Springfield said:
Try decaf, Gollum.
If you read my post carefully, you'll realize that the point I'm making is that the popular lore surrounding the 'KGC' (or the 'secret society', 'Illuminati', 'the boys', 'the family' or whatever name suits your fancy), is essentially hot air. You may choose to fervently believe all the stories are true and that their secrets can be solved, but that doen't make them true or that their loot can be recovered. Sure, the KGC is documented to have existed in the 1800's - any fool can verify that. Were they a secret arm of the New World Order accumulating trillions of dollars of gold for the end of the world? Well, that remains to be seen.
As far as your support of Bush is concerned ... if that's the fantasy you can't give up - go for it. People adamatly believed the world was flat for centuries even though it is indeed round. Who do you believe - Rush Limbaugh or your own lying eyes?
FYI... The illuminati did exsist, and still do for that matter, only under a different name, and are not hell-bent on world domination any longer.
And I am speaking for myself here, but I hate Rush, always have... More of a Mike Savage guy myself, or even a Ted Nuget idealogy, but certainly not Rush.... And I still believe there is and was WMDs over there. One would have to be retarded not to think so, especially people in the treasure hunting world. Look at Texas for examples of why there has been no WMDs found. Not only is there alot of desert to bury them in, there is alot of caves, and of course, they could pull a dirty sanchez or a filthy lopez (lmfao) and take it across the border.
And to turn it around on you, left-wingers adametly believe there is no WMDs, just like the world believed that the world was flat for so long. Just because a group of people say it and preach it, don't make it true.
Obviously I am with you on KGC. I believe it when I see it. When I see that there is indeed some real proof of exsistence past their 1864 end, then I will change my mind. Of course, I'm not going to tell people they are crazy for believing in it, because it could be true, I'm simply stating it is of my opinion that it is a false belief.
But again, obviously, I am against you on the Bush bashing. If you want to continue that (tired) line, there is a political forum on TN to voice your opinion, with several left wingers waiting to take you in and accept you there.