The following is a message that was posted earlier this year by one of our members on the Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery message board. It is a quote from Confederate Guerrilla George T. Maddox's memoirs "Hard Trials and Tribulations of an Old Confederate Soldier".
Group :
Here is something interesting....
George T.Maddox wrote in his book on page33
" I will try to describe to you how Shelby's command , recruited officers, Quantrell's ( sic)
command , and all the bushwhackers managed to keep from coming in contact with each other. As they were all dressed in yankee uniforms, they were compelled to have some way by which they could know each other when they met. If they had not they would have had many fights among themselves.
They had certain signs which they made to recognize each other. That rule was adopted by a regularly organized lodge, and every man who knew the signs had been thoroughly initiated. A regular iron-clad oath was taken, and if any man betrayed the order or gave away the signs he knew it was death. Just as far as we could see we could recognize each other and know whether we were meeting Southern men or not. Traveling anywhere up North in the Federal lines we could tell who lived at a house -whether Southern or Union people.
In a short time after we organized that order any Southern scout passing through that country who knew people who lived in a house knew whether they were Southern people or not. They would make marks in a certain way on the gate posts or house so that the next scout who came along would know that Southern people lived there. By so doing they could converse with them freely , and would know that they had met a friend and could get all the information about Federals that could be had. ( I now leave out some of the text).
page 34
I will not undertake to describe the marks we used for signs nor the signs we would make when we met each other, nor the oath we took when we organized, but will never forget any of them as long as I live, and I am satisfied there are a great many men living to-day who will remember the same."
~Texas Jay