Kgc Brentwood ...and more

Bro., you "talking" about Albert Pike, now...?
Well, AP was General AP, CSA; in charge of REBELS/Native Americans in Arkansas, who were brutal in the Battle of Pea Ridge. He soon left the Confederacy, and went to DC; MAY have had "connections" with Marshall, TX... dunno. Doing R & I.

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Did you know there are TWO well know statues of Pike that have caused a POINT of controversy? That probably did not telegraph anything but it is cool to know .

Did you know there are TWO well know statues of Pike that have caused a POINT of controversy? That probably did not telegraph anything but it is cool to know .
Yes, one is in DC; the ONLY one for a REBEL General. What was the OTHER one...?

Amularian different spelling might be pronounced the same but thank you. If you notice it is on the banks of a river. So is our Karnack and so is the one in Egypt. What makes this one in Illinois interesting is the next town over is the town of Boaz. Not only that but it is just up river front Cairo, Illinois. I would wildly say there is a treasure or two around these parts. Maybe not KGC but treasure just the same.

We talked about place names this one is really classic. Wish I lived closer so I could explore but have a big kettle of fish right here in my own backyard. With three place names like that so close together there is old history there. Any TH'er that's close keep a clear eye.

Senior Deacon

Well, AP was General AP, CSA; in charge of REBELS/Native Americans in Arkansas, who were brutal in the Battle of Pea Ridge. He soon left the Confederacy, and went to DC; MAY have had "connections" with Marshall, TX... dunno. Doing R & I.

Very well aware of his activities after Pea Ridge. He hung out and was doing writing in his cabin in and along the Little Missouri river in what is now the Albert Pike National Recreation Area. There is a treasure tale or two about the time he was there. It is about the same distance from Little Rock as Marshall/Shreveport area. The Marshall/Shreveport area was a hot bed of KGC as well as Masonic activity. He could kill two birds with one stone. I in my own opinion am sure that he visited the area but maybe with out any fanfare. Can we add secret agent man to his list of accomplishments.

Senior Deacon

P.$. BTW isn't it funny that he went to Pike County in the Washita mountains and was near Murfreesboro, Arkansas home of Craters of Diamonds state park. The only diamond mine in North America.

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I don't know how many of you are informed you are about how to moving vast amounts of money that wouldn't be traceable. The best way is by small parcels of very valuable diamonds from one country to another. Look at the Jews during WWII. The South Africans back in 1890"s. Even today's terrorist group is trading in Blood diamonds to gain money to carry out there operation. Diamonds in the area were reported after Pikes death but I contend that Pike knew and mined Diamonds for this area for both the SRF and KGC. . What better to sell than Diamonds and then use the funds to aid the cause.

Judah Benjamin would know about the trade as most of the Diamond merchants were Jewish at the time and still are.

Look carefully at my postscript to the last post and do some thinking

Senior Deacon

i will try to visit that diamond mine this summer. I am interested to know if there was a previous spanish involvement. If there was...there will be marks around. I'll let you guys know what i find... and it will be a good excuse to let the kids play in the dirt!

i will try to visit that diamond mine this summer. I am interested to know if there was a previous spanish involvement. If there was...there will be marks around. I'll let you guys know what i find... and it will be a good excuse to let the kids play in the dirt!
HA! And YOU, too!

You know it Reb! we talk a lot about the gold and silver trade, but little is ever said about the jewels. They would have known about them, but did they ever cache them? If they did, it would need to be done a little differently... it's worth a look.

You know it Reb! we talk a lot about the gold and silver trade, but little is ever said about the jewels. They would have known about them, but did they ever cache them? If they did, it would need to be done a little differently... it's worth a look.
I read somewhere, that the Jewelry was sold for MORE Gold/Silver... OR! Gold/Silver was "melted down", & Gems were "re-set". NOT likely to be "stashed".

Being small and light would make it easy to carry and transport as well... But I would like to know more about it.

Tinhorn was in the jewelry business for almost 50 years. A lot of the diamond dealers that traveled kept their diamonds on there person. I at one time traded gold for diamonds. We bought scrap gold broken chains, rings, jewelry and them would trade them for packets of diamonds of the size we needed. The diamonds were taken out of the jewelry that was scraped out. If we traded for packets of these diamonds we could save 25% and of course we paid below spot for the gold that we bought. So we could make up to a extra 50% if we traded our gold for diamonds. That and we could sell cheaper than our competition. Packets of diamonds measure about 3 inches by 1 and a half inches. One day I can remember of walking around with $50,000 worth of diamonds in my pocket. The weight of the diamonds was less than 1/2 oz.

BTW diamonds are very easy to conceal as they are very hard to pick up on. The are almost invisible to x-Ray. Very easy to sew into clothing. Where gold/silver are heavy and bulky and stick out like a sore thumb on a x-Ray machine. That and think how many ounces of gold it would take to equal $100,000 of diamonds? Now think that gold in 1863 was $20 a ounce. That 5,000 oz. Of gold. There are 12 oz to the Troy pound. That is 417 lbs of gold. Try hiding that in your sock. Then think about transporting it to a secure location.



Tinhorn was in the jewelry business for almost 50 years. A lot of the diamond dealers that traveled kept their diamonds on there person. I at one time traded gold for diamonds. We bought scrap gold broken chains, rings, jewelry and them would trade them for packets of diamonds of the size we needed. The diamonds were taken out of the jewelry that was scraped out. If we traded for packets of these diamonds we could save 25% and of course we paid below spot for the gold that we bought. So we could make up to a extra 50% if we traded our gold for diamonds. That and we could sell cheaper than our competition. Packets of diamonds measure about 3 inches by 1 and a half inches. One day I can remember of walking around with $50,000 worth of diamonds in my pocket. The weight of the diamonds was less than 1/2 oz.

BTW diamonds are very easy to conceal as they are very hard to pick up on. The are almost invisible to x-Ray. Very easy to sew into clothing. Where gold/silver are heavy and bulky and stick out like a sore thumb on a x-Ray machine. That and think how many ounces of gold it would take to equal $100,000 of diamonds? Now think that gold in 1863 was $20 a ounce. That 5,000 oz. Of gold. There are 12 oz to the Troy pound. That is 417 lbs of gold. Try hiding that in your sock. Then think about transporting it to a secure location.



The brothers barely had enough money to buy the claims, "but somehow they managed to do it". It seems (he?) or perhaps he and a secret organization he was a part of conceived the idea of controlling the amount of diamonds entering the market. Keeping sales as close to demand as possible, or even less than demand. He postulated that it was possible to maintain diamond prices by stockpiling during the years when the world markets were down. As the markets moved upwards and demand increased, the stockpiles could be sold at higher prices. Of course it was necessary to gain control first. Those diamonds don't dig themselves folks and I am pretty sure they were not paying their miners.The French Rothschild Bank was involved with Rhodes, as were a number of other wealthy men. All were experienced. All wanted control of the diamond mining interests of either Kimberley or De Beers. A French mining company, Compagnie Française des Mines de Diamants du Cap de Bonne Espérance, held a large block of claims that split Kimberley mine in two. A wealthy Parisian diamond dealer, a Mr. Jules Porges, owned this company. Rhodes managed to secure substantial backing from Rothschild Bank to purchase this French Company. Barney got wind of the sale and telegraphed Porges asking for an opportunity to bid if a sale were imminent. Rhodes bid £1,400,000 to buy the company. Barney topped the offer by bidding £1,750,000.
Before getting a response from Porges, Rhodes telegraphed Barney and asked him to withdraw his offer. In return, Rhodes made Barney a tempting offer, one that he could not refuse...and wa_la a monopoly was born! I Have to say S.D. this does have a families ring to it! Bravo!

History of South Africa, Industrialization and Imperialism, 1870-1910

:thumbsup: L.C.

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P.S. The kicker...

Barnato died in 1897 in mysterious circumstances; records state that he was lost overboard near the island of Madeira, whilst on a passage home to England. Although some have wondered if this were suicide and suggested that the Jameson Raid had had a major impact on him and left him severely depressed, his family vigorously rejected that theory, saying that it was totally out of character for a man who had been a pioneer in the rough-and-ready days of emerging Southern Africa. His body was recovered from the sea and he was buried at Willesden Jewish Cemetery in London.

and this part was also very familiar S.D. ..... The company was founded in 1888 by British businessman Cecil Rhodes, who was financed by the South African diamond magnate Alfred Beit and the London-based N M Rothschild & Sons bank. In 1926, Ernest Oppenheimer, a German immigrant to Britain who had earlier founded mining giant Anglo American plc with American financier J.P. Morgan, was elected to the board of De Beers.

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I think it will be on my list of things to look into further for sure, but not until the snow flies again S.D.!

Info is spot on. But may be the Americans had a leg up on Mr. Rhoads. Rhoads didn't get started until after the War of Northern Aggression. Remember that diamonds were first mine in India and brought back on the Old Silk Road. There are deposits of Gems in and around all or most of the southern states. The first gold rush in the United States wasn't California it was in Georgia. The Appalachian mountains are older than the Rockies and hold many more secrets.

Senior Deacon

P.S. more heavy rains and had to replant part of the garden. Enough rain already 6 month of rain in 6 weeks. This is my third time in replanting cucumbers because of rain. The reason for my absence

First GOLD RUSH was in Virginia... Thomas Jefferson found the very FIRST piece of fist-sized GOLD in White Quartz... sorry to hear about Garden "flood-out"; a BUMMER!

Nothing but mudd here too S.D. I changed directions of my rows this year to help get some run off and now I have a pond at the South end. :laughing7: Hope you are staying high and dry down there, I think about you when I watch the news. Do you have a boat?


Boat is tie to the back porch. 4 people died in flood waters west of us. Grandmother and three of her grandkids. Tragic!!! This rain has got to end we are like drowned rat. Even put up a tarp for the outside cats so they could sleep dry. Phones and internet connection work only part of the time because of water in the lines.

I didn't realize that Jefferson found gold in Virginia. Not surprising like I said the Appalachian mountains have secrets. The run from Georgia to Maine. There was a gold rush before the one in Georgia this one was in 1800 in North Carolina, Georgia came next, followed by the big one in California. The last one was in the Yukon there has been gold seekers in the United States since the first gold was found. The mountain men of the 1820's had small mining operations when they weren't trapping. I. My home state of Iowa there was a rush in the 1880's around the town of Grettinger. Back when I was a young pup we panned some color out of several creeks around there. There is gold in many of our states it's finding gold in quantities big enough to make it profitable. If I would be a betting man I would think that any big KGC cache would have. Five dollar gold coins in it from the old Dahlonega mint. The confederates took over the mint in 1861 nobody is quite sure how long they ran it. But rest assured it was at least a year if not two and a half. Until all the gold miners all went to war.

Senior Deacon

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