Knights of the Golden Circle, Order of American Knights, Freemasons and Kabbalah

Yes, he was just that good. Daniel H. Burnham was THE Preeminent Architect of his time. It would have been more surprising if he had not been chosen for those projects.

David Rowland Francis was also a personal protege of Roosevelt, of several Presidents actually.

View attachment 1681945

In his career he served as the founding member of the St. Louis Mining and Stock Exchange in the fall of 1880.

In 1885, he was elected Mayor of St. Louis, Missouri.

In 1888, he was elected Governor of Missouri.

In 1896, Francis was appointed United States Secretary of the Interior by President Grover Cleveland and served until 1897.

Francis was one of the main promoters of the St. Louis World's Fair of 1904 (which was twice as big as the Chicago event), serving as President of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.

In 1905, after being elected President of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, he was sent to Europe by the World's Fair directors to thank Kings, Emperors and other rulers for their part in making the exposition a success. He was decorated by the Emperors of Germany and Austria, and Wilhelmina, the Queen of the Netherlands.

President Woodrow Wilson appointed Francis as the U.S. Ambassador to Russia between 1916 and 1917, during the Russian Revolution of 1917.

An interesting career to say the least and definitely worth a study. Could this make him one of your "Monopolists"?

Here he is pictured at Arbor Lodge with President Cleveland...

View attachment 1681948

Here with Teddy Roosevelt and Cleveland...

View attachment 1681949

Here with William H. Taft...

View attachment 1681950

When you are a scoundrel it is customary to surround yourself with people that choose good law and morals over good politics personal gain and such. I believe Mr. Francis was just good to be seen with during public appearances. He also made his way up picking scat with the chickens, not with a silver spoon. The caliber of man we look at for more than acquaintances and come up dry. That does not mean he and his money, position, or opinion was not used by the men we know to be involved with the secret societies in Nebraska City and Omaha.:icon_thumleft:

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[QUOTEThe Ouroboros symbolizes the cyclic Nature of the Universe: creation out of destruction, Life out of Death. etc.[/QUOTE]

I used to see the Ouroboros as the snake eating his tail, now I see it as the snake emerging from itself.
That it may be the references "Golden Circle", I agree.

Well, AP was PROBABLY the "Ritualist" for BOTH FM/SR.SJ & KGC; HIGHLY educated, spent time in New Orleans, LA on several committees with various ppl with "secret interest"; I think that the SR/SJ had MORE KGC-oriented "re-building the South" tendencies. Later to be expanded to OAK.

Rebel, Do you know when AP was in New Orleans, LA? Was it pre-war or after?
I have found a black cherokee, who served as a LA infantryman, was the "overseer" of the location I have been studying from 1870's until his death in 1938.
His decendants were not allowed on the property for 60 years until my time as "caretaker".

Rebel, Do you know when AP was in New Orleans, LA? Was it pre-war or after?
I have found a black cherokee, who served as a LA infantryman, was the "overseer" of the location I have been studying from 1870's until his death in 1938.
His decendants were not allowed on the property for 60 years until my time as "caretaker".

"He promoted the construction of a transcontinental railroad from New Orleans to the Pacific coast, writing numerous newspaper essays urging support for this project. He moved to New Orleans in 1853 to further his railroad activities, although he also continued to practice law. He translated French legal volumes into English while preparing to pass the local bar exam for Louisiana. Ultimately, he successfully obtained a charter from the Louisiana legislature for one of his railroad projects. He returned to Little Rock in 1857." Albert Pike (1809?1891) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas

There could be another time also?

Rebel, Do you know when AP was in New Orleans, LA? Was it pre-war or after?
I have found a black cherokee, who served as a LA infantryman, was the "overseer" of the location I have been studying from 1870's until his death in 1938.
His decendants were not allowed on the property for 60 years until my time as "caretaker".
AP was in N.O. "Pre" & during the Confederate War; Mystick Krewe of Comus with CSA Judah Benjamin & AP was MORE "active" @ 1862-63. :coffee2:

Black Cherokee was PROBABLY from Camp Parapet in Jefferson Parish, La.

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When you are a scoundrel it is customary to surround yourself with people that choose good law and morals over good politics personal gain and such. I believe Mr. Francis was just good to be seen with during public appearances. He also made his way up picking scat with the chickens, not with a silver spoon. The caliber of man we look at for more than acquaintances and come up dry. That does not mean he and his money, position, or opinion was not used by the men we know to be involved with the secret societies in Nebraska City and Omaha.:icon_thumleft:

:laughing7: Ye missed it, dint ye?


The Cryptic degrees are in fact degrees that are the gateway to Temple restoration rituals or the Second Temple Legend. Do you see the similarity of the times with 1865-? In the lodge or a Castle made up of Freemason leadership, who do you suspect would be put in charge of guarding the Vault for them? :dontknow: I have my own train of thought, but I would be interested in hearing what you guys (and gals) have to say about it first. :notworthy:

Robert Morris; in the era of OES, Order of Eastern Star; was connected to the Council... :coffee2:

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That statement and this one of mine, combined with the reading I did, is what led me to believe there was more to it to be found out, Albert Pike mentions several forms of the name CHiram: Khirm, Khurm, and Khur-Om, the latter ending in the sacred Hindu monosyllable OM, which may also be extracted from the names of Solomon's three murderers. Pike further relates the three ruffians to a triad of stars in the constellation of Libra and also calls attention to the fact that the Chaldean god Bal--metamorphosed into a demon by the Jews--appears in the name of each of the murderers, Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum. To interpret the Hiramic legend requires familiarity with both the Pythagorean and Qabbalistic systems of numbers and letters, and also the philosophic and astronomic cycles of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Brahmins. For example, consider the number 33. The first temple of Solomon stood for thirty-three years in its pristine splendor. At the end of that time it was pillaged by the Egyptian King Shishak, and finally (588 B.C.) it was completely destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. (I had not understood until then that there was more than one Solomon's temple!) The rebuilding is where it started to make sense to me metaphorically concerning what we were doing physically in the field. The first part of it was to recover the separate pieces that were scattered and buried just like Osirus. We were also started out with the help of the guide DOG Sirius just like Isis was. After the pieces were all gathered (except for one) that story and journey were fulfilled.:icon_thumright: BUT that is not where the trail ended, that is where another trail began.


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Robert Morris; in the era of OES, Order of Eastern Star; was connected to the Council... :coffee2:

Is this the Robert Morris from Kentucky ? If so, I have many letters from him to my GGG Grandfather, as grandad was a “Masonic conservator” which apparently got him banned from many masons halls...

That statement and this one of mine, combined with the reading I did, is what led me to believe there was more to it to be found out, Albert Pike mentions several forms of the name CHiram: Khirm, Khurm, and Khur-Om, the latter ending in the sacred Hindu monosyllable OM, which may also be extracted from the names of Solomon's three murderers. Pike further relates the three ruffians to a triad of stars in the constellation of Libra and also calls attention to the fact that the Chaldean god Bal--metamorphosed into a demon by the Jews--appears in the name of each of the murderers, Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum. To interpret the Hiramic legend requires familiarity with both the Pythagorean and Qabbalistic systems of numbers and letters, and also the philosophic and astronomic cycles of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Brahmins. For example, consider the number 33. The first temple of Solomon stood for thirty-three years in its pristine splendor. At the end of that time it was pillaged by the Egyptian King Shishak, and finally (588 B.C.) it was completely destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. (I had not understood until then that there was more than one Solomon's temple!) The rebuilding is where it started to make sense to me metaphorically concerning what we were doing physically in the field. The first part of it was to recover the separate pieces that were scattered and buried just like Osirus. We were also started out with the help of the guide DOG Sirius just like Isis was. After the pieces were all gathered (except for one) that story and journey were fulfilled.:icon_thumright: BUT that is not where the trail ended, that is where another trail began.

HA! What "piece" was missing...?

As you know Rebel there are some important columns mentioned in Freemasonry rituals. They are pictured and the symbolism of them is used very frequently throughout history. My question to you is about the use of four columns and the representation of them as a group of four set together in a place to be seen. They are not all the same hight, but they are made of the same material and are the same dimensions and character otherwise. Have you ever seen anything about them mentioned anywhere in your K.G.C. / O.A.K. R and I or Masonic studies?

Thanks, L.C.:icon_thumright:

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