Knights of the Golden Circle "RISING SUN" symbol

I was referring to Nobody's statement Rebel. "So much of this stuff contains levels of duality on how a symbol can be interpreted."

From what I have studied duality is an in some of the symbolism has many meanings to choose from depending on how and where it is represented.



Which would you consider to be the most common
meaning(s) of the moon symbol, like the one I posted?

Thanks in advance, Crosse :cross:


Which would you consider to be the most common
meaning(s) of the moon symbol, like the one I posted?

Thanks in advance, Crosse :cross:

if it is a full moon like the one you have posted, it is what you seek....Minerva= Wisdom to decode the cipher that has been left for you. It is usually represented by the Full Moon or the Owl or both, or the number 13 (M is the 13th letter of the alphabet)or the letter B which is a 13 pushed together. Minerva symbolizes wisdom and courage. Athena is portrayed as a shrewd companion of heroes and is the patron goddess of heroic endeavor. Much like the Angel Tobias (represented by a Spanish cross that is tied to a number used for heading or distance)who is at your side on you endeavor to protect you on your way back. Hope that helps you.


Minerva - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Athena - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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if it is a full moon like the one you have posted, it is what you seek....Minerva= Wisdom to decode the cipher that has been left for you. It is usually represented by the Full Moon or the Owl or both, or the number 13 (M is the 13th letter of the alphabet)or the letter B which is a 13 pushed together. Minerva symbolizes wisdom and courage. Athena is portrayed as a shrewd companion of heroes and is the patron goddess of heroic endeavor. Much like the Angel Tobias (represented by a Spanish cross that is tied to a number used for heading or distance)who is at your side on you endeavor to protect you on your way back. Hope that helps you.


Minerva - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Athena - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks L.C.,

Didn't know that I posted a full moon.
Can you explain, what you are seeing?

I had just viewed the partially lit up shape (positive),
to be as portraying a partial moon, maybe half, or better.
What am I missing, or overlooking? Thanks, Crosse :cross:

Thanks L.C.,

Didn't know that I posted a full moon.
Can you explain, what you are seeing?

I had just viewed the partially lit up shape (positive),
to be as portraying a partial moon, maybe half, or better.
What am I missing, or overlooking? Thanks, Crosse :cross:

I am looking at a picture so I can only speculate...... "Go up a hill or mountain to the point where the moon sets or rises on the horizon and there look for a cross (Tobias? may have a number with it for distance or heading) to find what you seek...:dontknow:

cross's pic.webp

I am looking at a picture so I can only speculate...... "Go up a hill or mountain to the point where the moon sets or rises on the horizon and there look for a cross (Tobias? may have a number with it for distance or heading) to find what you seek...:dontknow:

View attachment 1043544

Thank You Kindly, L.C. :

That's very interesting, and the most help
anyone has given, for a pic I posted so far...

Things I either didn't see, or didn't know.
Though, I can't tell you, how close you are,
in a few points. I appreciate the confirmations... :cross:

Howdy folks ...the rising sun image that this post started about ...does this drawing happen to mean anything to anyone ?
Context - On a tombstone in an area with a direct connection to both Bedford Forrest and Jessie James- The grave had an attempt at a grave robbery in the 1950s that resulted in a gunfight ..any theories would be helpful.Untitled.webp

Howdy folks ...the rising sun image that this post started about ...does this drawing happen to mean anything to anyone ?
Context - On a tombstone in an area with a direct connection to both Bedford Forrest and Jessie James- The grave had an attempt at a grave robbery in the 1950s that resulted in a gunfight ..any theories would be helpful.View attachment 1046366

Rising Sun in the EAST; Hmmm...

Thought I would throw this one out to those that may have some insight on it's meaning to them. Hopefully it could open your eyes to what to look for in the future.

Thanks for your input, L.C. Baker

View attachment 1001815 View attachment 1001823

The rising sun on top of an O.A.K. monument with a 33rd degree masonic emblem in the center. Three secret societies, ONE very special man. :thumbsup:


hill.webp hill2.webp

Howdy folks ...the rising sun image that this post started about ...does this drawing happen to mean anything to anyone ?
Context - On a tombstone in an area with a direct connection to both Bedford Forrest and Jessie James- The grave had an attempt at a grave robbery in the 1950s that resulted in a gunfight ..any theories would be helpful.View attachment 1046366
More like a SETTING SUN... casting NO shadows.

Well, on the drawing of the rising (or setting) that exactly what was drawn?
If so, are there symbols in the lines that mean something?

Or, was that drawing just done in Microsoft Paint (or some drawing app) by the poster in this thread?

The MOON is a CIRCLE; the SUN would have RAYS "shooting out"...

The MOON is a CIRCLE; the SUN would have RAYS "shooting out"...
Very good Rebel. Remember, the moon does not shine. It reflects light from the sun (SON).
(... Sun of righteousness ... Malachi 4:2 )

Alchemically, the sun is sol and is esoterically symbolic of the mind or intellect. Gold is considered the material of the sun in outwardly symbolic practices of alchemy.

Some Elements Considered to be Sun Symbols

The planetary sign of the sun (a circle with a dot in the center) is also an alchemical symbol of origin signifying completion of the Great Work.

As far as the K.G.C. symbol of the rising sun has the same meaning as it has for the Freemasons, which is a past master or the man that sat in the East at a castle. However it is displayed differently for the Freemasons.

Alchemical Symbols in Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite.

This is how the K.G.C. symbolized the rising sun on paper and on one trail, it can be displayed in many ways but it almost always has rays as Rebel stated. This is just my opinion based on what I have learned about the organizations to date. L.C.:thumbsup:

220px-Knights_of_the_Golden_Circle_History_of_Seccession_book,_1862.webp rising sun1.webp

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AAAWWWWW Reb, you know I likes you, but me words are true. Have another:coffee2: then maybe 2 :coffee2::coffee2: to go.
HA! It DOES bring up the question... did KGC use the BIBLE verses as "clues" to buried depositories...? If so... HOW...? I think HBB alluded to this in REBEL GOLD/SHADOW OF THE SENTINEL...

Further R & I indicate BIBLE TREES of the Knights of the Golden Circle; utilizing the CATHOLIC BIBLE with "extra" Books... dunno.

MORE R & I for ME! Putting LOTS of Coffee "to go" (to my Man's Cave for Research in the basement); wife is NOT amused... "DANG! SPRING is ALREADY HERE! Come OUT, you old BEAR!" Well, I ALSO practice as a YOGI... HA!

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