KGC clues found with John Murrell, put on your thinking caps!!!!!


Louisiana's Kisatchie Hills, by Mabell R. Kadlecek and Marion C. Bullard might be of some interest to you. It's a book on local folklore and mentions the Murrells and treasure hunting in the Neutral Zone. I've researched the area for about 10 years now after hearing some family stories from the Kisatchie area. There's lots of history and 'signs' in the area.


Thanks Sharon, and welcome to the I will get the book you suggest.

Hello Kiddrock, The phi under Murrells name is I think a obvious clue. The book Bob B. wrote talks about a the caches being laid out in a circular pattern. The phi formula is basically a circle with a in increasing radius. Also the three in the date tree looks more like a Greek Sigma more than the number 3. I have been thinking and doing research and the Greeks used their letters for numbers similar to the Romans. The Romans probably copied and made some improvements to their number system. Since many of the Greek numbers look like our letters it would be easy to hide them and make them look like Initials and graffiti. I have been asking everone in just about every post what they think the first picture is. Would you mind giving me your opinion? Thanks Roger

gldhntr said:
qoute from cdhtexas'''''''''' The problem I have with the N.O. Mint story is the flood and that area was suffering from a very long drought at the time of the evacuation. The Red was so low in 1863, one year after the capture of N.O. that the entire Union fleet was almost destroyed by CSA gunners. Lt. Col. Bailey devised and built a dam at the rapids in Alex. so the steamboats could safely retreat from the rebs. The mound on the northwest side of the 167/165 bridge at Alex. is Ft. Bulow which was built to protect the dam builders. Admiral Farragut nominated Bailey for the Medal of Honor for saving the entire Union fleet in La........''''''''' ////////// a careful reading of the official records and also a few other sources will place you at the near exact spot where a number of cannon were dumped in the river to lighten the loads on the boats involved in the above history.........gldhntr

There was a fort at that location BEFORE the civil war because I found references to that location being one of the first assignments of Lt. U.S. Grant. As a tip: If you've never visited the library at Centenary College in Shreveport, then you've missed out on a truly excellent place to research history.

magnsdad said:
Hello Kiddrock, The phi under Murrells name is I think a obvious clue. The book Bob B. wrote talks about a the caches being laid out in a circular pattern. The phi formula is basically a circle with a in increasing radius. Also the three in the date tree looks more like a Greek Sigma more than the number 3. I have been thinking and doing research and the Greeks used their letters for numbers similar to the Romans. The Romans probably copied and made some improvements to their number system. Since many of the Greek numbers look like our letters it would be easy to hide them and make them look like Initials and graffiti. I have been asking everone in just about every post what they think the first picture is. Would you mind giving me your opinion? Thanks Roger

Since the Spanish had control of that entire area for years, maybe some of those symbols were copied from them. I 've read that Murrell as well as Mason are thought to have used Spanish signs for their markers. Maybe you should take a look at Charles A. Kenworthy's books on Spanish signs and trail markers.

Hello Shortstack. I have read the book about Spanish signs and have wondered if they were used by Murrell. I would like to go to the library and the next time you go let me know cause I can live in one. I do hate going to them since they started doing away with the card catalogs and put them on computers. What ever happened to the good old days. The local history section here is pretty sad. Let me know Roger

I probably will never get to visit Cenetenary again. I was stationed at Barksdale from 1971 to 1976 and did some research there on the so called Civil War and the Neutral Strip. I found out that the King of Spain gave the Spanish residents of the strip a week ( or a month, I can't remember now ) to pull completely out of the strip and back to the Texas side of the Sabine River. According to records I found, the presidio folks tossed a small cannon with a cracked barrell into a large trash pit instead of lugging it out. Further research showed that the folks that moved to the area of Nagadoches (sp) became afraid of the local indians and sent a crew back to recover my their cannon. They wire-wrapped the barrell to make do. But I wonder what other " trash " might still be in that pit. I was doing my main research in the hard-bound copies of old Louisiana Historical Society pubs.

I just read they think murrells loot is either at whats honey island in louisiana in that nuetral zone or somewhere in mississippi.

Hello Magansdad. I'm new here, but have been looking at Jessie James clues in the Monroe/Delhi area. There are documented references to him being in north la. along with some of his gang. I also have an interest in the KGC. When looking at your pictures, the first one strikes me as a topo map for some reason. The outer markings resemble some stone maps I have looked at, just with a unbroken line. The cross could possibly be a directional marker. Are there any hoot owl/trail trees around this area?
Another guess/hunch is the possibly misspelled word "beyond" and the B.T. could stand for beech tree. As in beyond the beech tree. I am by no means an expert in tree signs/symbols but have been studying them for some time. For some reason, the dagger pointing up makes me think you should looking closely at the carvings above it or even higher up. I read they put signs 20 or 30 feet up sometimes. One thing I have noticed when studying trail signs/symbols of the spanish/jesuit and others is the duplication of instructions. In other words, trails lead into an area from different points on the compass eventually leading to a cache/caches.
It's been awhile since I read up on Murrell, but I'm thinking he worked the ElCamino Reale, which ran from Natchez through the neutral zone at Natchitoches. I'm sure you've heard the stories of the lost spanish gold train.
One other thing that I use is patterns when searching for arrowheads. What I mean is, what were their natural patterns. Where did they live/eat/sleep etc. What trails/waterways were the most often used etc. If you can pattern him in some way, you can begin to track him.
Anyway, I'm searching for JJ/confederate/KGC clues and stories around my area. If you happen to know any, I would appreciate any help you could offer.

I am back now. I hope everyone is doing fine. I have been having a war with AOL. I cant say who won the war but they aren't getting anymore of my money. My new E mail Thanks for the post Point hunter. I have looked up in the trees but didn't see anything. It wont hurt to take some binoculars my next trip. I am very curious about your Rocks and would like to see them. If they were connected that would be great. There was a story in the local library about Jesse but it didn't give any treasure hunting help. I appreciate you giving me youropinion of the first picture. Can you explain it better. Thanks Roger

Here we go. I went out last Sunday to my spot and did some looking at the old clues. I ran a string from the plowpoint to the Ax head and took a good compass bearing. The bearing was about 4 to 5 degrees off of a perfect east to west heading. When I got home I looked compass deviation history. The magnetic deviation was about 7 to 8 degrees in 1861. The deviation now is about 2. The ax and Plowpoint were laid out in a east to west according to a compass in 1861. Now I got excited and needed the next markers. I did find the padlock and decided that if they did a East West line then they might have done a North South line. I opened Google Earth then downloaded my GPS into my computer. The North line from the padlock ran through one of the marked Beech trees through the strange piles of dirt that I thought were suspicious and on for another hundred yards. I have the new coordinates written in my notebook. The other thing I will try is the midpoint of the triangle. Sunday is to far away

SWR said:
Although the Sabine Free State* did exist for 13 years (1806 – 1819), the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 put to rest any border disputes. The early settlers that did move to the Sabine Free State did so by getting Spanish Land Grants, as the Spanish still laid claim to the land.

The treasures you seek did not even exist in the early 1800s. The highly overrated land-pirate John Murel (Murrell)** and the KGC could not have crossed paths, as well. Would Jesse James bury gold/silver down in Louisiana? Very doubtful.

You have your work cutout for you. Good luck, Jim

*Sabine Free State = Neutral Strip, Neutral Territory, Neutral Ground or No Mans Land

** John Murel (Murrell) – Born in 1806 and was at most a simple horse thief.

For your own education look up The big thicket east Texas

Ok Gentleman. I will go out this weekend and start from Square one. I will follow the heart shaped arrow to the Murrell tree that has the snake laying eggs and the Phi sign. I plan on working a grid pattern with my 2 box in the same line as the two trees. I wish I had done it earlier but the brush is kinda thick there and who wants to hunt in thick brush much less swing a 2 box. Wish me all the best Roger

It has been a while since I have been hunting but I got to go this Sunday. I Was swinging my cheap detector cause my dad borrowed the good one when I had a strong beep. I figured it was some trash but turned out to be a old rifle. I was excited to say the least. The wood is gone from the rifle and it is solid rust. I can not say what kind it is but I will be following the direction of the barrel. I have left the rifle where it was and plan to keep people posted.

Extreme dissapointment that is the only way I can say this. My Dad came down Saturday and we devoted Sunday, Monday and Tuesday to finding the Cache. We hunted Sunday morning and after we had our picknic we went back to swinging detectors. I was using my Garrett two box when I finally had a hit. I knew it was a large object and deep because his minelab could not pick it up. The hit was in the creek about 20 ft from the waterfall or water trickle. We had first concentrated our efforts around the Murrell tree that had the Snake and the strange sign in it. I went to the tree by the fall that had the arrow pointing to the Murrell tree thinking the J may have been a turn around sign. It was. After digging 2 ft we could no longer use the plastic cup to bail water out of the hole so we decided to come back Monday with a better bailer. Early Monday we went back and started digging with a vengence. About 3 ft down we found the remains of a modern galvenised trashcan. We removed the can and still had a signal! I kept digging and after 1 to 2 feet I thought I hit a thin layer of iron ore. The layer of iron ore turned out to be a severly decomposed metal box about 12 inches high and a foot square. For a few moments me and pop were not breathing but after we shook the sand out and saw it was empty we could breathe. The words we used can not be used here!!! The only thing I can say about the box is that it was put together with rivets and the lock clasp was missing. Yes we were dissapointed at the end of our journey but the journey was great and full of fun with my dad, daughter, girlfriend who is now my wife. All the best to everyone Roger

I wish I was only trying to prove what the two box could do. I feel like I have lost a dear friend and am morning. BTW dads minelab Quantro is a great machine and better that my Garrett at strait metal detecting because it was able to pick it up before my Garrett could with the regular coil. In a month or two after deer season I will be over my morning and go after some cashes that are near me.

Just browsing the site and came across your post.

As Rebel said in his post (Reply #23 on: November 30, 2006) Go to the THU site if you haven't already and pull up the info on death traps ...almost at the end of that article it tells about snakes and circles (you called them eggs). ::)

I included it here for quick reference:

Be sure to read the part about how the box is used to lure suckers into a death trap. Then go back to the site and look around for things that can go bump in the night. It just might take some digging. :'( If there is a death trap, there has to be a reason to put it there. :o

Looks to me, like you're on to something. ;)

Good luck, and "stay on top"

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