KGC Symbols

Texas Jay and Boattow you guys aren't very good investigators. That's my blog and Alec/Ron writes for me. I guess you could say it's both of ours though. He has done a great job posting articles and information. He has posted information that you won't find anywhere else on the internet and as far as I care to say it's the best treasure blog out there. We don't fill you full of bull.

2late2dig said:
Texas Jay and Boattow you guys aren't very good investigators. That's my blog and Alec/Ron writes for me. I guess you could say it's both of ours though. He has done a great job posting articles and information. He has posted information that you won't find anywhere else on the internet and as far as I care to say it's the best treasure blog out there. We don't fill you full of bull.

Though we don't claim to be private investigators as (Ron) Alec does, we are finally getting some truth out of you, 2late2dig. If you are so sure of your investigative abilities, why is it that you are so ashamed to use your real identities when you tell these whoppers to your readers?
~Texas Jay

Texas Jay said:
Ron ...., oops I mean Alec - Why don't you just come out and tell the members that you own the okietreasurehunter's websites and that you don't really believe that the signs you post photos of are KGC? You claim to believe they all belonged to "outlaws" as you call them. Let's have a little honesty here, please.
~Texas Jay

Well, "Texas Jay", apparently you don't even read your own posts. My post referring the readers of this thread to the blog is so that they could read the information about the "secret signals" the KGC used to identify each other. Even though in your post you alluded to these signals you failed to enlighten the readers as to what they were. 2late has gone to the trouble of detailing that information for the readers of this thread.

It's called facts, something you seem to leave out of your posts. You have the tendancy to try to make the information fit your theories instead of basing a theory on the actual facts. I personally have come to believe it is a waste of time to try to convince you and some others about the facts of the KGC but you seem to get upset when a different opinion about your alleged super secret billionaire society is stated. I guess there is no room for discussion in your world unless everyone agrees with you.

Boattow, what I call outlaw signs are outlaw signs. These are actual signs I have found in the field and interpreted and followed the trail on. They are outlaw signs because I did the research to find out who was in the area where and when the signs were left. No big secret conspiracies, no templates used, just regular old treasure carvings left by ordinary people who became outlaws.

I have stated on the blog (and this forum) several times what my beliefs about the KGC are. I'm not keeping any secrets about my beliefs or ignoring any facts like the true believers of the KGC myths do. You seem to have ignored the facts again "Texas Jay".

Well then, Alec, please share the facts with us as to your reasons for spending two months with Dan Pastore while he was working on his KGC sites. I don't believe you ever replied to that question when posed by another member so I'm asking again.
~Texas Jay

Do you need glasses there Texas Jay? His name is Ron Pastore, not Dan and I clearly answered your question before by stating that I had been sucked into believing the myths about the KGC UNTIL I started doing my own research and stopped believing the things on the forums about the KGC. Once I started my research it became very obvious, very quickly that the treasure myths attributed to the KGC could not have happened. That was ten years ago.

You seem to be trying to mis-direct the readers. I have answered your posts and I have done so with facts, not myths or theories.

What is important is what is in the hill that he is uncovering that gives off the "glowing" reading on the magnetometer. If it turns out to be a room of gold or other treasure as it very well may, then you will surely have to modify your "outlaws" theory because you will not find a robbery or heist of such magnitude anywhere in the history of this country.
~Texas Jay

Texas Jay I used the okie treasure hunter because that was the name of the blog. I'm not hiding my name and in fact it's plastered today across the front page of a major newspaper in my state. You've always gotten the truth out of me in my postings. I'd sure like you to point out the whoppers we are telling in our blog/forum posts.

If you have been following the forums for the past two years then you would have known it was me who started the blog. I did it so that people could learn something useful and enjoy a treasure story or two. I don't make a cent from the blog. Since you make comments about it must mean you're one of our regular readers.

Us bringing opposing views to the KGC thread just balances out the forum. I have brought more information out about Orvus Lee Houk, "Jesse James III" than any of you. It was his maps that Pastore kept flipping through on the show. So, if as the show stated J.Frank Dalton was a JJ imposter, then the maps Pastore kept flipping through would be fake as well since Howk claimed they came from Dalton. So much for KGC treasure maps huh. So much for a treasure vault being 8 feet below where Pastore stopped digging too!

How about the so called secret KGC signs, grips, tokens, passwords that I posted on the blog? I've got tons of KGC info. I never stated I didn't believe in them, just not the BILLIONS of hidden loot as some claim.

Oh, my e-mail address is at the top of my blog. I'm so ashamed I just have to hide my identity. LOL I host a get together for treasure hunters each year that everyone is invited to. Payed for out of my pocket. You crack me up. I'd like to get some truth out of you. LOL

Texas Jay said:
The following is a message that was posted earlier this year by one of our members on the Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery message board. It is a quote from Confederate Guerrilla George T. Maddox's memoirs "Hard Trials and Tribulations of an Old Confederate Soldier".

Group :
Here is something interesting....
George T.Maddox wrote in his book on page33
" I will try to describe to you how Shelby's command , recruited officers, Quantrell's ( sic)
command , and all the bushwhackers managed to keep from coming in contact with each other. As they were all dressed in yankee uniforms, they were compelled to have some way by which they could know each other when they met. If they had not they would have had many fights among themselves.
They had certain signs which they made to recognize each other. That rule was adopted by a regularly organized lodge, and every man who knew the signs had been thoroughly initiated. A regular iron-clad oath was taken, and if any man betrayed the order or gave away the signs he knew it was death. Just as far as we could see we could recognize each other and know whether we were meeting Southern men or not. Traveling anywhere up North in the Federal lines we could tell who lived at a house -whether Southern or Union people.
In a short time after we organized that order any Southern scout passing through that country who knew people who lived in a house knew whether they were Southern people or not. They would make marks in a certain way on the gate posts or house so that the next scout who came along would know that Southern people lived there. By so doing they could converse with them freely , and would know that they had met a friend and could get all the information about Federals that could be had. ( I now leave out some of the text).
page 34
I will not undertake to describe the marks we used for signs nor the signs we would make when we met each other, nor the oath we took when we organized, but will never forget any of them as long as I live, and I am satisfied there are a great many men living to-day who will remember the same."



~Texas Jay

This is interesting, the KGC did mark the property (wagons, etc.) of friends and enemies. They call it the guard sign in the 2nd degree.

Texas Jay said:
What is important is what is in the hill that he is uncovering that gives off the "glowing" reading on the magnetometer. If it turns out to be a room of gold or other treasure as it very well may, then you will surely have to modify your "outlaws" theory because you will not find a robbery or heist of such magnitude anywhere in the history of this country.
~Texas Jay

I guess you're right Jay, the facts are not important. It doesn't make any difference what his name was or the fact they were using GPR and not a magnetometer and the fact they stop digging when they could have easily finished and found out what wasn't there, not to mention the several other facts you have over looked. Deciding which facts to ignore seems to be a specialty of yours.

I have always said I would be the first to offer my apologies and eat my words to anyone that found a KGC "vault" and could prove it. I will still do that but Pastore won't be the person to find it and I doubt that anyone else will either. That is my opinion, which I am entitled to.

I would have to gather from your posts that you think every carving out there belongs to the KGC and nothing can just be left by an outlaw or some other group. Nobody like the French or outlaws, or pirates or miners or the Spanish or the Chinese or just regular folks ever buried anything in the ground and left carvings and markers behind to find it?

I'm amazed at your response to me posting the blog address. I posted the address simply so people reading this forum could go and see the "secret" signs and signals of the KGC that you apparently didn't know about or didn't think was "important" to mention. I didn't even disagree with your original post, I thought I was being helpful but instead of being grateful to have the sourced information readily accessible you chose to attack me personally.

Attention to detail Jay. Even though Alec/Ron deserves as much or more recognition than I, he wasn't there at the time the article was written, so he wasn't not mentioned in it. I did give his name and credit for the work on the blog he does, but it wasn't included in the article that came out in the paper.
I've hunted with him and can say without a doubt he is one of the most practical and common sense treasure hunters you will meet. You also don't have to worry about him cheating you as so many treasure hunters claim their partners have done. He's honest and straight forward.

Texas Jay, this article is a good example of how you can't rely on newspaper articles for accurate information. I didn't learn to treasure hunt from my dad, the age of my kid was wrong, I don't have squinty eyes, TJ and Mark weren't lagging behind they were looking at a spot where old carvings had been, and they were joking about waiting around to get their picture taken, Jesse and Frank didn't bury the 18 jack loads of gold in the Wichitas during the blizzard, etc.

Now if I was ashamed of giving out my name do you think I would have allowed it to be put in a featured article? Would I answer all the e-mails that come to me through the blog?

If you can't get the little details right how can people trust that the information you spout about the KGC etc. is accurate? I'm with Ron on this one. Why argue and drag yourself down to the depths. If people want some common sense information about the KGC and treasure hunting we will keep posting it on the blog.

Alec and 2late2dig. I readily admit I made a mistake, that I didn't originally make in stating Pastore's crew used a magnetometer. I posted many message on our group regarding the ground penetrating radar being used and have watched the program several times and notice important new details on every viewing so it was an innocent slip on my part.
Let me remind you that whenever you attack our Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery group for its research, you are not only attacking me but you are attacking over 150 other members as well. These members combined have spent thousands of hours, free of charge, researching Bill Anderson, Quantrill's Guerrillas, the KGC and any other related topic anyone asks them to look into in the past 4 1/2 years of our group's existence. When you attack my knowledge of the KGC, you are talking about something that you know absolutely nothing about as you have not seen all the KGC signs and symbols that I have seen in the central Texas area nor have you studied our local history enough to know what was happening here after the War.
~Texas Jay

2late2dig said:
Texas Jay, this article is a good example of how you can't rely on newspaper articles for accurate information.

In an effort to prove to the treasure hunting community that the Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC) (33) were not the super secret organization that many are claiming today, I'll be bringing you newspaper articles from the 1850's and 1860's.

So the article about you is full of inaccuracies but the one about the KGC is gospel???!!! :icon_scratch: The KGC was NOT the bumbling idiots you and Ron want to make them out to be. Your "investigations" are very slanted and inaccurate.

Yammy Elf said:
Texas Jay said:
Here is the link to the newspaper article that mentions Alec and 2late2dig:

~Texas Jay

Great article about guys looking for some Jesse James loot. No wild and wacky conspiracy theories to muddle through :thumbsup:

Let me get this right. You don't believe that Jesse W. James and his brother Frank were members of the Knights of the Golden Circle?
~Texas Jay

Yammy Elf said:
Not only were they not bumbling idiots...they were able to come back from the dead. Like ole Jesse and Bloody Bill!

Oh please do elaborate elf... I'm sure you aren't referencing anything I've said.

Boattow, I never stated that the article I posted was without mistakes, but only gave it as an example of how much was known of the KGC. I happen to have many other sources on the KGC other than newspaper articles.
Texas Jay I've never attacked your Bloody Bill group and you are making a huge assumption of my lack of knowledge of the KGC in Texas, or any other place, as a matter of fact. I'm just pointing out there hasn't been up to this point any proof of any large KGC treasure brought forth. You mention Griffith and Brewer but once again nothing that can be verified. I can claim to have dug up a uhaul truck full of gold and reburied it, but doesn't make it true. I could even show you a double fistfull of coins but doesn't mean I dug them up. People will believe what they want no matter how much evidence there is against such claims. J. Frank Dalton would be a good example of that one. As far as the James Boy's being members of the KGC maybe they were, or maybe they were Mason's. It wouldn't prove a single thing toward there being billions of dollars of KGC money buried. There were a number of men in the KGC and continue to be many fine men in the Masonic Lodge, but as of now neither organization has taken over the world. Conspiracies are entertaining and thought provoking, but I hunt real treasures that I can find real clues to. If you want to hunt KGC treasure then that is fine and dandy as well. To each their own. I just think I will have a better chance is all. I also want to help others find their pot of gold along the way as well. Hence the blog and the useful information it brings to others.

Boattow, the next two KGC blog articles I post will be just for you. Articles about how the KGC bumbled their plots. What about taking over Mexico and Cuba? How did that work out for the most powerful KGC? In my opinion it looks like Mexico might be taking us over before long.

2late2dig said:
Boattow, the next two KGC blog articles I post will be just for you. Articles about how the KGC bumbled their plots. What about taking over Mexico and Cuba? How did that work out for the most powerful KGC? In my opinion it looks like Mexico might be taking us over before long.

The KGC's filibustering efforts were failures but they were very effective in pushing Texas into secession and they formed some of the first confederate units. I am not convinced of the KGC's post war existence, but I keep an open mind.

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