KGC Fact or Fiction....................

Try decaf, Gollum.

If you read my post carefully, you'll realize that the point I'm making is that the popular lore surrounding the 'KGC' (or the 'secret society', 'Illuminati', 'the boys', 'the family' or whatever name suits your fancy), is essentially hot air. You may choose to fervently believe all the stories are true and that their secrets can be solved, but that doen't make them true or that their loot can be recovered. Sure, the KGC is documented to have existed in the 1800's - any fool can verify that. Were they a secret arm of the New World Order accumulating trillions of dollars of gold for the end of the world? Well, that remains to be seen.

As far as your support of Bush is concerned ... if that's the fantasy you can't give up - go for it. People adamatly believed the world was flat for centuries even though it is indeed round. Who do you believe - Rush Limbaugh or your own lying eyes?

Springfield said:
Try decaf, Gollum.

If you read my post carefully, you'll realize that the point I'm making is that the popular lore surrounding the 'KGC' (or the 'secret society', 'Illuminati', 'the boys', 'the family' or whatever name suits your fancy), is essentially hot air. You may choose to fervently believe all the stories are true and that their secrets can be solved, but that doen't make them true or that their loot can be recovered. Sure, the KGC is documented to have existed in the 1800's - any fool can verify that. Were they a secret arm of the New World Order accumulating trillions of dollars of gold for the end of the world? Well, that remains to be seen.

As far as your support of Bush is concerned ... if that's the fantasy you can't give up - go for it. People adamatly believed the world was flat for centuries even though it is indeed round. Who do you believe - Rush Limbaugh or your own lying eyes?

FYI... The illuminati did exsist, and still do for that matter, only under a different name, and are not hell-bent on world domination any longer.

And I am speaking for myself here, but I hate Rush, always have... More of a Mike Savage guy myself, or even a Ted Nuget idealogy, but certainly not Rush.... And I still believe there is and was WMDs over there. One would have to be retarded not to think so, especially people in the treasure hunting world. Look at Texas for examples of why there has been no WMDs found. Not only is there alot of desert to bury them in, there is alot of caves, and of course, they could pull a dirty sanchez or a filthy lopez (lmfao) and take it across the border.
And to turn it around on you, left-wingers adametly believe there is no WMDs, just like the world believed that the world was flat for so long. Just because a group of people say it and preach it, don't make it true.

Obviously I am with you on KGC. I believe it when I see it. When I see that there is indeed some real proof of exsistence past their 1864 end, then I will change my mind. Of course, I'm not going to tell people they are crazy for believing in it, because it could be true, I'm simply stating it is of my opinion that it is a false belief.
But again, obviously, I am against you on the Bush bashing. If you want to continue that (tired) line, there is a political forum on TN to voice your opinion, with several left wingers waiting to take you in and accept you there.

Odd to myself is what the mind of some can produce
as a belief through trama based conditioning

After eons of programned induced hiarcheal
synapsis inundation of perpretrated illusions

The human species has become what they have
sold themselves into.

If by no other avenue of discovery then self appearent
conditions, One may wonder why a world populace
would desire to remain controlled in and by such

Yet, Wonder being a less indulged upon activity of such minds
then the self indulged and relagated position
to simply watch through tecnological advanced mind control
apparatus such as T.V. screens and the manner,

No wonder indeed that the human experience and thought process
is so simply controlled by manufactured false internal realities.

Set up and played out for the exact directive
to keep a mass of beings propelled into
an enslaved eviron.

It is by sheer faith of hope
that one may desire that this be the only world where
this heinous anomolous abject horror is

As by a diverted display
the attention of the controlled
is swayed to the nether workings
of that hiddened master complex that
in all concise design

wishes in all denounceble ambiguity
to shadow the apparatus of control.

A diversion is agreed to be the
working tool for such obsfucational
projected resultive advents.

If a KGC must be created to fill this
then one shall surely be manufactured to meet the requirment.

In all that U.S. Citizens believe they Know

They know a very small apportional fact based
evidential of exactly how deeply the seeds
root in this designed confusion based goal.

To argue the points

Further derails the revealing of the truth

To address only those truths in an
unvieling of evidential products
can this be faced with any real productive
outcome that holds and reveals by the nature of truth

the real truth.

In the ageless adage " that power corrupts, complete power corrupts completly"

We have a perfected outline as to guide ourselves
to question greatly and keep very close watch upon
those that are set up as leaders over us

If, through that vigilence
We find hidden from us, secrets
of power abused

Does it not follow that Accountabillity for such
shall be our focused endeavors ?

How so then, can this be focused
if confusion and delusion
be compounded within our
to such degree as to effectivly
disuade us from that focus.

This exactly was the planned endeavors
that was agreed to be the prominent role
to be accomplished by the Power Structure
in extent eons ago

this indeed has been the accomplished goal
passed down over the eons through generational

Believe what you will

If it is your will to believe
that which has been fed to generations
before you , as a titty to suck you into
a docility you can niether believe nor escape from

Then you allow your beliefs in a false
guide, to be your reality and master.

Offencive as the truth at times can be

One who is offended by theirown truth
is living a lie

Life, lived as a lie
leaves but only a sad existence.

sorry, no offence intended


treasure minder said:
Odd to myself is what the mind of some can produce
as a belief through trama based conditioning

After eons of programned induced hiarcheal
synapsis inundation of perpretrated illusions

The human species has become what they have
sold themselves into.

If by no other avenue of discovery then self appearent
conditions, One may wonder why a world populace
would desire to remain controlled in and by such

Yet, Wonder being a less indulged upon activity of such minds
then the self indulged and relagated position
to simply watch through tecnological advanced mind control
apparatus such as T.V. screens and the manner,

No wonder indeed that the human experience and thought process
is so simply controlled by manufactured false internal realities.

Set up and played out for the exact directive
to keep a mass of beings propelled into
an enslaved eviron.

It is by sheer faith of hope
that one may desire that this be the only world where
this heinous anomolous abject horror is

As by a diverted display
the attention of the controlled
is swayed to the nether workings
of that hiddened master complex that
in all concise design

wishes in all denounceble ambiguity
to shadow the apparatus of control.

A diversion is agreed to be the
working tool for such obsfucational
projected resultive advents.

If a KGC must be created to fill this
then one shall surely be manufactured to meet the requirment.

In all that U.S. Citizens believe they Know

They know a very small apportional fact based
evidential of exactly how deeply the seeds
root in this designed confusion based goal.

To argue the points

Further derails the revealing of the truth

To address only those truths in an
unvieling of evidential products
can this be faced with any real productive
outcome that holds and reveals by the nature of truth

the real truth.

In the ageless adage " that power corrupts, complete power corrupts completly"

We have a perfected outline as to guide ourselves
to question greatly and keep very close watch upon
those that are set up as leaders over us

If, through that vigilence
We find hidden from us, secrets
of power abused

Does it not follow that Accountabillity for such
shall be our focused endeavors ?

How so then, can this be focused
if confusion and delusion
be compounded within our
to such degree as to effectivly
disuade us from that focus.

This exactly was the planned endeavors
that was agreed to be the prominent role
to be accomplished by the Power Structure
in extent eons ago

this indeed has been the accomplished goal
passed down over the eons through generational

Believe what you will

If it is your will to believe
that which has been fed to generations
before you , as a titty to suck you into
a docility you can niether believe nor escape from

Then you allow your beliefs in a false
guide, to be your reality and master.

Offencive as the truth at times can be

One who is offended by theirown truth
is living a lie

Life, lived as a lie
leaves but only a sad existence.

sorry, no offence intended


::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

And that sums it up folks

There was at a time
a tullsbay marina

it was deemed by the masters of your reality
that this marina of currituck county should
make a sweet aquisition for themselves

the owner was one Zakk Tull, simon by birth name

In order to garnish this from that owner
a little MK Ultra brainwashing mind control was
slammed upon him.

THAT, that right there crypto

should sum up for yourself
some close by facts

of what the above post of mine
outlines emphatically.


as my statement stands,,, Believe what you will.

Zakk resides off and on in asylums.

Feed the monster that eats your children
while that monster feeds you histrionics personified.

Enjoy whatever, in whatever fulfillment
you can find to nulify your
misery sold to you.
For your taxation.


This is totally off post, but would it be possible for me to get permission to come visit you and discuss some of your(and your Father's) research and info on The Guadulapes? It has ben posited that Ben (William) Sublett didn't have a mine, but was retrieving gold from a strongbox that had been stolen/robbed from a stage.
I am a big believer in the mine and would like to find it to clear up his name. (Getting rich wouldn't hurt any either.)

JIm Johnson

grizzly bare

Springfield said:
Try decaf, Gollum.

If you read my post carefully, you'll realize that the point I'm making is that the popular lore surrounding the 'KGC' (or the 'secret society', 'Illuminati', 'the boys', 'the family' or whatever name suits your fancy), is essentially hot air. You may choose to fervently believe all the stories are true and that their secrets can be solved, but that doen't make them true or that their loot can be recovered. Sure, the KGC is documented to have existed in the 1800's - any fool can verify that. Were they a secret arm of the New World Order accumulating trillions of dollars of gold for the end of the world? Well, that remains to be seen.

As far as your support of Bush is concerned ... if that's the fantasy you can't give up - go for it. People adamatly believed the world was flat for centuries even though it is indeed round. Who do you believe - Rush Limbaugh or your own lying eyes?

1. Ok. I agree with you that the POPULAR LORE about the KGC is fluff! I don't even read that much of it. The reason I know the KGC existed after 1868 was because when 1st Lt. Walter R. McChesney of Co. C, Sypert's 13th Kentucky Cavalry, returned home after the war (Caldwell County, Ky), he was interviewed by several men about just those things I mentioned. They asked him if he had been privvy to any stories in the camp about any buried Confederate Monies or Weapons. To the best of my knowledge, he hadn't. He was introduced to these men via the KKK, and thought them to be KGC.

2. If you keep trying to throw in your ignorant left-wing jibes, I'll ask Jeff to remove your posts from this thread. I have taken on every leftwing kook that wanted a shot at the title "IN THE POLITICAL FORUMS" and toasted them with facts. I'll meet you there any time, if you think you are up to it! ;D ;D But before you go there, I advise you to go to CSPAN Website, and check out the replays of the Senate Commissions Hearings on "The Leadup to the Iraq War" and "The Weapons of Mass Destruction" The second one was just on last night.



Hi Bear

In all candor
I have very little knowledge based on any facts of
the Guadalopes

What i have been told is simply not verifiable.

In a crevase, thrown there during the Pueblo Indian revolt
is said to be the remnants of pilfered nuggets

Perhaps, this is what old ben was tapping.

The franklins, it is KNOWN that near the pass a cave was found,
at the back of the cave
a falsewall made of stone and plastered over
with adobe
a niche in which was treasure
Wheellock muskets seen in the cache denote
that this too was a cache made perhaps
by revolting Pueblo indians and or their co-horts.

remote sensing radr is best to find these

The government agents followed me to the organs
set up signal transmitter relays
in order to find through satillite detection
the voids where the LUE treasure is buried.

When a person has been faced with these conditions
perpretrated upon thewm
By a federal government they were raised to honor and respect

It is nothing to be left but to annpunce it
and expose to others what they are supporting that
will and has been done to them.

I sat and watch the agents spread out and plant the relays

they sent a nieghbor by to ask me
what they were setting out there

they wished to know whether or not i KNEW what they were up too

The answer to that is obviously YES.

I relate here to give a clear idea of what I personally
am up against in any attempt by me to recover the treasures i am aware.

That is portion to why it is that i post
actual locales of deposits over an open forum.

In hopes that a citizen will pop the caches before
a defunct government agency does.




Being personally a witness to the manufactured
Oil crises of 1973 and its planning by poppa bush and dick cheny
and having my life threatened because of what i overheard and saw
at that meeting by them
as well as having my teeth implanted with micro transmitters by their orders to track
me for what i know,,,,

I assure you of this

When it is a far gone given that the major
media sources are controlled
by monied interest
that have global connections and
are part of the group you speak of

I will trust my experiences over those outlets of controlled
media every damned time.

Trusting to those experiences
Knowing exact truth of it

I avoid the political debates.


whether that is believed by anyone outside
the loop,,,,,,,,,

denotes exactly the conspiracys actuallity that i outlined aboved

Divide and Conquer? NO,,, that is already the condition

Keep the divided conquered by keeping them divided simply
furthers the condition

Too view people as liberal or conservative and other then thyself
propitiates the control

It is a mainframe of the plan to do so.

Those that have that power you give them over you

care nothing of parties
nothing of idealogies

nothing of theologies


nothing of YOU

this i make up not

If they can get you to hate each other by
any conveyance probable
even that which is a two or three party
system or choice

then it stands to reason


I do not argue politics

I state personal ancedotes that are facts

i relate information they themselves compiled
of facts and events that they themselves instituted

Like Nazi's, they too keep concise files

My statement that i wish for People to
believe what they will

is as well a factual statement

I am out of the game for the rest of my existence here

a man without a country nor any aliegeance to anything or anyone

I am tired
finding that the shallowness of people
keeps their eyes closed for them
and that to give them proof of truth

causes them to only close them tighter

I step aside and let it all be.

Throwing pearls before swine is exactly how it feels to me.

BLM sells off the land YOU OWN to developers

they in turn raise the price

and sell "YOUR" land back to you
at a price that keeps you indebted

this inturn , through that DEBT disuades THE PEOPLE from
addressing THEIR enslavement.

It is all around you

it is evident in such abundance
that blind mice could not possibly
miss the gestalt thereof.

Yet, the blind remain so by theirown will and choice.

Let it be so.

I raise no effort outside of telling the blind their
shorts are ablaze.

and that is more then they themselves will do for themselves.

so be it



treasure minder said:
There was at a time
a tullsbay marina

it was deemed by the masters of your reality
that this marina of currituck county should
make a sweet aquisition for themselves

the owner was one Zakk Tull, simon by birth name

In order to garnish this from that owner
a little MK Ultra brainwashing mind control was
slammed upon him.

THAT, that right there crypto

should sum up for yourself
some close by facts

of what the above post of mine
outlines emphatically.


as my statement stands,,, Believe what you will.

Zakk resides off and on in asylums.

Feed the monster that eats your children
while that monster feeds you histrionics personified.

Enjoy whatever, in whatever fulfillment
you can find to nulify your
misery sold to you.
For your taxation.


You have been reading the "aluminum hat" websites haven't you? Zakk Tull, as he likes to call himself now is a total tool, drugged out crackpot, who got his hand caught in the door for running an illegal bar and dealing drugs from his illegal bar. He also called the FBI and told them that Moyock is the new middle east and that there is a nuke under the Tulls Bay bridge. Oh, and the freemasons are using mind control on him.
His crazy rambling has even earned him a spot on
For all of you that are unfamiliar with this crackpot, Here: (half way down, and you will see some of his ramblings. It is listed under the title "Everybody").

Whatever you have said now or before has just lost all merit to me because you mentioned him, and I now know where your commits come from.

Smiles right back.

Whats posted by Zakk and others
on the net

Has no Bearing on the files of what is
compiled within Mk Ultras database.

C.I.A. run operations and projects.

If you are outside the parameters of that

you will never ever know the exact truth of
the extent to the disinformation spread thouroly
over the truth.

as i state



Obviously , you are unfamiliar with tthe technology involved is such
brainwashing mind control operations and projects

Zakk did pretty much as you have heard, and more then that

Evidence that his mind was tampered with in
extreme trama based conditioning.

His documents were within those i reveiwed.

Say whatever you feel

when you state something from experience

and it is true

then i'll listen.

Psyops is internet wide
gone global through the internet.

Open forum
open attitudes

open discussion

Its just that i have'nt any reason to argue
any points i have evidenced already personally

Like throwing pearls before swine exactly.


treasure minder said:
Whats posted by Zakk and others
on the net

Has no Bearing on the files of what is
compiled within Mk Ultras database.

C.I.A. run operations and projects.

If you are outside the parameters of that

you will never ever know the exact truth of
the extent to the disinformation spread thouroly
over the truth.

as i state



Obviously , you are unfamiliar with tthe technology involved is such
brainwashing mind control operations and projects

Zakk did pretty much as you have heard, and more then that

Evidence that his mind was tampered with in
extreme trama based conditioning.

His documents were within those i reveiwed.

Say whatever you feel

when you state something from experience

and it is true

then i'll listen.

Psyops is internet wide
gone global through the internet.

Open forum
open attitudes

open discussion

Its just that i have'nt any reason to argue
any points i have evidenced already personally

Like throwing pearls before swine exactly.


I was with one of the arresting officers for "Zakk Tull" when they arrested him. I have taken several complaint calls for "Zakk Tull". I am one of the evil freemasons that "Zakk Tull" speaks so highly of. I know Elden "Pops" Miller on a personal level... He is the one that "Zakk Tull" claims stole his land from him initially, then he changed it to the freemasons, then he changed it to Miller is a freemason (he is not) and he stole it. I have alot of personal experience with "Zakk Tull", and his Nazi gold and nukes and freemasons and lizard people.
Spit a pearl at me oyster boy... Go back to, unless they threw you out of there too.

treasure minder said:
Whats posted by Zakk and others
on the net

Has no Bearing on the files of what is
compiled within Mk Ultras database.

C.I.A. run operations and projects.

If you are outside the parameters of that

you will never ever know the exact truth of
the extent to the disinformation spread thouroly
over the truth.

as i state



Obviously , you are unfamiliar with tthe technology involved is such
brainwashing mind control operations and projects

Zakk did pretty much as you have heard, and more then that

Evidence that his mind was tampered with in
extreme trama based conditioning.

His documents were within those i reveiwed.

Say whatever you feel

when you state something from experience

and it is true

then i'll listen.

Psyops is internet wide
gone global through the internet.

Open forum
open attitudes

open discussion

Its just that i have'nt any reason to argue
any points i have evidenced already personally

Like throwing pearls before swine exactly.


Hey Roger,

You know I like you and all, but there is something I feel the need to say to you. Please condense your posts. I've seen it happen in other threads. When you start posting those extremely long replies, it puts off people who are interested in reading the subject matter. Here is what happens;

Somebody sees the topic and decides to pop in and take a read.

They enter the thread and read the initial post. If they find it interesting, they will want to read all the posts and get all the information.

They hit your first 1000 word post. They begin to read it, and many people get lost in there somewhere, in and amongst MK Ultra, CIA Plots, and the like. They skip over the rest.

They come upon your next, even longer post. They automatically scroll over that.

After two or three 1000-2000 word posts, they lose interest in the post and leave.

I'm not saying this to be mean, but sometimes your posts can be thread killers! It happened to "What are your current theories" on Victorio Peak. For a long time following some of your posts, that thread died.

Go to the Rants section, and start a thread called "Rog'S Rants" In the rants, link to the applicable thread.


dekalb33 said:
hmmm healthy doubt i look forward to see further post2 from you 2 not the other crack pots on this one.........

I used to read "Roger Snow's" delirious rants a few years ago on another forum. There was everything James Bond could imagine..being kidnapped by the Government, tracking devices implanted in teeth, multiple assasination attempts, mind control, knowing locations of buried treasure, knowing the secrets of JFK and Bobby's deaths, MK Ultra, space aliens, and other assorted hogwash that I could probably remember with time. Nice to see he popped up here.

JT said:
I used to read "Roger Snow's" delirious rants a few years ago on another forum. There was everything James Bond could imagine..being kidnapped by the Government, tracking devices implanted in teeth, multiple assasination attempts, mind control, knowing locations of buried treasure, knowing the secrets of JFK and Bobby's deaths, MK Ultra, space aliens, and other assorted hogwash that I could probably remember with time. Nice to see he popped up here.

Yes, things tend to get kind of confusing at times, but Rog is an ok guy.



I have paid a LOT of "dues" in the TH'ing field over the past 35 years. Those who know me also know I am a "seeker-of-truth to the extreme. I don't post lies and fairy tales about treasure and treasure stories. I don't mean this in an unhumble way but I have literally probably forgotten more about the KGC than most will ever imagine that there exists to know.
I have delved deep enough into the subject of the KGC to where I have personally seen KGC gold and have survived a number of attempts by the descendants of those rascals to kill me in order to prevent my "borrowing" from some of their rather large caches.

Since I know that the KGC does indeed still exist I can tell you that they will attack me for this post because they do not WANT the few of us which know the truth about the KGC... which have succeeded over the years in separating the truth from all the fables and mis-information floating around... to have any credibility on any type of public forum.

In order to keep this brief I will address one little "fingertip" of the possible areas of TRUE info that I have in this post... the subject of the KKK.

1. The actual truth is that it was originally called the "Kuklos Klan"... two words... not the three that we know it by today.
2. It was NOT founded to persecute or to control the blacks. There were 65,000 blacks that fought for the south during the civil war. The clan was founded to assist ex-Confed soldiers... BOTH BLACK and white at at time when they were subject to persecution and wrongful death at the hands of their conquerors.
3. Nathan Bedford Forrest was INDEED one of the 12 members of the INNER CIRCLE of the KGC. He was GIVEN the task by that 12 man leadership council of forming the clan for the purposes already stated.
4. As time went by "agents provacateurs" from the North infiltrated the Kuklos Klan and began to steer it toward becoming the hate group that it is today. They were highly successful in corrupting a number of lodges but some remained loyal to Forrest.
5. When Forrest and the rest of the inner circle saw that they were losing control of the clan... that its purpose was changing into the very thing they were trying to prevent... Forrest was told to disband the clan and he gave the lodges the order to do so.
6. Those lodges still loyal to Forrest and the clans ORIGINAL avowed mission obeyed immediately. Those lodges which had been taken over and corrupted did not. Thus from those corrupted lodges came the birth of the KU - KLUX - KLAN and the KUKLOS - KLAN was no more.
7. This setback to the KGC did not stop them from secretly helping the BLACK ex-confederate soldiers caught by the flames of rising prejudice against the blacks that was fanned all over the south by the Northern agents AFTER the Civil War. ALL who remained loyal to the "LOST CAUSE" were befriended by the KGC and many became members of the 12,000 man "OUTER CIRCLE of the KGC. These were the "footsoldiers of the KGC" hidden in plain sight, so to speak, all over the country and ready to follow any orders passed down to them by the inner circle.

Brace yourself, Mike, because if you continue to follow the "OWL HOOT TRAIL" you will have MANY more shocks like you got in the military when dealing with your racism. The truth about the KGC REALLY is stranger than fiction and unlike about 90% of all major treasure stories we hear about... the treasures of the KGC and the secret organization that, unbeknown to them, was controlling them... are actually MUCH bigger than most treasure hunters can even rap their minds around. If you happened to see the recent movie, NATIONAL TREASURE... THAT treasure actually does exist but... it appears to be in TEXAS... not New York. And... it is only the TIP OF THE ICEBERG.

Sorry I was not as brief as I had hoped but there is so much to tell about this one. I'm done... all you skeptics, nay-sayers and others who wish to take me apart for this post for whatever reason have it at. I know that before both my God and man I have told the truth as I have discovered it to be.

I wish any who are also REAL seekers-of-truth the best of success in your efforts.

Dorian Cook

Anybody who has read my posts know that I know the KGC existed. With that, I can't say whether they exist now or not. However, no one has messed with me, and I've given them lots of reason to do so, so I find it hard to believe they still exist. What exactly makes you believe they are still around? If they are still around, then what is their purpose? They must have a purpose in order to still be protecting the gold rather than just digging it up and living high on the hog.

Here is another related question. I have found that they carved their names on trees. If they are so secretive, and were involved in illegal acts or even treason, then why would they put their names on carvings?

I can't say whether they have treasures as big as the cache on National Treasure, but I do know that they had some large vaults that would put a smile on any treasure hunter's face. Also, I have ideas on the questions I posed above but since you seem to have more experience, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Good luck,
Big Hoss

The fact is that the KGC was formed by pro Southern northerners and i have pictures of there meeting flyers for whoever would like to see them and they existed as early as 1858.

The KGC WAS definitely involved with the Freemasons as Albert Pike, the father of modern Scottish Rite Freemasonery, confederate general, and author of "Morals and Dogma" which outlines the total reconstruction of Freemasonary WAS indeed one of the leaders of the KGC as well as the head of Scottish Rite Freemasonary. They were inextricably linked thanks to this man.

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