitated PREVIOUS "Codes"... Spanish Priests were MOSTLY Catholic, I reckon...

MORE R & I for ME! Putting LOTS of Coffee "to go" (to my Man's Cave for Research in the basement); wife is NOT amused... "DANG! SPRING is ALREADY HERE! Come OUT, you old BEAR!" Well, I ALSO practice as a YOGI... HA!

Which Kind Rebel? LOL! yogi.webp yogi2.webp

Catholic Bible for the Spanish, King James for the KGC. Remember Dalton made the comment that they were Bible toting folk. Do you think that was an "off the cuff" comment???

Catholic Bible for the Spanish, King James for the KGC. Remember Dalton made the comment that they were Bible toting folk. Do you think that was an "off the cuff" comment???
So...? What MORE, do you know...?

From what I know about certain individuals it was a fact that they had to be reverent. AS IN,

feeling or showing deep and solemn respect.
"a reverent silence"
synonyms: respectful, reverential, admiring, devoted, devout, dutiful

Take this job under Alexander Majors for instance,

" Majors took great care of his animals and insisted that everyone rest on the Sabbath. He read his Bible, never swore, and did not drink. He made his men take an oath of good conduct when they were hired. His men worked hard to impress him. His wagon trains usually came in two weeks ahead of other trains."

A man like Alexander Majors will know his Bible verses and people like that can usually recite them to you at will from their heart...not their memory if you know what I mean. L.C. :thumbsup:

Who is Alexander Majors? | - Mid-Continent Public Library

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I am of the opinion that the King James Version of the Bible. It would have been more widely available and easily understood. Most of the founders of the KGC were Trinitarian Christians. Southern Baptist, Methodist, and Episcopal. They mostly used the KJV. There is enough verses to cover most everything in that holy book. Most at the time had a better knowledge of the Bible than we do today. Possible one of our oversights?? Remember in the war years people on both sides got a lot closer to their maker. The bible was the direct word of God and in 1863 a religious revival gripped the whole of the nation.

Senior Deacon

I have researched the now ghost town of Pinckneyville. SC. Jeff Davis went there in 1865 he stayed there two days. On his trip from the Charlotte mint in NC he traveled very slow with five wagons when he left Pinckneyville he traveled fast. Four wagons from the Charlotte mint were later found empty by farmers in the area, the other wagon was found empty on a sandbar in the Broad river. Davis was to meet a small ship named (Arrow) in Pinckneyville but it was late arriving, Davis left fearing capture. Later the ship (Arrow) arrived it was towed by a small steam boat. Due to heavy rain it was stuck on a sandbar and sank in the Broad river. The steam boat blew it's steam engine trying to get the Arrow off the sandbar. The sandbar is still there and gold ore has been found a little further down the river in a sharp bend.
We found markings on trees in the area on the bank of the river, they look like KGC markings that I found in old books. But i can't figure them out. I don't know if the markings are related to Jeff Davis travel to the area or not
t hunter 24

I would love for someone to show me undeniable proof that there actually is a kgc,I would like to believe but I need proof ,
I would also like to know how kgc symbols were discovered and who translated them. np:cat:

Only things you witness with your own eyes are "undeniable" ... everything else must be taken on faith.
I never seen George Washington or Abe Linclon but I take it on faith they really existed.

Looking for research help on my find. Kgc tree marking.
T hunter 24

Written records and minutes from meetings will never be found because they do not exsist and never did, but a picture is worth a thousand words.

arbor lodge meeting.webp Andrew Carnigie.webp

There was a written ledger kept at the front door of Arbor Lodge that was signed by almost every guest that came there. There is no record in those books of this meeting taking place. To deny it happened is blind, but to know what was said that day is impossible. :thumbsup:


As i read through this, i was reminded of your egg shaped memorial stone.

[SIZE=-1]The number nine was consecrated to the Spheres and the Muses. It is the sign of every circumference; because a circle or 360 degrees is equal to nine, that is to say, 3+6+0=9. Nevertheless, the ancients regarded this number with a sort of terror; they considered it a bad presage; as the symbol of versatility, of change, and the emblem of the frailty of human affairs. Wherefore they avoided all numbers where nine appears, and chiefly 81, the produce of nine multiplied by itself, and the addition whereof, 8+1, again presents the number nine. As the figure of the number six was the symbol of the terrestrial globe, animated by a Divine Spirit, the figure of the number nine symbolized the earth, under the influence of the Evil Principle; and thence the terror it inspired. Nevertheless, according to the Cabalists, the character nine symbolizes the generative egg, or the image of a little globular being, from whose lower side seems to flow its spirit of life. The Ennead, signifying an aggregate of nine thongs or persons, is the first square of unequal numbers. Every one is aware of the singular properties of the number nine, which, multiplied by itself or any other number whatever, gives a result whose final sum is always nine, or always divisible by nine. Nine multiplied by each of the ordinary numbers, produces an arithmetical progression, each member whereof, composed of two figures, and presents a remarkable fact; for example:
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10
9 . 18 . 27 . 36 . 45 . 54 . 63 . 72 . 81 . 90
The first line of figures gives the regular series, from 1 to 10. The second reproduces this line doubly; first ascending from the first figure of 18, and then returning from the second figure of 81. In Freemasonry, nine derives its value from its being the product of three multiplied into itself, and consequently in Masonic language the number nine is always denoted by the expression three times three. For a similar reason, 27, which is 3 times 9, and 81, which is 9 times 9, are esteemed ax sacred numbers in the advanced Degrees.
[h=3]- Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry[/h]

That is all very good information to keep in your sack while deciphering. Excellent tools to work with!

There is one other reason that 9 is sacred. That is known to few and kept by some. Rebel knows well of what I speak. Now this must be like some of the other things that are best understood without knowing the reason. You are however on a right track, seek the truth, ask that you may know, knock and a door will be opened. 3 is always the base number.

This leads to the age old question which came first the chicken or the egg. Not being funny but there is a serious question there and why it was symbolized as such.

Senior Deacon

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ShHH !!! Heh!

This part is available to anyone on the web.
NINE: Nine is a number representing wholeness and completion as expressed in the Royal Arch, one of whose meanings is the Vault of Heaven, and therefore is especially significant.

Possible references include: Three times three; three plus three plus three.

Sayings: Q. How shall I know you to be a Royal Arch Mason?
A: By three times three.

Three Times Three, Under a Living Arch.
(note the three T's in this expression, as also expressed visually in the Triple Tau sign)

In Royal Arch Masonry:

nine officers
nine raps
nine arches in the secret vault of Solomon under Temple Mount.
the nine-branched menorah
An association with the secret name of God

In the Thirty-Second Degree ( = Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret)

the nonagon (nine-sided figure). This is a primary figure of ritual in this degree. It contains within it, successively, a pentagon, a triangle and a circle.

Other connotations include: the High Priest (First of Nine); Joshua.

Masonic numerology

L.C. :thumbsup:

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